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Blood thinners on AAS


Sep 7, 2010
Ok so I had a mechanical valve put in my heart about a month ago. Going to be awhile till I get seriously to the gym. Still have to get the INP via Warfrain correct. On 6mg right now.

Doctors say rest of the body and blood work looks good. 47 year old gym rat here.

Question is how safe would AAS be while on blood thinners and high blood pressure medication.

Plan on 500mg of test a week till fall time then maybe hit a heavier cycle.

50mg dbol (daily ed 1st 2 weeks)
750mg test C
250mg deca
250mg mast e

Unsure of the warfarin question and no judgement on what you plan to do when recovered.

But if you're not able to hit the gym seriously would it not be more sensible to run a small trt dose right now rather than 500mg.
High BP + Blood thinners = Increased risk of ruptured aneurysm.

1) Get the BP and INR normalized off steroids.

2) Slowly ramp up the steroids and see how they affect the BP and INR. Do TRT for a couple months and monitor your BP and INR. If normal then go to Test C 500 mg for a couple months. If normal than add some Deca for a couple months and recheck values. And so on.
Plan is to hit the gym but nothing too crazy until maybe this fall. This will be about 7 months recovery.

You guys think I'd be better with just 250mg of test at first? TRT...I know 500mg is a small cycle not TRT...

Are there any decent machines i can buy to keep any eye on my INP?
Plan is to hit the gym but nothing too crazy until maybe this fall. This will be about 7 months recovery.

You guys think I'd be better with just 250mg of test at first? TRT...I know 500mg is a small cycle not TRT...

Are there any decent machines i can buy to keep any eye on my INP?

Yes, you can buy one on ebay.
Probably should ask how harmful it can be not about the safety as i can't see anything safe about it. Starting with Dbol and 1250mg/week is far from a low or moderate cycle to me. But opinion differ. Are you going to include any supplements? I take many that can thin the blood.
Ok so I had a mechanical valve put in my heart about a month ago. Going to be awhile till I get seriously to the gym. Still have to get the INP via Warfrain correct. On 6mg right now.

Doctors say rest of the body and blood work looks good. 47 year old gym rat here.

Question is how safe would AAS be while on blood thinners and high blood pressure medication.

Plan on 500mg of test a week till fall time then maybe hit a heavier cycle.

50mg dbol (daily ed 1st 2 weeks)
750mg test C
250mg deca
250mg mast e

How safe is it? Honestly, not safe at all. That’s just the reality and likely not what you want to hear.

Can you do it? Sure. This is where it becomes an individual choice and you have to determine your risk tolerance.

Things I would consider:

- what is your current BP on meds and what meds are you on?
- why is your BP high?
- why did you have to have a valve replacement? Genetic or long term unchecked BP?
- what does your other heart studies and health look like? EF rate, CT calcium score, CPET, nuclear stress test etc.

I can keep going, but you get the idea. Unless you’re fully cleared with a healthy heart while on TRT or no gear than it’s not safe. But that’s a risk or decision only you can make IMO.
How safe is it? Honestly, not safe at all. That’s just the reality and likely not what you want to hear.

Can you do it? Sure. This is where it becomes an individual choice and you have to determine your risk tolerance.

Things I would consider:

- what is your current BP on meds and what meds are you on?
- why is your BP high?
- why did you have to have a valve replacement? Genetic or long term unchecked BP?
- what does your other heart studies and health look like? EF rate, CT calcium score, CPET, nuclear stress test etc.

I can keep going, but you get the idea. Unless you’re fully cleared with a healthy heart while on TRT or no gear than it’s not safe. But that’s a risk or decision only you can make IMO.
Bacteria infection rotted out the valve...

As far as the doctors can tell everything else is good. BP always been up and down no reason
Bacteria infection rotted out the valve...

As far as the doctors can tell everything else is good. BP always been up and down no reason
What’s your EF rate? BP always goes up for a reason, even if the nervous system related.

Have you had a CT calcium score test done?
High BP + Blood thinners = Increased risk of ruptured aneurysm.

