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Current AAS laws in Hungary


New member
Feb 24, 2006
Does anyone know what the current availability\laws are in Hungary?

Thx in advance
Yes. Unfortunately, you can't get shit there. It's EU, so the fun's over.

You are, however, allowed to work for minimal pay and pay massive taxes. That's still ok. On the upside, the place is beautiful and the women are AMAZING.

If you'll be in the neighborhood of Hungary, swing on over to Turkey (get to a touring office, buy a weekend tour to Turkey, they provide everything, Plane tix. Hotel, busses). And go, uh, see all your favorite sites :)
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Yes. Unfortunately, you can't get shit there. It's EU, so the fun's over.

You are, however, allowed to work for minimal pay and pay massive taxes. That's still ok. On the upside, the place is beautiful and the women are AMAZING.

If you'll be in the neighborhood of Hungary, swing on over to Turkey (get to a touring office, buy a weekend tour to Turkey, they provide everything, Plane tix. Hotel, busses). And go, uh, see all your favorite sites :)

Bump all that.

However, regardless of which country is part of the EU or not, let's face it - it is still MILES better than being in the US! The laws are nowhere near as harsh or crazy as in the US.

Turkey is good but remember that it is NOT part of the EU. Greece however is, and sells the same goodies from what I hear. Plus the country is broke, so it should be a relatively cheap vacation. :)
You can not buy from pharmacies, but AAS use/posession is not as big a deal as it is in the U.S.
You can not buy from pharmacies, but AAS use/posession is not as big a deal as it is in the U.S.

i know this is a huge question that probably cant be answered easily but how hard would it be for an american to relocate to a place like hungary or other eu countries? maybe to live for a few years...are jobs hard to find? im just a simple person with some skills but i dont have a degree or much money. i want to see the world and maybe move around...any info would be nice
i know this is a huge question that probably cant be answered easily but how hard would it be for an american to relocate to a place like hungary or other eu countries? maybe to live for a few years...are jobs hard to find? im just a simple person with some skills but i dont have a degree or much money. i want to see the world and maybe move around...any info would be nice

Well, I don't think it would be too easy without knowing someone already in the country you wish to move to. With that being said, it is not impossible by any means, just a bit of an adventurous challenge. It would probably be easiest to find an international company with a Hungarian (or other EU) branch that needs English speaking employees with your skills. If you find one and get hired, the company will surely help you with housing. Search for jobs on craiglist and other sites in your destination country, and if you get one I imagine it would be pretty smooth sailing from there.
i know this is a huge question that probably cant be answered easily but how hard would it be for an american to relocate to a place like hungary or other eu countries?

Hungarian's correct.

In brief, if you like to experience new things, the hard parts are do-able and the rest is fantastic! If I were you, I'd take a long trip first to decide where you want to be/live later on. If you find a way to stay, then great. If not, go home, regroup, plan it out and return later.

Teaching English is always a possibility. Without a degree, take a certification ESL course in whatever country find yourself in. The schools often help people get work afterward. The pay is not great, but it gives you time to find your niche.

Otherwise, do some research, grab some money, pack your shit and leave:) Like most things, it's pretty black and white. The "thinking" part is more complicated than the "doing" ever is.

Best decision I ever made.

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