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can't seem to get a pump


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Kilo Klub Member
Mar 23, 2010
I dont know what the deal is, but for the past 5 or 6 months, I cannot seem to get a good pump. I don't think ive changed anything significant in my training or lifestyle. Any thoughts?
maybe you should change your training
I have noticed getting a good pump/blood into the muscle on my warmup set by using a lighter weight with high reps to failure or close to usually helps. Might want to try slowing your rep tempo down also....
Start supersetting stuff or even doing the train as I call it. Do a set of 12, a set of 10, 8, and then 6 and that is one set. Then do the same for the opposite set of muscles. Exp. bi's and tri's. Chest and back. Shoulders and traps. Mix it up.

What is your diet like?
Could be training style or diet. Not enough carbs will cause lack of pump.
Not enough carbs, pre workout. Or maybe overtrained. When I get over-trained, I can't get a pump to save my life.
I dont know what the deal is, but for the past 5 or 6 months, I cannot seem to get a good pump. I don't think ive changed anything significant in my training or lifestyle. Any thoughts?

From what I've learned so far, if you can't get a solid pump in the gym then either your diet is off and/or you are overtrained.

I would hire a trainer and explain everything and get it fixed. 5-6 months is a long time.
drink a shit ton of water, take some LBA's and i guarantee you will get some mind blowing pumps in the gym.

even on zero carbs i can get crazy ass pumps.
drink a shit ton of water, take some LBA's and i guarantee you will get some mind blowing pumps in the gym.

even on zero carbs i can get crazy ass pumps.

I'm gonna have to try this... I am having the same problem on CKD... The day after refeed is great but goes downhill the rest of the week!
if you can't get a pump and you're not ketogenic...you probably aren't getting enough protein or total calories.

as stated above, bboy gets pumped even when on zero carbs...which lets you know that getting 'pumped' may not be a carbohydrate issue. could be many things, but most likely it's rooted in the diet.
maybe you should change your training

I have tried different training styles to see what might help. 3 weeks before my last show was when I started noticing the problem, but I think it's normal when your calorie restricted. For some reason it just never got better.

Start supersetting stuff or even doing the train as I call it. Do a set of 12, a set of 10, 8, and then 6 and that is one set. Then do the same for the opposite set of muscles. Exp. bi's and tri's. Chest and back. Shoulders and traps. Mix it up.

Interesting, has this worked well for you? How many sets?

What is your diet like?

Set macros. LBA's between meals. Eat when hungry. Do you think this is the problem? I'm eating more now than when I was force feeding every 2.5 hours. It's probably 3500-4000 on average.

drink a shit ton of water, take some LBA's and i guarantee you will get some mind blowing pumps in the gym.

even on zero carbs i can get crazy ass pumps.

Brad I keep reading about this effect why have I not experienced!? At one point I was taking 24+ TBSPs a day...

how much sodium you eat?

I'm not quite sure, but I'd guess 4 or 5 times the rda :D. What should I aim for?

Part of me is wondering if this is a mental thing. I haven't had a good workout partner for quite a while, and for whatever reason I just have better sessions when I'm working with someone. I know this is not an excuse for shitty training. Thanks for the help!!!
Better choices than this imo

Absolutely. It was just an idea. Some people handle slin pre workout perfectly. I do it and just sip apple juice. The power and pump felt - pretty crazy. I honestly believe the low carbs are the issue, along with water.

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