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Collegiate Nationals

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New member
Nov 26, 2002
Good show up in Pittsburgh. Heavyweight won it all, no competition for him in his class. He was the biggest, leanest there, big dropoff after that. Overall, he edged out a 32 year old light heavy from Rochester, NY with a tiny waist. Jeff Everson finished 10th or 11th in masters. Teem Nationals were great. Lightweight won the overall, and he has another year left for this show.
From what yout heard?

I was a judge at that show, and I was sitting closer than anyone else. The best guy in the whole show was the over 40 winner, who got an invite to the masters olympia.
Re: From what yout heard?

einie1 said:
I was a judge at that show, and I was sitting closer than anyone else. The best guy in the whole show was the over 40 winner, who got an invite to the masters olympia.

THis is why I love this board. :)
Yeaaaa a reeeel huge drop off


Here's the guy that took it


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An here is me

An here is me the huuuuuge drop off that took 2nd


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sorry to dissapoint you Mr. Judge, I didn't think we were THAT bad..lol

*** The guy circled is Gooey from this board, he was a Spectacular competetor as well... I bet 21" Calves and 30" Legs. Yes he spilt over, but u know what...shit happens. If he came in hard he would have taken the Whoe deal hands down. I'm next to him in the green.


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Smokin Mo

Looking stacked bro. Especially since your only 19. Wow, keep your head on straight and take your ass to the top. Dont let yourself be sidetracked by the bullshit in life. Know what I mean?

Mr. Bates
lol I hear ya brother...just goes to show u know, lol I guess I don't have "the look" that this respectable judge was looking 4 :p


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Peaaace Ouuuuuut... Mor pics are found here if interested: Pics Here


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Take it or leave it

Mr. gade, the teenagers would have wiped the floor with you. You have no thickness, and are a collage of a lot of different bodyparts. Gooey was just out of shape, plain and simple. If you are going to post pics that make you look a lot bigger than you did on stage, thats on you.

All three of you looked good...I liked Gooey's look better than the 1st place winner though. Just personal preference.
Re: Take it or leave it

einie1 said:
Mr. gade, the teenagers would have wiped the floor with you. You have no thickness, and are a collage of a lot of different bodyparts. Gooey was just out of shape, plain and simple. If you are going to post pics that make you look a lot bigger than you did on stage, thats on you.

Einie1: Just so I understand from a judges point of view, what do you mean by a collage of bodyparts. Other than a better tan on Renegade and some more thickness (which will come in time). He looks pretty good to me.

Personally I dont think the winner has a great look either. Looks pretty smooth to me, without a lot of seperation. But I understand pics and being there in person can be a world of difference.

Mo: The only thing you need is some more thickness and a better tan. Keep it up brother!
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I'll take gooey "out of shape" over the overall winner any day. That guy does not look like the winner of a national show. He'd get smoked on a state level show where I live. If gooey hadn't experienced the problems he did he would have won hands down...but like renagade said, shit happens.

by the way, you look good renegade, put on some more size (hell, you're only 19) and you'll have something. Get those arms up!

Mr. Judge SIR, as Im feeling you like someone talking to you like that, whats up with your attitude?? MO at 19 is SICK, the teenagers would wipe the floor with him?? He missed overall by 1 point if im correct and I honestly think he should have won. His symmetry looks good to me. At 19 I would say there arent to many teens on his level. Wondering if you are flamming him b/c of his comments or if you see something I dont. Also the overall masters winner looks horrible IMO. In the front shot he looks spilt over, holding water and smooth. Although im sure that shot doesnt do him much justice.

I think its rediculous a JUDGE would come on here and make comments such as you did. I think its unprofessional and just shows why people like Ronnie Beat JAY in 2001, b/c of judges LIKE YOU.

Considering Im dieting usually I could care less when someone flames,but YOUR A JUDGE, not some punk who should be saying some kid is a bunch of body parts slapped together. You should offer some criticism and offer your opinion on what happend at the show. Im not a judge , i wasnt there, but your comments lack what someone in your position should offer. Could you post the pics of the teens that would smoke him by they way?? Thanks MOJO RISING
Re: WTF??

Mojo Rising said:
Mr. Judge SIR, as Im feeling you like someone talking to you like that, whats up with your attitude?? MO at 19 is SICK, the teenagers would wipe the floor with him?? He missed overall by 1 point if im correct and I honestly think he should have won. His symmetry looks good to me. At 19 I would say there arent to many teens on his level. Wondering if you are flamming him b/c of his comments or if you see something I dont. Also the overall masters winner looks horrible IMO. In the front shot he looks spilt over, holding water and smooth. Although im sure that shot doesnt do him much justice.

I think its rediculous a JUDGE would come on here and make comments such as you did. I think its unprofessional and just shows why people like Ronnie Beat JAY in 2001, b/c of judges LIKE YOU.

Considering Im dieting usually I could care less when someone flames,but YOUR A JUDGE, not some punk who should be saying some kid is a bunch of body parts slapped together. You should offer some criticism and offer your opinion on what happend at the show. Im not a judge , i wasnt there, but your comments lack what someone in your position should offer. Could you post the pics of the teens that would smoke him by they way?? Thanks MOJO RISING

YES! Good post. But all judges are corrupt anyway, right?
Mojo, Wolv,

Then if we are corrupt, why do you guys always cry over your placings? All we hear is whining and pouting over taking second or third place. If you big bodybuilders cant take a fair judgement, then pick another sport. I dont care how old someone is, if he is on roids it equals everything out. Gade is good for that level, but he has no arms. Hell, he looks better then 99% of everyone, but he placed second that night. Get over it. Mojo, you werent at the show, yet you believe that he should have won? How much sense does that make? Then you ramble on about the masters winner holding water? Where is his picture? I dont see the overall masters winner on this site. Get your facts together and gather your thoughts before posting please. By the way, are you Gades father? It sounds like it.

I almost agree with you about Renegade but not quite. You need to pose better renegade and you are pretty hard but your shape does not seem to flow together as it should. BB is not just about being BIG especially in the little leagues we are in there is still some shape aspects that need to be taken into account. Your overall look was good but you were just kinda of a collage as he said.
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