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Consider Bromelain for BP and blood thinning

Massive G

Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Feb 13, 2004
Everyone knows I think the world of bromelain it has a ton of benefits.
One thing that has impressed me with it is that on the people I have advised on taking it, their blood pressure has dropped on average of 10 points.
Additionally one should consider it and (choose it) over aspirin for it's blood thinning effect-as aspirin (over time and long term use) is bad on the stomach, and places stress on the kidneys and liver while bromelain does not.
Don't over do it though 2-3 tabs a day is more than enough.
Massive G said:
Everyone knows I think the world of bromelain it has a ton of benefits.
One thing that has impressed me with it is that on the people I have advised on taking it, their blood pressure has dropped on average of 10 points.
Additionally one should consider it and (choose it) over aspirin for it's blood thinning effect-as aspirin (over time and long term use) is bad on the stomach, and places stress on the kidneys and liver while bromelain does not.
Don't over do it though 2-3 tabs a day is more than enough.
Massive are we talking about 2-3 tabs @ 500 mgs ea. These are how mine came and I don't know if the come in different strengths

Just wanted to give you a big thanks for all the info you've been putting up about BP on the board lately. You know you're stuff and as you know, the timing couldn't be better for me.

You have a helped me a ton and you have my gratitude. Ever need anything, don't hesitate to give me a shout.

Thanks bro.
The lowest potency bromelain from my usual supplier, also by Now, is 2000GDU/500mg. Your initial article on the subject supports your claim that many experience tachycardia @ around 1800GDU. Would 1 tab/day of 2000GDU/500mg not be well tolerated by most in your experience? I can order it elsewhere obviously. I was just going to throw it in w/ my usual order I'm making today. At this dose bromelain will set you back a whopping $2.50 per month. Thanks MG.

Rex Feral said:
The lowest potency bromelain from my usual supplier, also by Now, is 2000GDU/500mg. Your initial article on the subject supports your claim that many experience tachycardia @ around 1800GDU. Would 1 tab/day of 2000GDU/500mg not be well tolerated by most in your experience? I can order it elsewhere obviously. I was just going to throw it in w/ my usual order I'm making today. At this dose bromelain will set you back a whopping $2.50 per month. Thanks MG.

Based on my experience with doses over 1800gdu, I'd recommend a lower dose, but 200gdu over may be safe as my Bromelain tabs were 500mg/600gdu. 4 tabs/2400gdu and 5 tabs/3000 gdu both doses gave me rapid heart beat 1800gdu seemed to be the magic number for me.
Yes the stuff is dirt cheap and damn effective with it's many documented benefits-along with Ginger root caps and Acidolpholous liquid in addition to the bromelain-they are the single most influential things I have done to help pound the food through my body in a very effecient manner.
OuchThatHurts said:
Just wanted to give you a big thanks for all the info you've been putting up about BP on the board lately. You know you're stuff and as you know, the timing couldn't be better for me.

You have a helped me a ton and you have my gratitude. Ever need anything, don't hesitate to give me a shout.

Thanks bro.
Your welcome that's what we are here for to learn from each other and I soak up a lot on these boards and try to give back in return.
Massive G said:
Based on my experience with doses over 1800gdu, I'd recommend a lower dose, but 200gdu over may be safe as my Bromelain tabs were 500mg/600gdu. 4 tabs/2400gdu and 5 tabs/3000 gdu both doses gave me rapid heart beat 1800gdu seemed to be the magic number for me.
Yes the stuff is dirt cheap and damn effective with it's many documented benefits-along with Ginger root caps and Acidolpholous liquid in addition to the bromelain-they are the single most influential things I have done to help pound the food through my body in a very effecient manner.

Searched both acidophilus & ginger root. No specific protocols are given. Nothing on your pounding the protein thread either. This is an area of supplementation that is new to me. I remember DC saying how much he felt like your recommendations in this regard benefited him. I can research this myself obviously, I'm not being lazy, but given that you & others are claiming success with your recs I'd like to hear it from you.

