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What is your current diet?

250p 220c 28f on workout days
300p 120c 42f on off days
190p 760c 0f on one high day a week

Down to last week and half of dieting down to 230lbs at 6’3 from 260lb the beginning of the year
im trying to get as much protein and carbs as I can while keeping fats minimal. Mostly chicken breasts and jollof rice, but some protein shakes, and lots of sugary popsicles and low fat popcorn. A couple pounds of frozen grapes once or twice a week at night for a snack too
I posted a picture above in the thread. I’m on my phone so it’s hard to PM pictures. Way easier to just throw an emoji over my face and attach the picture to the thread. I’ll add a few more.

I’m not very good at posing and taking pictures but these are the most recent in my camera roll.

In regards to fats around insulin windows, with my diet where would
You personally place the fats?

Thanks for the feedback
Nice physique but you are in desperate need of photography lessons lol
Meal 1:
4 - Large Eggs |Cook On Low Heat|
200 Grams - Egg Whites |From Carton Or Raw Egg|
75 Grams - Spinach From Bag | Weigh Uncooked|
75 Grams - Fresh Pepper |Weigh Uncooked|
3 - Thomas English Muffin |150 Calories Or Less|

Pre Workout:
70 Grams - Cream Of Rice Or Bowl Of Gainz |Weigh Dry|
1.5 Scoops - True Nutrition Whey Isolate |Any Flavor Works Under 120 Calories|
32 Grams - Cashew Butter |Natural|
30 Grams - Organic Honey
100 Grams Blueberries Or Rasberries |Frozen Or Fresh|

Meal 3:
200 Grams - Sirloin Steak Or 93/7 Ground Beef |Weigh Cooked|
400 Grams - Jasmine Rice |Weigh Cooked|
10 Grams - Sesame Seed Oil

Meal 4:
200 Grams - Skinless Chicken Breast |Weigh Cooked|
400 Grams - Jasmine Rice |Weigh Cooked|
75 Grams - Spinach From Bag | Weigh Uncooked|
10 Grams - Olive Oil Or Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

Meal 5:
200 Grams - Skinless Chicken Breast |Weigh Cooked|
400 Grams - Jasmine Rice |Weigh Cooked|
10 Grams - Olive Oil Or Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

Night Cap:
1 Scoop - True Nutrition Whey Isolate |Any Flavor Works Under 120 Calories|
120 Grams Banana |Weigh Without Peel|
3 Caramel Rice Cakes |Quaker Or Like Brand|
32 Grams Cashew Butter |Natural|

Carbs: - 627 Grams | Protein: - 337 Grams | Fat: - 85 Grams | Calories: - 4,685

The most I've consistently eaten in a long long time. This is the first it has gotten difficult at times. Starting to get an aversion to the eggs and admit I am skipping the veggies often but take a greens and multi vitamin/mineral. Been consistent with just 1 free meal a week now. With food this high there isn't much desire for anything crazy. Body weight was 230.8 this morning.

Pretty much the same on off day except less carbs. 400ish I believe without looking.
Solid diet. I was beginning to lose hope for this thread until I saw your post.

Cut the whole eggs and stick to oils for those fats instead. Should alleviate your issues.
Yeah I know haha. I’m trying
Pot kettle dude - I suck as well. I have an iPhone 14 Pro and my pics are still mostly crap. I have no idea how some of these people take such crisp pics. I assume most on IG are using SLRs and do a ton of post production edits.
Lot of food bro! Whats your stats
I hover between 275-285 at 5’11 depending on if I’m on a good dose gh and blasting

Not eating to gain or cut this is just where I like to be and am comfortable, easy to get the food down but not hungry
Pot kettle dude - I suck as well. I have an iPhone 14 Pro and my pics are still mostly crap. I have no idea how some of these people take such crisp pics. I assume most on IG are using SLRs and do a ton of post production edits.
I agree. These new phones take amazing fotos.

Selfies of me. I have no clue how to do it. Am always amazed at the ones people take. Many are very good. (My wife will not take physique fotos me. Calls me a vain glorious bastard.) And yes, the ‘post processing’ is out of control but people are becoming accustomed to it. . . . call it the new norm.

You think it’s bad now, just wait until AI gets full deployed. It’s going to be a strange new world if it wasn’t strange enough already.

Could go on and on . . . 🤷‍♂️
Pot kettle dude - I suck as well. I have an iPhone 14 Pro and my pics are still mostly crap. I have no idea how some of these people take such crisp pics. I assume most on IG are using SLRs and do a ton of post production edits.
Probably the edits bro. I kind of just wing it. I take the picture, if it’s good it’s good if it’s bad it’s bad. Hahaha
I see what you’re saying, I’m just gradually increasing the calories very slowly week by week to keep insulin sensitivity in check as long as I can while bulking.
Dude you are worried about all the wrong things...
As your "doctor" i prescribe 1 tub of Ben&Jerry´s each night pre bed!
The chicken thighs are marinaded in Franks Buffalo sauce and cooked in air fryer. The meat weights are cooked weight. For the meals with oats I put the oats in a shaker cup and add water and drink them. Will probably sub out the chicken thighs for chicken breast soon to see if cutting the fat allows me to lean down some. The next step would be cutting the carbs on off days, maybe go to 2/3 cup oats instead of 1 cup. I'm 6' 220.

Meal 1 - 7 whole eggs

Meal 2 - 7oz chicken thighs and 1 cup oats

Meal 3 - same as 2

Meal 4 - same as 2 (On training days add 1 cup of oats for 2 cups total, this is pre-workout meal)

Meal 5 - same as 2 (On training days this is post-workout and it is 100g Team Skip protein (135g scale weight) Cinnamon Chex for 65-100g carbs)

Meal 6 - 8oz lean beef 10-12oz potato

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