Hi Guys,
This is always a very informative board. I just thought I'd post some abnormalities from a recent blood test and what I was using prior to the test.
Triglycerides 102 (range under 150)
Total Cholesterol 167 (range under 200)
HDL 11 (range >50) This one scared me for a minute, but I think I know why its so low
LDL 136 (range under 130)
IGF-1 116 (range 114-400s)
Liver enzymes are normal
bun and creatinine are also normal
The only addition to my program was Winstrol at 50 mgs/day for 10-12 weeks. Aside from that, I was using Arimidex for over a year. I think these 2 things contribute greatly to the extremely low HDL and raised LDL. Since I have been off my program for about 7 weeks, I feel that the low test level and low IGF-1 contributes to this as well. I will be receiving my Test/Est levels next week and will post as well.
I'll now start Phil's plan of fish oils at 15 fish oil caps/day, and Niacin each day.
Great board!