Do you have a link to the protocol for this rehab you are describing? My shoulder has been messed up for about 2 months now, I don't think its going to heal up on it's own.
Google RICE (Rest Ice Compression Elevation)
MEAT (mobility, exercise, analgesics, therapy)
There is a good thread on shoulder work on intensemuscle and another on dieselcrew.
The old "rotator cuff solution" has plenty of exercises but you'll find all the basics on youtube.
The massage techniques can be found on youtube.
The g-d shoulder is a frustrating joint to rehab and once it's chronic simple rest doesn't heal the injury.
For rehab:
* Mobility work - every day - neck circles, shoulder circles, dislocates and shoulder, chest, bicep, tricep, lat and neck stretches
* Exercise - every day if you are doing cripple work otherwise as per your normal schedule. Reintroduce your regular work as the pain disappears, lower the weight if necessary.
* Analgesics - As needed but I ice 3 times a day and use a535 when doing self massage so I generally ignore this one unless it hurts so much I can't turn my head or the steering wheel.
* Therapy - I have found aggressive self massage is pretty much an every other day thing. It takes a day or two to recover from an deep massage.
I use cross friction - rub against the grain of the tendon - move it like a guitar string and with the grain, like squeezing a tube of toothpaste and then quasi-art - I find where it really hurts with my thumb and press while move the meat under it through as full a range of motion as I can.
- Ice 3 times a day and after any massage, exercise, or mobility work.
A couple of weeks of this usually gets me back to the point where I get lazy about it. When I was completely screwed and it hurt to turn a steering wheel and was chronic (6 plus months) it took me about 2 months of applying these modalities to be pain free.