hey everyone, as some of you know i had my shoulder operated on four weeks ago after nine months of pain and bullshit. I had a anterior capsule repair and a stitch put in my labrum along with removal of bursitis. Everything is going pretty good, atleast thats what my therapists tells me. i really thought i would be progressing quicker than this. after four weeks out i can barely lift my arm to 90degrees and can externally rotate my arm only about two inches. the pain has pretty much subsided other than with therapy but i still have to sleep in the bulky brace for another 2weeks. Anyway just wanted to vent for a while and look for some support from anyone who knows about shoulder injuries/surgery. i have lost 9lbs and look like i have lost 20lbs. my left(affected side) shoulder and arm is like a toothpick and everywhere i go someone says, Are you losing weight?? I fucking love that. thanks for listening. tank....