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Cruise dose frequency?


New member
Aug 23, 2023
I'm on day 26 of injecting nothing. I was on 500 mg Test-E only for 24 weeks. I'd like to begin my cruise today and I'm just wondering if there's a big difference between taking a single weekly shot or spreading it into 2 shots? I know spreading it out more frequently is better for stable levels but I hate pinning and it would be nice to just deal with one pin a week until next blast.
I'm doing 170 mg for my cruise dose.
I'm on day 26 of injecting nothing.
^^^why?? ..esp if you "cruise" ??

I was on 500 mg Test-E only for 24 weeks.
^^^then to zero TEST for a month?? <SMH>

why?? ..esp if you "cruise" ??

I'd like to begin my cruise today and I'm just wondering if there's a big difference between taking a single weekly shot or spreading it into 2 shots?
^^^YES ..there is

I know spreading it out more frequently is better for stable levels
^^^not just better for "stable blood levels"

..what you after with more frequent injections is all the "benefits that come "stable blood levels"

but I hate pinning and it would be nice to just deal with one pin a week until next blast.
^^^then no offense ..but you should really consider a different hobby

I'm doing 170 mg for my cruise dose.
^^^you know with SLIN pins; could make quick-easy-work out of multiple weekly shots ..esp @170mg/wk dose

quick ..low volume ..shots biggie

im on a cruise now if 300mg of test c.. and thats once a week. thats coming off 800mg t400 and 250mg deca. i would pin 400 mg of t400 twice a week
Maybe I'm thinking too simplistic about this, but have you thought of using sustanon if you only want to pin once a week?
^^^why?? ..esp if you "cruise" ??

^^^then to zero TEST for a month?? <SMH>

why?? ..esp if you "cruise" ??

^^^YES ..there is

^^^not just better for "stable blood levels"

..what you after with more frequent injections is all the "benefits that come "stable blood levels"

^^^then no offense ..but you should really consider a different hobby

^^^you know with SLIN pins; could make quick-easy-work out of multiple weekly shots ..esp @170mg/wk dose

quick ..low volume ..shots biggie


Thanks for the response man

I did it this way because I researched it and bridging into the cruise with 3-4 weeks of no injections was suggested to me by a quite few different sources.

Here is one of them:
he lays out the formula at 2:30 seconds.
Do u disagree that this is a valid way to do things?

I do hate pinning but I've come to accept it as something I just gotta do.
Slin pins sounds ideal ty for the suggestion. I could do daily injections if they were with a slin pin. I suppose it would have to be sub q then right?
Maybe I'm thinking too simplistic about this, but have you thought of using sustanon if you only want to pin once a week?
No but Im willing to switch if it's the right choice. I am mostly familiar with enanthate only.
I get it. I guess I should add a word of caution with blends, the only way to know your blend is what it says it is, is a lab report. So if you go that route do your research. Best of luck.
I'm on day 26 of injecting nothing. I was on 500 mg Test-E only for 24 weeks. I'd like to begin my cruise today and I'm just wondering if there's a big difference between taking a single weekly shot or spreading it into 2 shots? I know spreading it out more frequently is better for stable levels but I hate pinning and it would be nice to just deal with one pin a week until next blast.
I'm doing 170 mg for my cruise dose.

Yes, 1x per week is sufficient to maintain androgen levels if thats your preference.

Some longer entered testosterone such as Test Enan or Test Cup can be injected once every 10-14 days actually, but this is not preferred due to fluctuations in pharmacokinetics.
It may not be optimal, but its going to work just fine.
Once a week was considered and still is by many to be sufficient with test C or E. Just depends on how much fluctuation you think is fine.
Think it depends on how fast one metabolizes test.
For those using a DHT or creatine they may metabolize much faster.
When they gave me 200mg a week, I was below normal by the end of the 7 days.
I peaked like 3days after then sharply bottomed out after that.
So I think weve learned that dosing frequency is not a one sized fits all deal.
Think it depends on how fast one metabolizes test.
For those using a DHT or creatine they may metabolize much faster.
When they gave me 200mg a week, I was below normal by the end of the 7 days.
I peaked like 3days after then sharply bottomed out after that.
So I think weve learned that dosing frequency is not a one sized fits all deal.
Interesting. Did u feel the drop towards the the end of the week in how u felt?
If I order two blood tests and take one 3 days after dosing then one on the last day of the week could I check that accurately on myself? I metabolize everything else like food and medicine very quickly but I don't know how fast I metabolize test.
I don't want to yo-yo myself it would be nice to know.
Think it depends on how fast one metabolizes test.
For those using a DHT or creatine they may metabolize much faster.
When they gave me 200mg a week, I was below normal by the end of the 7 days.
I peaked like 3days after then sharply bottomed out after that.
So I think weve learned that dosing frequency is not a one sized fits all deal.
I never wrote that one size fits all. I was merely posting what traditional medicine has done. In the dark ages every 2-4 weeks was considreded fine. In my 23+ years on Dr prescribed TRT things have changed. But it depends on the Dr. But once a week seems pretty normal for most people that do injections. People on BBer forums are not the normal TRT patient i find.