1) Get the BP and INR normalized off steroids.

2) Slowly ramp up the steroids and see how they affect the BP and INR. Do TRT for a couple months and monitor your BP and INR. If normal then go to Test C 500 mg for a couple months. If normal than add some Deca for a couple months and recheck values. And so on.
This too would be my suggestion.
What’s your EF rate? BP always goes up for a reason, even if the nervous system related.

Have you had a CT calcium score test done?
Not yet on any of those test. The dr will be regulating and monitor the INP and more test over the next few weeks.

I've heard several AAS are worse than some when it comes to blood work. I know tren did a number on me several years ago.
i think its fucked up if im a voice of reason but....
really? you wana keep up with aas like that after open heart surgery?
ive had some issues myself and really think im best with only trt from here on out.
just being heavier then need be is added risk.
i have no intention of stopping all drug use but aas much more then trt and being unnecessarily large seems just not smart.
im pushing cardio and trying to be ok mentally with being small.
just my thoughts as its been in my face recently.
good luck
i think its fucked up if im a voice of reason but....
really? you wana keep up with aas like that after open heart surgery?
ive had some issues myself and really think im best with only trt from here on out.
just being heavier then need be is added risk.
i have no intention of stopping all drug use but aas much more then trt and being unnecessarily large seems just not smart.
im pushing cardio and trying to be ok mentally with being small.
just my thoughts as its been in my face recently.
good luck
He had a valve replaced which was likely done through a cath as most are. Def far from open heart.

@dorian123 you have your answer as it sounds like you are just at the beginning of things. Do all the test, fully assess the situation and then take time to make a decision you are comfortable with.

Once damage is done to the heart generally things will never be the same or “as good” for most.

My opinion- go on TRT, do your testing and give this some thought. You don’t earn a living in this sport or compete so there’s more to life than risking it.
He had a valve replaced which was likely done through a cath as most are. Def far from open heart.

@dorian123 you have your answer as it sounds like you are just at the beginning of things. Do all the test, fully assess the situation and then take time to make a decision you are comfortable with.

Once damage is done to the heart generally things will never be the same or “as good” for most.

My opinion- go on TRT, do your testing and give this some thought. You don’t earn a living in this sport or compete so there’s more to life than risking it.

no idea how they do it bro.
good info though.
ive recently had to take a long hard look at my decision is the only reason i chime in.
no body thinks my issues had anything to do with aas but in being honest with myself, why add one more unnecessary thing.
no idea how they do it bro.
good info though.
ive recently had to take a long hard look at my decision is the only reason i chime in.
no body thinks my issues had anything to do with aas but in being honest with myself, why add one more unnecessary thing.
They’re always a part of it or a catalyst. I don’t think anybody on here claims this is a healthy sport. LOL

But the majority of valve replacements are done through a cath now days. You get it done and go home the same day. My mother has had one since she was 32 and is still churning along in her 70’s.
They’re always a part of it or a catalyst. I don’t think anybody on here claims this is a healthy sport. LOL

But the majority of valve replacements are done through a cath now days. You get it done and go home the same day. My mother has had one since she was 32 and is still churning along in her 70’s.

really its good to know. maybe i will consider upping the doses! lol

ive done so many fucked up things really its crazy im still alive.
most docs dont like hearing the words cocaine and tobacco so they chalked my issues up to that and genetics. the amount of drugs ive done is absurd. only the male nurses were grilling me on aas. lol

aside from all that ill share this as im now a little suspicious. nac. its a suplement ive used a LOT of over the past 25 years. the only real issue you will hear in studies is potential to damage the mitral valve. i think mostly shown in younger men so i always wrote it off as didnt apply or bs. knowing mine is damaged now im not so sure. eating 1-2kg a year was normal for me as were 10+g ed doses. i always recommended it too. lower dose i guess are fine but if you push it... maybe think.

i figured i dont have ten more years left but hearing about your mom gives me hope! lol
good stuff bud
thank you

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