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Building a Home Gym and I Need Some Help…


New member
Sep 1, 2006
While I don’t post much I have been a lurker here since just about the beginning of the site.

I need a few suggestions for putting a home gym together. I am looking to purchase a power rack/bench/weights/etc.

I don’t want to spend an arm and a leg but want quality equipment. I have been looking over websites like eBay and Craig list religiously for the last two months for used gym equipment but really haven’t found much.

I’ve started to look at new equipment and wanted some feedback from bros who know. I’ve looked at racks from body-solid, power-line and Para-body. Anyone have any feedback on these? Can anyone recommend another company? I would like to spend $400 or less on a rack if possible.

I’ve also been looking at adjustable dumbbells in the 90-120 range. I really don’t like the power-blocks or whatever they are called…they just feel awkward and are a bit costly.

Has anyone ever used Olympic sized dumbbells with any success?

Any help or advice is greatly appreciated…
Dahouse said:
While I don’t post much I have been a lurker here since just about the beginning of the site.

I need a few suggestions for putting a home gym together. I am looking to purchase a power rack/bench/weights/etc.

I don’t want to spend an arm and a leg but want quality equipment. I have been looking over websites like eBay and Craig list religiously for the last two months for used gym equipment but really haven’t found much.

I’ve started to look at new equipment and wanted some feedback from bros who know. I’ve looked at racks from body-solid, power-line and Para-body. Anyone have any feedback on these? Can anyone recommend another company? I would like to spend $400 or less on a rack if possible.

I’ve also been looking at adjustable dumbbells in the 90-120 range. I really don’t like the power-blocks or whatever they are called…they just feel awkward and are a bit costly.

Has anyone ever used Olympic sized dumbbells with any success?

Any help or advice is greatly appreciated…
Hey bro, call a gym equipment company called "PHIL HERNON". he is a member here and usually has gym equip. for sale. If not he will point you in the right direction. His gym gear is rock solid and of commercial quality. Built for punishment, you not the equipment!!
Thanks bro...I've followed phils advice for years. I will send him a PM right now

Anyone else wiht any ideas?
I was thinking the same thing. He recently made a post with some items he was looking to sell, just do a quick search on Gym Equipment and it should come up.
oldfella said:
Hey bro, call a gym equipment company called "PHIL HERNON". he is a member here and usually has gym equip. for sale. If not he will point you in the right direction. His gym gear is rock solid and of commercial quality. Built for punishment, you not the equipment!!
Bump! I was thinking that exact same thing. If I were in any kind of $ position to purchase equipment, I would have jump at the chance!
Check out New York Barbell Co.

New York Barbell. 90% of my stuff I got from them and I have everything anyone would need.
Thanks bros for the help...those D-Bells from Ironmaster look sweet!
For cheap price on power racks, smith machines, check at
Sams Club ( walmart )
You can order it and about 10days later a 18 wheeler will drop it off
at your front door.
Dahouse said:
Thanks bros for the help...those D-Bells from Ironmaster look sweet!
They are awesome. Best investment in my home gym.
Alway look for used first. I've had excellent luck at playitagain sports. The older stuff is REALLY made to last. IMO there has been a huge decline in the quality of equipment in the last few years. Some of the stuff seems to be made not to be used, and a lot of time it isn't. I saw an old rack at play it again last time I was there that I'd say would hold a 500 pound free falling weight and survive. Try that with a new, low cost model. They actually had a new rack that had a 400 pound limit, and trust me, there is now way that meant free falling LOL....

That said I have heard good things about newyorkbarbells racks, but can't personally vouch for them...

$400 should get you a solid rack, but don't try to skip too much, there is some real light weight shit out there...
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