My T levels peak peak about 2 days after injection at around 1100 on a 100mg dose. Then drop to low 400's on day 6. Now 15mg/day keeps me in the low 800's. I pretty much feel the same from either protocol. I am not the most sensitive guy around. Just figure stabil is likely to be healthier.
I never wrote that one size fits all. I was merely posting what traditional medicine has done. In the dark ages every 2-4 weeks was considreded fine. In my 23+ years on Dr prescribed TRT things have changed. But it depends on the Dr. But once a week seems pretty normal for most people that do injections. People on BBer forums are not the normal TRT patient i find.

My T levels peak peak about 2 days after injection at around 1100 on a 100mg dose. Then drop to low 400's on day 6. Now 15mg/day keeps me in the low 800's. I pretty much feel the same from either protocol. I am not the most sensitive guy around. Just figure stabil is likely to be healthier.
That's interesting that u feel basically same either way.
Think it depends on how fast one metabolizes test.
For those using a DHT or creatine they may metabolize much faster.
When they gave me 200mg a week, I was below normal by the end of the 7 days.
I peaked like 3days after then sharply bottomed out after that.
So I think weve learned that dosing frequency is not a one sized fits all deal.
General consensus is once per week is sufficient but I agree with this above.

Variables play a part in every area of the individual.

Once you begin following your bloodwork and reading many of the micro dosing
threads over the years that have popped up, you work out what is best to keep
your levels just right.

Most just follow the once per week but most of those are ones that never took
the extra step in this game to understand the body mechanics past drugs, weights
and diet LOL!

I'm on day 26 of injecting nothing. I was on 500 mg Test-E only for 24 weeks. I'd like to begin my cruise today and I'm just wondering if there's a big difference between taking a single weekly shot or spreading it into 2 shots? I know spreading it out more frequently is better for stable levels but I hate pinning and it would be nice to just deal with one pin a week until next blast.
I'm doing 170 mg for my cruise dose.
My doctor has me on hrt cuz my mental health drugs destroyed my natural production.

200mgs test cyp a week some USA generic brand.

I was at 114 before and just tested at 586.

Im 250 45 yo.

I was on 200mg every other week but every week makes me feel much better
I'm on day 26 of injecting nothing. I was on 500 mg Test-E only for 24 weeks. I'd like to begin my cruise today and I'm just wondering if there's a big difference between taking a single weekly shot or spreading it into 2 shots? I know spreading it out more frequently is better for stable levels but I hate pinning and it would be nice to just deal with one pin a week until next blast.
I'm doing 170 mg for my cruise dose.
once a week is fine and a good way to let the tissue rest between cycles. 170 mg a week is a good dose for a cruise in my book. Personally, I would cycle on and off but today that seems to be taboo. 35 yes ago it was common place and after 10 years of cycling when life moved on most of us had no problem with low T. But today's geniuses will argue with that and blast cruise their balls right off with hubris and indignation. But yes, 170 mg once a week is a decent way to do it if you can't recover or refuse to recover between cycles. btw, full recovery is not needed. the point is to keep your balls in the game. Personally I always recovered to well within mid range or higher levels in 12-16 weeks even into my mid 50s.
EOD with a slin pin in the delt feels like nothing and keeps you nice and stable
ED slin pin in when blasting, mo/we/fri during cruising. Nice and stable serum levels of E2 and T.

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