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Jun 6, 2002
anyone paying less than $400 for gh that isnt equigen?
check the new online pharmacy....
I cannot personally find equgen anymore and I would like to!!

I have found a certain gentalmen that lives in another time that was selling 300iu for 670
Bro, you need to ask the right people...
is still around at an excellent price...
Guess what I just found? Hypothetically speacking of course,:D :D
I have never done growth but it is going to be in my next one, So i am looking for an inexpensive product I would be open to other ideas if anyone has them. The only problem I have with the equigen is that it only comes in 70mg bottles that last only three weeks(i think) when activated and since I don't want anyone locally that I am using this product I cannot share it and I don't want to pay for it to go bad again any other suggestions would be cool. As I don't think my first growth cycle I need to use 210 ius in three weeks. Thats just my opionion as I don't know much about it, just what i read on this board and others. I was thinking about using 6 iu's a day 5 on 2 off. Which would make that 90ius for three weeks. Comments?? suggestion?? blowjobs from your girlfreind???? lol j/k
stackdizzy said:
I have never done growth but it is going to be in my next one, So i am looking for an inexpensive product I would be open to other ideas if anyone has them. The only problem I have with the equigen is that it only comes in 70mg bottles that last only three weeks(i think) when activated and since I don't want anyone locally that I am using this product I cannot share it and I don't want to pay for it to go bad again any other suggestions would be cool. As I don't think my first growth cycle I need to use 210 ius in three weeks. Thats just my opionion as I don't know much about it, just what i read on this board and others. I was thinking about using 6 iu's a day 5 on 2 off. Which would make that 90ius for three weeks. Comments?? suggestion?? blowjobs from your girlfreind???? lol j/k

Stack I am not familiar with constituting GH with water so this may be a moot suggestion but here goes.

Any way to transfer say 10% of the Equigen to a steril bottle and just constitute that with water?

As I say I don't know how it is packaged so it may not work.

As far as sharing probably better you don't know anyone. I believe if by SOME chance you get caught you could be charged with distribution of a prescibed medication even if you gave it to your friend.
yea most of my "so called friends" locally are gone on oxy's and they are at least in some sort of trouble with the law once a month. One guy I know house had been raided three times last year and he always manages to get out of trouble "so how" so just to be on safe side i stay far away and they really think I am a shady prick but a well my shit don't get repoed and i stay out of jail
td24 said:
Have you guys tried equigen....do you like it?

Do a search-this is the board with the most info on Equigen, by far. I even saw people on Meso sending folks over here to find out about it, rightfully so! :D
I even saw people on Meso sending folks over here to find out about it, rightfully so!

that got to be me..... :D

Eurofake gh is the cheapest you will find, but it is way too expensive for an inert powder if you ask me.
serostrim holograms are the only way to go. you know the product is good because it can handle room temp for long peroids. that is what i buy
From a post by Big Kiwi Equgen is the only GH he has used and said it DOES work for him with slin and AS.
this wasnt suppose to be an equigen post....fuck....if u dont know about equigen by now crawl out from ur rock and do a dam search....

is anyone here getting any other brands of gh for under $400?

Powered Kool-Aid works well with ASS and Insulin. What kind of statement is that? If GH is real , it will work by itself and raise your blood sugar to very high levels. If your blood sugar levels are not high after GH use, take the GH and toss it into the trash along with the cash you spent on it.
Re: Eurofake

Eurofake gh is the cheapest you will find, but it is way too expensive for an inert powder if you ask me.

How the hell can you argue w/ the 2 lab tests that have randomly been done on the kits then?? Sounds like you got a hidden agenda.

Re: Re: Eurofake

I agree Ry, How in the hell can you argue with lab tests and numerous people loving the stuff!!

Ry Roid said:

How the hell can you argue w/ the 2 lab tests that have randomly been done on the kits then?? Sounds like you got a hidden agenda.

Where are they

Where are these "Lab tests"? You are telling us that this company that cant spell correctly opened up business to cater to you bodybuilders? A major company opened up business and came to you to help sell their product? Under the table to boot I might add.You mean the same bodybuilders who have all the money? They want to cater to these guys? I think you have a hidden agenda. Keep it real boys, thats all we want at this site. Put up or shut up. Show us the results of this "Drug test"
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