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What fluid intake does everyone shoot for?

How much fluids a day

  • 3-4L

    Votes: 13 50.0%
  • 5-7L

    Votes: 12 46.2%
  • 8L+

    Votes: 1 3.8%

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Personally, I’ve always found my performance to be best with both higher fluid and higher electrolyte intake.
I don't notice a difference. I just always bring a bottle containing a dissolved electrolyte effervescent tablet (isotonic) to training, and in the summer months, a Gatorade-like drink as well. Probably because I don't get a placebo out of it as usual, which I wish I could take advantage of.
My problem is I feel uneasy and thirsty in some weird way if I'm not drinking "lots." This means I drink until I'm ready to sleep but then have to piss several times a night. I down up to .5L each time I piss during the night too. Docs say it's fine to cut fluids at night though but I just feel psychologically uncomfortable with even a hint of thirst. But then my rest suffers.

I think most docs laugh at the electrolyte supplements too, like there's no need unless conditions are extreme.
My problem is I feel uneasy and thirsty in some weird way if I'm not drinking "lots." This means I drink until I'm ready to sleep but then have to piss several times a night. I down up to .5L each time I piss during the night too. Docs say it's fine to cut fluids at night though but I just feel psychologically uncomfortable with even a hint of thirst. But then my rest suffers.

I think most docs laugh at the electrolyte supplements too, like there's no need unless conditions are extreme.
Sometimes docs are dipshits, too. It depends on how intensely you train. They might just not have any appreciation for that. If it's virtually guaranteed that you'll cramp up without an electrolyte drink, then you can be fairly sure that they're pretty important.
I don't really measure it. At least 5 liters a day. But it can vary so much. For example, I could go up to 15 liters or more when I do retarded stuff, like last Summer: AM: Cycling for hours NOON: Lifting in hot home gym without any AC. PM: Open Mat for 2 hours with no AC and only a few small windows. I drank like 3 bottles of Volvic during that, and still weighed like 5 kg less at the end, the floor was like a water ride of sweat 😂

I mostly go by thirst and pee colour, works good for me. Diuretics and certain compounds may change this, but I don't touch those
True, but it would likely be more optimal to just up your electrolytes and keep fluid high in my opinion. 4L really isn’t very much.
But taking in more without a need is just more work for the body to do to process it all out. I would think several decades of that could add more strain to the kidneys. When ui used to take in more i actually ended up more dehydrated in the mornings. I would weigh 3-4+ pounds less as my body was just a peeing machine and would need 1/2 gallon to get back to where i was. Now i am down around 2 pounds so i am only running a quart low. And absolutely zero signs of dehydration.
1.5 gallons for me. Staying hydrated and kidneys flushed out is always a good thing
1oz per pound of bodyweight is what my coach tells me to shoot for. I also salt the hell out of my meals. I carry my jug everywhere like an autist.
Technically this is true and a good target.

But . . . you can be sufficiently hydrated (clear urine) and just by taking a bunch of vitamins your urine will become dark.

Just thought I would throw that out there to muddy the waters 😉
I genuinely wonder how much of the multivitamins and minerals we take over the counter are actually absorbed by the body or pissed away because every time I pee 30-40 minutes after taking them my piss is pretty much “Green”.
I genuinely wonder how much of the multivitamins and minerals we take over the counter are actually absorbed by the body or pissed away because every time I pee 30-40 minutes after taking them my piss is pretty much “Green”.
My opinion . . . most vitamins give you not much more than expensive urine. Vitamin deficiency is rare in this country for a wide variety of reasons. Eating a well balanced diet (rare in real bodybuilder?) it typically enough.

Will probably get a heap of shot for this . . . . . oh well.

But my mind is always open.
My opinion . . . most vitamins give you not much more than expensive urine. Vitamin deficiency is rare in this country for a wide variety of reasons. Eating a well balanced diet (rare in real bodybuilder?) it typically enough.

Will probably get a heap of shot for this . . . . . oh well.

But my mind is always open.

In the early 2000s I used to take the “Animal Pak” by Universal and I remember I would have to time it because within 15 minutes of taking them I would get that immediate need to pee or else I felt I would pee in my clothes.
While I still have very little faith left in the human race please tell me that you aren’t drinking breast milk from a human female 🤮
It’s too low in protein. True story.
In the early 2000s I used to take the “Animal Pak” by Universal and I remember I would have to time it because within 15 minutes of taking them I would get that immediate need to pee or else I felt I would pee in my clothes.
I think that’s just from the water you drank taking them. Even if in excess (besides high dose vitamin c) they aren’t going to stimulate the bladder, the water soluble one’s would just be released in urine naturally.

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