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Carb/creatine timing w peptides and gh


Sep 8, 2010
In the morning, my routine is:
-- pre-workout supplement (e.g. Jack3d)
-- some supplements (coq10 w fish oil, carnitine, extra beta-alanine, resveratrol, lipoic acid)
-- BCAAs during workout (1 hour duration)
-- 30g whey protein immediately after wo
-- ghrp6 (150 mcg) + mod grf1-29 (100 mcg) at same time
-- wait 15 minutes (shower) ... then 1-2 iu's of gh
-- 200mg r-lipoic acid, 5g creatine + 50g carbs (using ON Creatine Pre-load)
-- eat breakfast 15mins later

(I also repeat ghrp6+grf at bedtime.)

Does the timing of the carbs and creatine make sense? Should I dispense with the carbs and just roll that into breakfast?

I think 15-30 minutes post injection should be fine for the carbs.
You might want to consider combining the carbs and the creatine with the whey post w/o. That's the period when the insulin sensitivity of your muscles is at its peak and the blood sugar spike from the carbs with subsequent insulin spike can shuttle the amino's from the whey and the creaine into the muscle where you want them to go.

Also, consider adding leucine (6 or so grams) with that combination for an additional synergistic boost.

As far as timing for the gh secratogues, you want those to be on an empty stomache to avoid any blunting of the effects.
You might want to consider combining the carbs and the creatine with the whey post w/o. That's the period when the insulin sensitivity of your muscles is at its peak and the blood sugar spike from the carbs with subsequent insulin spike can shuttle the amino's from the whey and the creaine into the muscle where you want them to go.

Also, consider adding leucine (6 or so grams) with that combination for an additional synergistic boost.

As far as timing for the gh secratogues, you want those to be on an empty stomache to avoid any blunting of the effects.

From all the research I have been doing lately:
I would stay with the ghrp6 (150 mcg) + mod grf1-29 (100 mcg) Immediately Post workout alone as this is the proven and recomended protocal when combining PEP's and GH.
After you shoot the HGH after the shower the consescus from most "experts" on the boards seems to be to wait 10-15 min then take your carbs and creatine with more whey.....Insulin sensitivity will still still be high at this point as the PEP's and HGH will also add to this post workout effect.
Yeah I would not mix the them with the immediate PWO shake unless you are NOT doing peps. With Peps its advisable to wait the 15-30 minutes.
I would stay with the ghrp6 (150 mcg) + mod grf1-29 (100 mcg) Immediately Post workout alone as this is the proven and recomended protocal when combining PEP's and GH.

Mind if I ask who's "proven and recommended" that admin'ing GH Post WO is best? Just curious as I'd like to see their data.

Mind if I ask who's "proven and recommended" that admin'ing GH Post WO is best? Just curious as I'd like to see their data.


Dat recomends gh and/or peps pwo...that being said...I got my best results with gh using it pre wo...

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Dat recomends gh and/or peps pwo...that being said...I got my best results with gh using it pre wo...

Thanks plang! I'd still like to know why. :) If anyone can point me to where, I'd love to research it.

Glad it's da Dat saying this though. When he says something, it's generally backed by data. Oddly enough, I've seen data showing Pre WO....go figure.
Thanks plang! I'd still like to know why. :) If anyone can point me to where, I'd love to research it.

Glad it's da Dat saying this though. When he says something, it's generally backed by data. Oddly enough, I've seen data showing Pre WO....go figure.

I've generally used my gh pre wo with insulin in the past with great results

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I've generally used my gh pre wo with insulin in the past with great results

Nice. I would in fact imagine so.

BTW - for anyone else using a combo Pre WO, it's still going to take a good 15-30 minutes before GH secretion has emptied. Right about the time you'd find yourself in the gym and or pushing a sweat...
I got my info from the same source (Dat), I don't have the exact post right off hand but it has something to do with carbs slowing down the release of the GH from the peps I BELIEVE, again without looking it up I don't want to state that as fact. But I know that its reccomended.
I got my info from the same source (Dat), I don't have the exact post right off hand but it has something to do with carbs slowing down the release of the GH from the peps.

Ah, this part I understand. There are however ways around this. Of course, I always go overboard, testing things to extremes.

As for Dat mentioning this method, he also suggests a carbless Post WO. In this fashion, GH adjacent to peps becomes nonexistent.
you are correct he does suggest CPWO and I do follow that as well. During priming I actually do 2 full days carbless with cardio 2 times per day with Frag and life e3d.
Yeah I would not mix the them with the immediate PWO shake unless you are NOT doing peps. With Peps its advisable to wait the 15-30 minutes.

You are fine if the PWO shake is just pure WPI (no carbs or fats). I routinely take a pure WPI shake with peptides and then time my carbs around that recommended 15-30 minute window depending upon the peptide.


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