ok here is the deal i cannot find anything on the internet to let me know if these d-bols are fake or not i actually have 2 kinds i am wondering about. the first are the normal pill size they are an off white almost like a faded yellow color they are not flat on top or bottom they are kind of rounded i was told they are called " white russians" THE NEXT i got online they are in the 10ct blister packs but the writing on the bback says METHANDROSTENOLONE 0.005g it says made in russia and it also says AKRIKHIN on it they look legit it even has an expiration date stamped into the plastic it says this
361003 EXP XI08 but the only thing is the writing on it is all in english real or fake please help with either one!! thanks
361003 EXP XI08 but the only thing is the writing on it is all in english real or fake please help with either one!! thanks