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What is your current diet?

I mean calories - there are as few of them as in the diet of a prisoner of Aushwitz🤷🏼‍♂️
This - Luki is not joking. This is legit worrying.

At 120lbs 5'11" you are closed to a concentration camp victim (like a dead body found at 90-105lbs) than a average fit male at that height eat 165-185lbs. Not even talking a lifter here. I was actually going to say exactly this including concentration camp but was holding back until Luki posted it.

I looked at your diet and was frightened. 80g of organic meat in a meal is under 3oz. Wtf. Why don't you just eat 2500 cals a day with 200 grams of protein for a while - not a diet expert but that will at least get you moving. Follow others advice as it will probably be better than mine but fuck man forget all this micro nutrient, chia flake shit and eat. Honestly if it needs to be KFC and Pizza Hut, and you get the cals and protein not idea but fuck it - infinitely better than the death dirt you are on now.
man 2000 kcal is starvation - do you really think you will gain any muscles by eating like a rabbit? eh...😩
I see what you’re saying, I’m just gradually increasing the calories very slowly week by week to keep insulin sensitivity in check as long as I can while bulking.
I see what you’re saying, I’m just gradually increasing the calories very slowly week by week to keep insulin sensitivity in check as long as I can while bulking.
man with all due respect, but after your posts you can say that you are doing everything wrong and you will not make any progress your whole life because your head won't let you and you won't listen to anyone who gives you good advice anyway, so I won't comment on your case anymore
Maintaining and healing my gut:

Training days: (5)
1) 100g oats, 100g blueberries, 1 little apple, 60g of whey iso
2) 2 slices of bread, 150g turkey breast, some iceberg lettuce
3) 250g gnocchi, 200g horse meat (i know, you 'merican guys don't understand that)
4) 2 slices of bread, 150g turkey breast, some iceberg lettuce
5) 150g cream of rice, 50g raisins, 60g of whey iso, Novolog
intra) 20g EAA
6) 150g cream of rice, 200g banana, 60g of whey iso, Novolog

Rest days: (2)
1) 100g oats, 100g blueberries, 1 little apple, 60g of whey iso
2) 2 slices of bread, 150g turkey breast, some iceberg lettuce
3) 250g gnocchi, 200g horse meat
4) 2 slices of bread, 150g turkey breast, some iceberg lettuce
5) 100g oats, 100g blueberries, 200g banana, 60g of whey iso
6) 300g potatoes, 200g horse meat

No idea about macros, i go by mirror, until body comp gets better i continue on that diet.
I see what you’re saying, I’m just gradually increasing the calories very slowly week by week to keep insulin sensitivity in check as long as I can while bulking.

Your like fucking 100lbs of bodyweight away from working about insulin sensitivity
This is 2kcals give or take depending on activity. Bit of an exaggeration to compare to Auschwitz’s diet

When you’re eating toast and oats for breakfast….do you think that 8-9g of protein is sufficient to build lean tissue?
I really didn’t think 2kcals was anywhere near considered very little food honestly. I read of guys eating just 800 calories or protein and vegetables.

800 is crash diet for most any human on earth. You need to forget everything you think you know (micro nutrients, insulin sensitivity, etc...). You are focusing on the final 5-10%, at best, optimality for people who already have the rest nailed down.

You are MISSING the 90-95% block of total calories. You weight 120lbs - this is like peak marathon runner, concentration camp level, and unsustainable health wise. Eat 3000 cals or more, fuck the macros other than protein at 200 grams. If the scale stops for a month then add 500 cals. You won't need to worry about body comp, you are famine level and will respond well to anything.

A gallon of whole milk a day to the existing shit show diet will even work and be simple. But really anything. You need food. You also need to see a psychologist, there's an issue here and I feel more like we are doing an intervention and this isn't a joke. I couldn't be more serious and I'm trying to help you.

Best I can do. Whether you listen and take action is in your hands.
Atm 75% Ben&Jerry´s until i get my arms fixed i just cant be assed to do anything about it, im the 100% or nothing guy sadly.. tried to change it several times and i just cant.. its just who i am..
Atm 75% Ben&Jerry´s until i get my arms fixed i just cant be assed to do anything about it, im the 100% or nothing guy sadly.. tried to change it several times and i just cant.. its just who i am..
Nothing wrong with that everyone has their own individual requirement and unique preferences as far as nutrition goes.
Wake up; 15iu GH + l-carnitine + salbutamol + yohimbine + fasted training + cardio. 1 hr weights + 30 min spin bike

Meal 1 (Post workout)
  • 4 scoops whey isolate
  • 16oz vanilla carb master milk
  • 1.5 cups strawberries
  • 7 mini breakfast sausage (sometimes)
  • 500g egg whites instead of 2 scoops whey sometimes
Meal 2:
  • 1.5lbs chicken thighs raw weight
  • Sugar free sauces / hot sauce
Meal 2:
  • 1.5lbs chicken thighs raw weight
  • Sugar free sauces / hot sauce
Meal 3:
  • 2 steamed artichokes
  • 5 tbsp mayo
  • 350g non fat Greek yogurt
  • 450g frozen blueberries
  • 180g honey

Comes out to about 4200 calories; 492g / 290c / 144g fat. I am trying to lean out slowly right now but due to not being on any AAS, trying to keep a very mild deficit as to not cause too much muscle loss. When I stall out, I’ll remove mayo and breakfast sausage since they contain most fat calories that do little to nothing for keeping workout performance high.

It’s worth mentioning ever since finishing up football endeavors I have eaten relatively low carb and prefer this approach to weight maintenance / appetite regulation. I also don’t consume many carbs during the work day because too many really weighs me down and makes me want to take a nap when I need to be on my shit working. So I’ve just decided to throw them in end of day as a nice treat before bed while watching Netflix with wife.

However, I will usually do higher carb days on Sunday to top off glycogen for the week.
Meal 1 - 2 Scoops Protein Powder
181g white rice
1 TBSP. Peanut Butter

Meal 2 - 2 Scoops Protein Powder
181g white rice
1 TBSP. Peanut Butter

Meal 3 - 6.5 Oz. 93/7 Ground Beef
181g White Rice
180g Green Beans
2 TBSP. Mac Oil

Meal 4 - 6.5 Oz. 93/7 Ground Beef
181g white rice
1.3 Oz Raw Cashews
1 TBSP. Mac Oil

Meal 5 - 4 Whole Eggs
4 oz. Egg Whites
362g White Rice
1 TBSP. Mac Oil
Burger patties unseasoned, or seasoned with salt or PB
Peanut Butter
Whole Food Bars I make
Clear Whey

A cheat once a week with lots of carbs. I eat 4-5 times a day and drink clear like ppl used to drink aminos. I lift 3 days and do cardio the rest. I don't track anything and I build muscle and lose fat. Currently 183.5 with a goal of 225-240

Been doing this for a couple years now and plan to stick with it, but add in some chicken and rice a few times over the week. Recent bloodwork looks good too.

Something like that could work for @Testosteroni if he's serious and not just trolling wasting peoples time.

Daily treadmill alone was a game changer, I can handle so many cals. More that 2k.

Spending too much time getting lean will hinder your gains like others have mentioned.

It wasn’t leftovers, it was still in the giant metal food cart 😂

Still kinda gross I guess…but it was still warm and toasted.
No judgement here. I’ve had some good meals in the hospital but then again i was always starving so I’m sure anything would have tasted good. My wife has always had to bring me extra meals.

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