It has always been my understanding that one of the safest drugs you can use is deca.......I understand it to be a healing drug ie.. joint relief......
Also have been told it is rather mild compared to other forms of AAS.
Do you folks agree, disagree?
it kind of depends what you are using it for. if you're using it for purely joint support at around 200mg/week then i would agree that it's fairly mild at that level.
but if you're looking to use it as a tissue builder at upwards of 400mg/week then you're looking at the possibility of some fairly substantial side effects just as with other stronger agents.
prolactin sides can be tricky to treat and everyone's heard of the dreaded deca-dick.
personally it gives me chronic back and shoulder acne at anything above say 500 mg/week.
so to answer your question honestly i'd have to say no, deca is not really considered a mild steroid when used for tissue building.
imo if you're looking to put on quality mass with a little less bloat and with fewer risks of serious sides you'd be much better looking at Eq.
if you wanted to, a great cycle (not first up of course) would be 500-600mg test-e, 200mg deca and 400mg Eq per week divided into two shots per week.
you'd want to run that for at least 12 weeks, 16 being preferrable.
i've run this myself and i much preferred it to just test and deca. the deca eq combo adding up to 600mg/week gave me far fewer sides with similar results including the benefits to the joints.