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Chase Irons...A real Cruise Dose for a large humans


Well-known member
May 31, 2011
Thought this was thread worthy as we've had many threads around cruising, trt, what it takes to stay big and lean (all year). Few highlights:

  • Chase is cruising on 1,000mgs test with hgh
  • Mentions how milos guys cruise 1,400
  • "smaller guys" may be able to get by on less ie ~500mgs
  • Should be a dose that lets bloods recover
  • His kidney values were not great (although not "bad") so he is going to work on that a bit during the cruise.

Sound a lot like our OG, Big A post! Appreciate Chase for the straightforward talk and honesty. I also like how he's just matter of fact. Not over dramatizing it one way or the other. It's more like him just documenting it.

Sorry for the grammatically retarded title I was multi tasking :oops:
cruise does not exist in real competitive bodybuilding - unless you call it crusie a short period of 4-6 weeks after the competition 1-2x a year after the competition when you go down for a moment for a test or a test and some anabolic + of course GH and insulin but the doses are also rarely smaller than 2g - guys at the top simply shoot almost all year round with short "stops" between competitions
cruise does not exist in real competitive bodybuilding - unless you call it crusie a short period of 4-6 weeks after the competition 1-2x a year after the competition when you go down for a moment for a test or a test and some anabolic + of course GH and insulin but the doses are also rarely smaller than 2g - guys at the top simply shoot almost all year round with short "stops" between competitions
what does a really heavy pro like Mike is running year round or during contest prep?
if you dont want / cant share no problem, maybe just a ballpark number
what does a really heavy pro like Mike is running year round or during contest prep?
if you dont want / cant share no problem, maybe just a ballpark number
Maik has great genetics and this entire offseason he was running below 2.5g per week and has never taken more than 10g of gh - I know it's hard to believe, but as people who know the subject "from the inside" have written here many times, there are those who run 2-3g and there are those who are 5-6g and more and do not differ in size at all, etc. it's all genetics and many other variables
Maik has great genetics and this entire offseason he was running below 2.5g per week and has never taken more than 10g of gh - I know it's hard to believe, but as people who know the subject "from the inside" have written here many times, there are those who run 2-3g and there are those who are 5-6g and more and do not differ in size at all, etc. it's all genetics and many other variables
yeah i thought that he has great genetics.
just bring up his arms and he will do some real damage :D
Thought this was thread worthy as we've had many threads around cruising, trt, what it takes to stay big and lean (all year). Few highlights:

  • Chase is cruising on 1,000mgs test with hgh
  • Mentions how milos guys cruise 1,400
  • "smaller guys" may be able to get by on less ie ~500mgs
  • Should be a dose that lets bloods recover
  • His kidney values were not great (although not "bad") so he is going to work on that a bit during the cruise.

Sound a lot like our OG, Big A post! Appreciate Chase for the straightforward talk and honesty. I also like how he's just matter of fact. Not over dramatizing it one way or the other. It's more like him just documenting it.

Honesty is appreciated! Can’t stand liars! “Only takes 500mg test, 400mg deca, 50mg dbol, 5ius HGH and was Mr. Olympia”. GTFO’ here!!!!!!
@Flex500 I know you're not in the demographic that says 'human' to describe people but you used it so do you know why young people like to say it so much?
The 1G Test cruise is relatively mundane. But the GH cruise of 18iU isnt.
Maik has great genetics and this entire offseason he was running below 2.5g per week and has never taken more than 10g of gh - I know it's hard to believe, but as people who know the subject "from the inside" have written here many times, there are those who run 2-3g and there are those who are 5-6g and more and do not differ in size at all, etc. it's all genetics and many other variables

And there are those that criticize you because one uses X mg instead of Y mg, and this forum is full of these guys.

I am not talking about you @luki7788 .
but Samson Dauda is off all gear rn

totally natty running clomid and nolva for pct
Yep, he sticks to the oldschool philosophy of time off =2x time on. So every year here's on for 4 months and off for 8. He doesn't need steroids in the offseason, only before the Mr. O. And he's never touched gh, insulin, or tren. Just god given genetics. :ROFLMAO:
@Flex500 I know you're not in the demographic that says 'human' to describe people but you used it so do you know why young people like to say it so much?

haha I'm an old dude (41) but you are right. In the organization I manage it's a lot of 22-35 year old younger healthcare professionals that use it a lot as well so I think they just rubbed off on me!
And I must say...as an older guy who is literally on 20mgs of test and 10mgs of mast a day I just find the dosing interesting. I have no clue why. Not to be mean or critical or judgmental just find it as entertaining at 41 as I did at 21.

