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Cruising on Cyp/EQ


Mar 12, 2021
I've been cruising on 400mg of Cyp & 400mg of EQ for about 20 weeks now, including 4iu of #99 black tops.

Prior to that, it was closer to 500mg/500mg every week for about 8 weeks. My estrogen levels are in good shape & I've had no issues with any water retention, etc. At 5'10", I'm currently right at 200lbs and hovering at 9-10% BF. I have an order for bloodwork, which I will be getting next week: (CMP, CBC, Test, & Lipid panel).

My question: How long have you ran EQ before, honestly? I've never been so lean in my entire life & I'd prefer to stay this way. I know the EQ has been a major contributing factor, not to mention the GH is finally doing it's job.

I don't compete. I'm simply wanting to look good and continue to feel good. I've had no issues or side effects at this point. My prior bloods showed some lipid levels that were high, and I'm hopeful I've got that under control.

I guess I'm trying to determine whether or not I need to drop the EQ for a bit and drop my Cypionate down to 200mg every week to give my body a break.

Hard decisions and everyone seems to have a different answer. I appreciate any insight/help you guys may have.
Who cares what the guy calls it. To him, and as I've read in Luki's topic, many more guys like him it is a cruise, good for him right?

@TS, I think that as long as your bloods are good you should be fine. Things like hematocrit and rbc might be good to check.
400mg of test cyp and 400mg of eq isnt a 20 week cruise its a 20 week cycle..

It is if you're blasting 2.5-3g 😂

I tend to run 150mg test-e/200mg EQ on my cruises as although 150mg test is sufficient for me to keep my strength/size so long as I'm sensible with diet/training (I have to be very careful not to overtrain when off cycle!) It doesn't maintain my performance in endurance training - 200mg EQ is enough for me to keep most of my performance up during running/cycling/swimming and of course helps boost recovery and nutrient partitioning a little too.
People use the term “cruise” very loosely these days

I’ve been “cruising” on 200mg test, 350mg EQ, and 150mg Deca for 12+ weeks now with no plan to stop anytime soon

Only recently did I add 200mg extra of the EQ for the longest time I was only using 150mg of EQ

Really trying to see how well I maintain at the lower doses
Oh … why do you think the EQ has helped you stay leaner?

I’ve known EQ to be touted as a very “dry” gains kind of compound but I do not know that it has a reputation to induce or accelerate fat burning to any degree more than any other AAS (?)
whether you want it or not, but for most international level bodybuilders a dose of about 1-1,5g with 5-10iu gh is just crusie - you can't keep muscles at a certain level with smaller doses - and 2-3g is a totally normal blast so I don't know where this is from surprise
Who cares what the guy calls it. To him, and as I've read in Luki's topic, many more guys like him it is a cruise, good for him right?

@TS, I think that as long as your bloods are good you should be fine. Things like hematocrit and rbc might be good to check.
I started out on HRT when I realized I'd ruined my natural test levels, so I just began to call it a "cruise" once I upped the dose to my current amounts. I will most likely never stop, at the lowest, I'd drop down to the 200mg every week. I'll have the hematocrit with my labs coming next week.
People use the term “cruise” very loosely these days

I’ve been “cruising” on 200mg test, 350mg EQ, and 150mg Deca for 12+ weeks now with no plan to stop anytime soon

Only recently did I add 200mg extra of the EQ for the longest time I was only using 150mg of EQ

Really trying to see how well I maintain at the lower doses
Maybe "cruise" is a bad word choice. Never fucking stopping? Maybe that's better lol. I don't take orals much, only throwing some Var @ 50mg for 30 days during the summer months when we're on the boat more. And regarding EQ making me leaner, it's odd. I'm unsure if it's that I appear to be "dryer" from the EQ, or maybe the GH is really doing its job. I can eat like a horse and my body refuses to put on fat. Very odd. But, I'm not complaining either lol.
whether you want it or not, but for most international level bodybuilders a dose of about 1-1,5g with 5-10iu gh is just crusie - you can't keep muscles at a certain level with smaller doses - and 2-3g is a totally normal blast so I don't know where this is from surprise
Those were dosages I'd run back in the early 2000's when I competed. The 2-3g per week, I wish I'd never gotten that high back in the day.
I've been cruising on 400mg of Cyp & 400mg of EQ for about 20 weeks now, including 4iu of #99 black tops.

Prior to that, it was closer to 500mg/500mg every week for about 8 weeks. My estrogen levels are in good shape & I've had no issues with any water retention, etc. At 5'10", I'm currently right at 200lbs and hovering at 9-10% BF. I have an order for bloodwork, which I will be getting next week: (CMP, CBC, Test, & Lipid panel).

My question: How long have you ran EQ before, honestly? I've never been so lean in my entire life & I'd prefer to stay this way. I know the EQ has been a major contributing factor, not to mention the GH is finally doing it's job.

I don't compete. I'm simply wanting to look good and continue to feel good. I've had no issues or side effects at this point. My prior bloods showed some lipid levels that were high, and I'm hopeful I've got that under control.

I guess I'm trying to determine whether or not I need to drop the EQ for a bit and drop my Cypionate down to 200mg every week to give my body a break.

Hard decisions and everyone seems to have a different answer. I appreciate any insight/help you guys may have.

I'd be interested in how your bloods come out. I'm considering running equipoise for longer cycles in place of primobolan (which is fine but does hit my lipids). Will probably just need to run it and see but please let us know.
I think the term "cruise" refers more to the act of maintaining a steady daily/weekly dose than the amount of the dose per day/week. I think its an assumption most make thinking the cruise is a low trt dose.
Agreed. 800mgs a week of hormone isn’t cruising. I wish people were more educated before taking these risks…

Not educated, use more common sense.

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