So we have the bromelain dose down. For the purposes of aiding digestion as well, would it be preferable to consume a less concentrated form in order to divide doses w/ meals? Or would once per day dosing suffice?

Specific recs for acidophilus? There are many options in this area supplement wise. Seems you prefer liquid acidophilus. Specific potency? Any thoughts on these stabilized acidophilus compounds that do not require refrigeration? Otherwise, acidophilus will have to be purchased locally. Which is no problem for me here in west L.A.

Finally, ginger root recs? Now has 550mg caps.

Thanks MG. I apologize if this was somewhere else on here and I missed it, but I searched both. Placing this supplement order today and I wanted to grab what I needed for a few months.

Rex no problem I am not sure I outlined the exact doses on the boards and types.
I take the 1 600 gdu bromelain, and 2 ~550mg caps ginger root 3 times a day with large meals.
Breakfast lunch and dinner.
the acidolphilis is taken 1 time a day with breakfast usually as it is in liquid form 2-3 tablespoons.
I used to take the non refrigerated tablets but didn't feel they were effective, because when I switched to the refrigerated "live" capsules the difference was two fold in improvement.
I stumbled on this by accident in the refrigerated section of a health food store.
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Another good write G. Thanks.
May be more of dosing issue vs. the stabilized acidophilus. 2-3 T of the product you listed provides 20-30 billion organisms. Potent. You would have to consume 7-10 tabs of Now's stabilized acidophilus to reach that.

Also, there was confusion above w/ GDUs apparently. GDU is a measure of concentration per gram of the product. Labeling does not always make this clear. So for example the 2400GDU/500mg caps from Now provides 1200GDU/cap. A 600GDU/500mg cap would then contain 300GDU/cap. A fairly obscure and limited form of measurement to be certain.

I have been following MassiveG's recs on bromelain,acidopholous, and ginger root recs for about 6 months. It's worked really well.

2 years ago I had a colon resection due to Crohn's disease and I'm all for things that keep food "moving" through that area. I've taken high doses of green tea as well but I've had to lower that becuase the combo seems to thin the blood.
Rex Feral said:
Also, there was confusion above w/ GDUs apparently. GDU is a measure of concentration per gram of the product. Labeling does not always make this clear. So for example the 2400GDU/500mg caps from Now provides 1200GDU/cap. A 600GDU/500mg cap would then contain 300GDU/cap. A fairly obscure and limited form of measurement to be certain.
That is very good info to have.

I buy it here: http://www.swansonvitamins.com/weba...ndDropBox=null&productDropBox=null&Ntk=Level1 vs. http://www.now-2-u.com/index.php?action=itemdetail&item_id=3857

Swanson, while only 2040GDU per cap are an actual 1734GDU per cap at at cost of $0.1529 each cap vs NOW at 2400, which is an actual 1200GDU at a cost of $0.23 per cap!
Massive G said:
I take the 1 600 gdu bromelain, and 2 ~550mg caps ginger root 3 times a day with large meals.
So I'm assuming that's the "labeled" GDU number, not the actual as Rex described?

That's the link he listed on another thread for what he was using. This label states 600GDU/gram. Most are not so clear.

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I found this place yesterday. They have 300 of the above strength (600GDU/500mg) for $10.79. I checked reviews on the company on pricegrabber.com, etc. They are all 5 out of 5. They also have 300 500mg ginger root for $6.59. So 600 ginger root and 300 bromelain will last you 3 1/2 months for $23.97 plus shipping, or right @ $30 or about $8.50/month.

After looking into it thoroughly, I don't believe I would trust ordering acidophilus. It is stable for shipping, but you have no way of knowing how the company is storing it. It is all to easy to purchase acidophilus that would be a complete waste of money. Buying the liquid prep locally seems to be the best option. Even if you were assured of how the liquid prep is stored, by the time you pay shipping you won't come out ahead vs. retail.

Good read here.
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