I think for me it was because I was naïve and I was lucky to have guys (including JM blakely and mike francois) around me that kept me naïve. Mike literally told me I should never need more than 400mgs test and 400mgs of eq as a cycle. He was not insinuating that is all he took (duh) but I remember telling me I have a very bright future and to just not go over that level of usage and focus on training and nutrition and let the cards fall where they may. So now I just find the "real" dosing interesting.

When it came to bodybuilding I had two critical issues that held me back...

1. in my 20's I did not diet seriously. My "casual" dieting now at 41 is stricter than when I competed. I had ZERO food discipline...until I stopped competing...go figure. That is on me. This is the part I regret.

2. There was a drug threshold I would not cross. I had this weird hang up about not using HGH and keeping total drugs very low. The one time I competing nationally (did not place, got ass kicked) I was on 200test / 200 mast / 150 tren. But that strategy also won me a lot of regional shows and I had a blast. I do not regret my strategy here.
And I must say...as an older guy who is literally on 20mgs of test and 10mgs of mast a day I just find the dosing interesting. I have no clue why. Not to be mean or critical or judgmental just find it as entertaining at 41 as I did at 21.

I think for me it was because I was naïve and I was lucky to have guys (including JM blakely and mike francois) around me that kept me naïve. Mike literally told me I should never need more than 400mgs test and 400mgs of eq as a cycle. He was not insinuating that is all he took (duh) but I remember telling me I have a very bright future and to just not go over that level of usage and focus on training and nutrition and let the cards fall where they may. So now I just find the "real" dosing interesting.

When it came to bodybuilding I had two critical issues that held me back...

1. in my 20's I did not diet seriously. My "casual" dieting now at 41 is stricter than when I competed. I had ZERO food discipline...until I stopped competing...go figure. That is on me. This is the part I regret.

2. There was a drug threshold I would not cross. I had this weird hang up about not using HGH and keeping total drugs very low. The one time I competing nationally (did not place, got ass kicked) I was on 200test / 200 mast / 150 tren. But that strategy also won me a lot of regional shows and I had a blast. I do not regret my strategy here.
Very very interesting post, thanks for sharing
And I must say...as an older guy who is literally on 20mgs of test and 10mgs of mast a day I just find the dosing interesting. I have no clue why. Not to be mean or critical or judgmental just find it as entertaining at 41 as I did at 21.

I think for me it was because I was naïve and I was lucky to have guys (including JM blakely and mike francois) around me that kept me naïve. Mike literally told me I should never need more than 400mgs test and 400mgs of eq as a cycle. He was not insinuating that is all he took (duh) but I remember telling me I have a very bright future and to just not go over that level of usage and focus on training and nutrition and let the cards fall where they may. So now I just find the "real" dosing interesting.

When it came to bodybuilding I had two critical issues that held me back...

1. in my 20's I did not diet seriously. My "casual" dieting now at 41 is stricter than when I competed. I had ZERO food discipline...until I stopped competing...go figure. That is on me. This is the part I regret.

2. There was a drug threshold I would not cross. I had this weird hang up about not using HGH and keeping total drugs very low. The one time I competing nationally (did not place, got ass kicked) I was on 200test / 200 mast / 150 tren. But that strategy also won me a lot of regional shows and I had a blast. I do not regret my strategy here.
Were you able to obtain most of the mass you have now with that moderate dose?
Were you able to obtain most of the mass you have now with that moderate dose?

Oh yes...most all my mass was gained on <500mgs of drug burden. I stayed on all the time though. Literally never came off. I'd go months on say 300mgs test and 200mgs npp, then 400 test only, etc. etc.

But I wasn't big, big like a lot of guys here. Competed at 198, offseason was a solid and fairly lean 230 (I'm 5'8"). Of course I made it up to 265 at one point but I was easily 15%-18% bf and full of water.

I just want to be clear I am not under any thought that I could have gotten to 250, 260+ at my height at a low bodyfat with the amount of drugs I took. It's just a different game at that point. I really noticed it when I was at my best look around 230 and pretty lean that no matter how perfect I was I could not get bigger, lean and I think that was just as far as it was going to go being on things like 350 test and 100 tren (I did that for like 24 months) no matter how perfect the rest was.

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