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Coconut oil as fat substitute??


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jul 30, 2006
I was wondering if useing cocnut oil as a fat source would work as well as using say olive oil or macadamia nut oil or peanut butter??

I have found that using coconut oil in a shake taste better to me than pernut butter or olive oil just want to be sure that i'm getting as good of quality fat by going with cocnut oil
Great fat for energy! I use it every day. However, its not a replacement for evoo or other EFAs. Yes, its tasty.
It's a great medium chain triglyceride and your body loves to use it as an energy substrate, I cook a lot of my food in coconut oil.
Great fat for energy! I use it every day. However, its not a replacement for evoo or other EFAs. Yes, its tasty.

Well i take alot of Omega-3 fats in from caps with each meal and get some good fats from my beef and eggs but i was just concerned with getting in the proper fats and calories with my couple shakes each day

I'm gonna run a keto style diet for a few weeks to see how my body responds to that and to high carb refeeds and just wanted to get in a good amount to good fats.

I love coconut oil and it has become a staple in my home for my entire family
Ive never done a keto diet, but Id imagine that coconut oil will certainly help energy levels. I think all this work you've been putting into your diet will really pay off!
Ive never done a keto diet, but Id imagine that coconut oil will certainly help energy levels. I think all this work you've been putting into your diet will really pay off!

I sure hope so , I basicaly just trying to nail don exactly what my body wants to works with and be most effecient with.

I want to bring a much better package to the stage next year
Do you drink your shakes warm?

I love coconut oil but use it only for cooking since it's solid at room temp.
Do you drink your shakes warm?

I love coconut oil but use it only for cooking since it's solid at room temp.

well i keep a little measuring cup (medical specimen cup actualy) and just warm it in that and add it to my shake when its warm i use tap water for my shakes by the time it gets in the shake and mixed its pretty well dissipated as it gets hard again

I also make little "chocolate" bars with it and will generaly eat one with a meal rather than add the raw oil to that meal if it doesn't mesh well
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Coconut oil is highly saturated.. So do not confuse with Omega 3 Polyunsaturates or monounsaturates like olive oil and macademia nut oil.. You want a balance of fats in your diet so coconut oil should fit in nicely.. Besides all the benefits already talked about in this thread, it is very anti-viral and antimicrobial..
Great stuff. I use it as a fat source for some meals and olive oil for others.
I use it every day in my morning shake. I keep a tub of it out in my garage which always runs hot, so it remains a liquid the majority of the year out there.
What brand are you guys using? A spoonful of mine tastes like total ass. I haven't tried it in a shake, but damn! I'm used to some bad tasting stuff and it doesn't phase me at all, but this coconut oil tastes like something I'd use on my car! :(
What brand are you guys using? A spoonful of mine tastes like total ass. I haven't tried it in a shake, but damn! I'm used to some bad tasting stuff and it doesn't phase me at all, but this coconut oil tastes like something I'd use on my car! :(

I buy Spectrum. I love it stirred into whey-iso, added to LBAs, and added to nonfat greek yogurt. It makes everything smooth and creamy. Great for cooking also.
I'll have to look for that spectrum. The stuff I got is like cherry chapstick....looks and smells good, but tastes like wax.
I also make little "chocolate" bars with it and will generaly eat one with a meal rather than add the raw oil to that meal if it doesn't mesh well

Can you share the recipe............
I'd love another way to get the coconut oil in.
I'm gonna run a keto style diet for a few weeks to see how my body responds to that and to high carb refeeds and just wanted to get in a good amount to good fats.

If you plan on training your body to burn long chain fatty acids with your keto diet you had best eschew coconut oil. Medium chain triglycerides will sabotage fat burning if you are utilizing a primarily dominant fat burning physiology.

If you need a copy of DiPasquale's AD or ASFBB let me know. I'd give the keto at least eight weeks to show results.
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Can you share the recipe............
I'd love another way to get the coconut oil in.

Sure , I warm 1 jar coconut oil till its warm and totaly liquid , mix in 5-6 heaping tablespoons unsweetened Hershys coco powder and 2 table spoons of Stevia , mix it all togther and when it cools its like high fat sugar free chocolate.

You can either pour it into a shallow cookie sheet and chill then cut into pieces or I use a muffin pan , one of the ones that makes the little bitty bit size muffin. I stick it in the freezer to get cold then pull it out pour in the oil mix about 1/4" deep then stick back in the freezer 10 min later take it out and the little chocolate disk fall right out , weighing 15-20 grams each.

I have some little ice trays that makes long skinny ice cubes , bout 3" long 3/4" wide and half round , make sa perfect 17g little stick every time
If you plan on training your body to burn long chain fatty acids with your keto diet you had best eschew coconut oil. Medium chain triglycerides will sabotage fat burning if you are utilizing a primarily dominant fat burning physiology.

If you need a copy of DiPasquale's AD or ASFBB let me know. I'd give the keto at least eight weeks to show results.

very good point , I didn't think about that.

I'm not running the typical Keto diet that uses really high fat and moderate protein , more like the Palumbo diet , high protein moderate fat but I'm sure it will work the same way.

I'm only getting 1-2 shakes a day so that would be an added 40g of fat comming from the coconut oil , I guess I'll just stick with almond butter with the shakes
What brand are you guys using? A spoonful of mine tastes like total ass. I haven't tried it in a shake, but damn! I'm used to some bad tasting stuff and it doesn't phase me at all, but this coconut oil tastes like something I'd use on my car! :(

I always buy Nature's Approved. It is Organic cold-pressed Extra Virgin and comes in gallon jugs. Right now on sale so check them out. It is harvested by a father/son business that's been running for decades from an island in Fiji. It's also a wing-to-wing green process which is an added bonus. You can definitely tell the difference between this product and others that use chemicals during the extraction process. I will never use any other brand again.

Plus I confirmed with the company that each serving contains the following fatty acid content: Lauric acid 6.5g, Myristic Acid 2.4g, Caprylic Acid 1.0g, Capric Acid 800mg, Oleic Acid 800mg, and Linoleic Acid 200mg. This is very important when comparing to other coconut oils. Many oils out there, during processing, break down these fatty acids and you're just let with crappy saturated fat.
Sounds good. I'll give it a shot.. Thanks

Sure , I warm 1 jar coconut oil till its warm and totaly liquid , mix in 5-6 heaping tablespoons unsweetened Hershys coco powder and 2 table spoons of Stevia , mix it all togther and when it cools its like high fat sugar free chocolate.

You can either pour it into a shallow cookie sheet and chill then cut into pieces or I use a muffin pan , one of the ones that makes the little bitty bit size muffin. I stick it in the freezer to get cold then pull it out pour in the oil mix about 1/4" deep then stick back in the freezer 10 min later take it out and the little chocolate disk fall right out , weighing 15-20 grams each.

I have some little ice trays that makes long skinny ice cubes , bout 3" long 3/4" wide and half round , make sa perfect 17g little stick every time

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