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clen me and the ER


New member
Jun 2, 2003
Well a friend of mine is a big fan of making his supplements from powders. He gave me some arimidex liquid(so I thought). I later found out it was a clen concentrate at 5000 mcg/ml( Yes not 500, 5000!). Well I took a ml before bed last night and in about 2 minutes new something was wrong. I called him and asked him what the hell he gave me, he figured out his mistake and told me about it. I took my ass straight to the ER as fast as I could there. The staff obviously didn't know what the hell clenbuterol was. I had looked up the lethal dose online and told them I had exceeded it and they really didn't seem to care. I tried comparing it to albuterol and explaining the extreme amount of drug that is, to no avail. They didn't do anything for me except hook me up to a heart monitor and check my blood pressure every 30 minutes or so. They finally ended up giving me an ativan because they thought my sides were stressed induced. My heart rate never got over 120, BP was 160/60, but let me tell you I was shaking so bad I could not stand on my own and could barely speak. And to top that off my heart felt it was beating so hard it was going to jump out of my chest. NOT FUN! In fact it has been 24 hours and I am still shaking pretty good.
THe reason I posted this was to ask if I should go have anything checked on. I feel fine and the doc said I would be fine, although he admitted that he didn't know what clenbuterol was. I am just worried about damage to my heart. He said there wouldn't be any, but I really can't trust him if he doesn't even know what clen is. So what do you guys think.

P.S. Never will I except homebrew again (it not like this guy was an idiot, he is working on his Chem Phd) but fuck that, that mistake could have been fatal.
say a prayer you are ok

U do what u want bro.....but I would personally beat the fuck out of him....that mistake could of cost you on his non sense....
sneeki_x said:
Well a friend of mine is a big fan of making his supplements from powders. He gave me some arimidex liquid(so I thought). I later found out it was a clen concentrate at 5000 mcg/ml( Yes not 500, 5000!). Well I took a ml before bed last night and in about 2 minutes new something was wrong. I called him and asked him what the hell he gave me, he figured out his mistake and told me about it. I took my ass straight to the ER as fast as I could there. The staff obviously didn't know what the hell clenbuterol was. I had looked up the lethal dose online and told them I had exceeded it and they really didn't seem to care. I tried comparing it to albuterol and explaining the extreme amount of drug that is, to no avail. They didn't do anything for me except hook me up to a heart monitor and check my blood pressure every 30 minutes or so. They finally ended up giving me an ativan because they thought my sides were stressed induced. My heart rate never got over 120, BP was 160/60, but let me tell you I was shaking so bad I could not stand on my own and could barely speak. And to top that off my heart felt it was beating so hard it was going to jump out of my chest. NOT FUN! In fact it has been 24 hours and I am still shaking pretty good.
THe reason I posted this was to ask if I should go have anything checked on. I feel fine and the doc said I would be fine, although he admitted that he didn't know what clenbuterol was. I am just worried about damage to my heart. He said there wouldn't be any, but I really can't trust him if he doesn't even know what clen is. So what do you guys think.

P.S. Never will I except homebrew again (it not like this guy was an idiot, he is working on his Chem Phd) but fuck that, that mistake could have been fatal.

That's messed up bro. Glad you are okay.

jesus bro....How bad were you sweating? Thank god you're ok

Not flaming you but thats your own fault. Making your own gear is one thing and I understand you thought it was something else. I cant imagine why anyone would want to make thier own clen even buying it from these online reasearch places is risking it now that I think about it. Glad to hear your ok though.
Tman2002 said:
Not flaming you but thats your own fault. Making your own gear is one thing and I understand you thought it was something else. I cant imagine why anyone would want to make thier own clen even buying it from these online reasearch places is risking it now that I think about it. Glad to hear your ok though.

Not just that, but why in the world would you make it 5000mcg/mL or even 500mcg/mL? :confused:
jawbreakerkid: No not really, my weight has stayed the same which is kind of a disappointing. I thought I'd at least get that out of it!LOL

jrflex10er: I didn't really sweat that much. I am very vascular and it made my veins constrict so much I couldn't see them at all which is wierd. It was even hard to find a pulse.(scary)

I did shake like a SOB, in fact I am still shaking pretty bad believe it or not and it has been two days! My heart rate isn't elevated and my bp is back to normal though.

Wolfpack: You have to remember 1g clen is 1,000,000,000mcg which would be a hell of a volume of liquid if you kept it at a normal 20mcg per ml. So he said he would just dilute enough to use at one time so he didn't have 50,000 liters of clen laying around. Now how the dumb son of a bitch made the mistake of giving me that instead of the arimidex I'll never know. But I am going to be sure to send him my ER bill, which he had agreed to pay lest I kill him.
glad to see that you are still here,

did you say that you took it before bed??:confused: :confused:
sneeki_x said:
Wolfpack: You have to remember 1g clen is 1,000,000,000mcg which would be a hell of a volume of liquid if you kept it at a normal 20mcg per ml. So he said he would just dilute enough to use at one time so he didn't have 50,000 liters of clen laying around.

I see. The highest I've seen it is 200mcg/mL like the AG Guys have. I think I would have died from a panic attack from finding out I took 5000mcg of clen, lol. Glad you're ok though.
sneeki_x said:
Well a friend of mine is a big fan of making his supplements from powders. He gave me some arimidex liquid(so I thought). I later found out it was a clen concentrate at 5000 mcg/ml( Yes not 500, 5000!). Well I took a ml before bed last night and in about 2 minutes new something was wrong. I called him and asked him what the hell he gave me, he figured out his mistake and told me about it. I took my ass straight to the ER as fast as I could there. The staff obviously didn't know what the hell clenbuterol was. I had looked up the lethal dose online and told them I had exceeded it and they really didn't seem to care. I tried comparing it to albuterol and explaining the extreme amount of drug that is, to no avail. They didn't do anything for me except hook me up to a heart monitor and check my blood pressure every 30 minutes or so. They finally ended up giving me an ativan because they thought my sides were stressed induced. My heart rate never got over 120, BP was 160/60, but let me tell you I was shaking so bad I could not stand on my own and could barely speak. And to top that off my heart felt it was beating so hard it was going to jump out of my chest. NOT FUN! In fact it has been 24 hours and I am still shaking pretty good.
THe reason I posted this was to ask if I should go have anything checked on. I feel fine and the doc said I would be fine, although he admitted that he didn't know what clenbuterol was. I am just worried about damage to my heart. He said there wouldn't be any, but I really can't trust him if he doesn't even know what clen is. So what do you guys think.

P.S. Never will I except homebrew again (it not like this guy was an idiot, he is working on his Chem Phd) but fuck that, that mistake could have been fatal.

One reason I stick with tabs when it comes to clen, t3 etc..
I thought I was taking my Arimidex before bed not clen. And yes I did damn near have a panic attack after I figured out what happened. I threw up several times just from anxiety. I thought I was a dean man.

I didn't make it my friend did who is a few hours away from his Phd in Chem. I thought I was getting arimidex.:)
You should have done something constructive with it. You could have memorized the dictionary as jacked as you were. I'm glad you're OK. Shit, we thought they went after ephedrine bad.
I am still jacked and it is 2 days later!!! I had to dial my wifes cell number 4 times before I got it right because the buttons on my cell are small and I kept hitting the wrong ones. My heart rate and bp are back to normal though which is good.
damn bro

I'd go get a second opinion from another doc and then go beat the shit outta your boy. I know it was a mistake but you could be dead and all he's gonna have is a fat lip and a black eye. Glad to see your still around bro. Hope your feeling better. take care
Lets refresh...

1 gram= 1000mg
1mg = 1000mcg

Most clen is supplied as 20mcg's in either a pill or liquid form. That's 0.02mcg's.
Most pharm companies wear respirators and work under a laminar flow (reverse flow) hood when mixing drugs that convert to microgram doses.

For those that have worked with powders know how small 1 gram is.
Lets really break it down here now...

1mg = 50 doses of 20mcg/dose.
1000mg =50,000 doses of 20mcg/dose. To check your math reverse your calculations so .02 x 50,000 = 1000mg or 1 gram.

Now lets look at the profit ratio of that 1 gram of clen sold in 50ml multidose amps with each ml = to 20mcg of clenbuterol. Lets just say we mix our 1mg of clen powder in Bacteriostatic water (which is nothing more than .5ml BA to 49.5ml of distilled water) as our carrier. The 1mg of clen powder is negligible in 50ml of liquid and comprises so little space that it's not worth our time to calculate and factor its volume into our final volume.

Stay with me here...so we sell each 50ml vial of 20mcg/ml for $25.00
We can now make 1000 x 50ml vials of liquid clen at 20mcg/ml.
So for that 1 gram of clen that we bought for $2/gram we stand to make $25,000 :eek:
Yeah...we have to factor the cost of the 50ml vials which we can probably pick up for a buck per unsealed vial or $1000 for 1000 vials. A good crimper = $150.00. 1000 rubber stoppers and aluminum caps...another $250 cause were buying them from the manufacturer directly. A gallon of Benzyl Alcohol (again directly from a chem supplier) and lots of distilled water. A fancy label that we "photo shop" ourselves and print out on some adhesive backed paper(throw in the cost of a 10 pack of color print cartriges from Office Depot).
All-in-all our profit margin just keeps looking better and better.

But I digress because everything described above although legal is still a grey area as far as our gov't is concerned. After all, were selling the above product for non-human research purposes only!
With that I'm going to shutup and go to sleep seeing I've been up for close to 28 hours straight and can't possibly have gotten the above #'s right.;)
I am not expert by any means but couldn't that possibly fuck up his Thyroid?
I'd be more concerned about the heart and the abnormal rythm that that amount of clen would cause.

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