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Digestion Problem starting new cycle


Apr 28, 2022
I just recently started a new cycle . I’m 2 weeks into a Test Tren EQ Anadrol cycle . First week I was fine appetite was through the roof. This week it’s been hell trying to get food down no appetite and always feeling nauseous and sick. This is the first time this happens to me . Also no matter what I eat , I instantly get bloated. Do you guys think it’s the Anadrol ? Or what can I do to increase my appetite and stop feeling sick and nauseous all the time ?
Tren and anadrol are very bad for appetite and digestion for a lot of guys. i personally stay away from both compounds. test / eq is enough to grow and youll be hungry all the time.
Another option is to add Calm (a great magnesium powder) at bedtime. It relaxes the nervous system, and promotes a thorough trip to the bathroom in the morning. Sometimes increased food, and decreased #2 contributes to digestion and hunger issues
Adding probiotics and digestive enzymes definitely helps
Another option is to add Calm (a great magnesium powder) at bedtime. It relaxes the nervous system, and promotes a thorough trip to the bathroom in the morning. Sometimes increased food, and decreased #2 contributes to digestion and hunger issues
Adding probiotics and digestive enzymes definitely helps
I just added probiotics a week ago but it does not seem to be working . I also increased my carbs double on workout days . Really sucks feeling nauseous all day and bloated takes away from having a good workout when you just feel like throwing up in the gym
I just added probiotics a week ago but it does not seem to be working . I also increased my carbs double on workout days . Really sucks feeling nauseous all day and bloated takes away from having a good workout when you just feel like throwing up in the gym
Anadrol and the other PEDs certainly could be the cause, but increasing your food so drastically could also be the cause. Unless you're coming from an extremely lean, depleted state, doubling any macro out of nowhere is likely to cause issues.
Anadrol and the other PEDs certainly could be the cause, but increasing your food so drastically could also be the cause. Unless you're coming from an extremely lean, depleted state, doubling any macro out of nowhere is likely to cause issues.
So do you suggest I lower my carbs and little by little increase them?
Anadrol and the other PEDs certainly could be the cause, but increasing your food so drastically could also be the cause. Unless you're coming from an extremely lean, depleted state, doubling any macro out of nowhere is likely to cause issues.


Although I also think the adrol is likely causing most of your issues but the combination of everything is making things worse. You can't just double your carbs overnight and expect your body to be fine with that.

Whenever I use adrol my appetite disappears and I often get digestive issues on top of that as well and it's a common side effect for many. If you are on 1 tab of adrol I would drop it and if you are on 2+ tabs then I would lower to 1 tab. I would also bring back your carbs on trainings days and look at increasing them gradually over the future weeks/months. On top of all of this I would recommend mini walks after meals and you could add in some digestive enzymes and/or glucose disposal agents on higher carb days.

Although I also think the adrol is likely causing most of your issues but the combination of everything is making things worse. You can't just double your carbs overnight and expect your body to be fine with that.

Whenever I use adrol my appetite disappears and I often get digestive issues on top of that as well and it's a common side effect for many. If you are on 1 tab of adrol I would drop it and if you are on 2+ tabs then I would lower to 1 tab. I would also bring back your carbs on trainings days and look at increasing them gradually over the future weeks/months. On top of all of this I would recommend mini walks after meals and you could add in some digestive enzymes and/or glucose disposal agents on higher carb days.
I’m going to drop the Anadrol all together and see if that’s the problem . If I can’t eat and feel nauseous during my workouts it defeats the purpose of being on a cycle . I’m currently carb cycling on my training days which is 4 times a week I’m eating high carbs and on rest days which I do fasted cardio I only eat carbs on my first meal which is breakfast . Do you think I should lower my carbs a little on training days to see if it fix my digestion problems also ?
I’m going to drop the Anadrol all together and see if that’s the problem . If I can’t eat and feel nauseous during my workouts it defeats the purpose of being on a cycle . I’m currently carb cycling on my training days which is 4 times a week I’m eating high carbs and on rest days which I do fasted cardio I only eat carbs on my first meal which is breakfast . Do you think I should lower my carbs a little on training days to see if it fix my digestion problems also ?

Make one adjustment at a time. It goes against what I stated above but I haven't a clue about your diet and sometimes people are undereating so upping carbs fast isn't always a bad thing. In the future when increasing cals just do it gradually and in stages. For now I would just drop the adrol and see how you get on. If you are still having issues on the same diet in 2 weeks adjust macros slightly. Carb cycling is a great approach imo.
Make one adjustment at a time. It goes against what I stated above but I haven't a clue about your diet and sometimes people are undereating so upping carbs fast isn't always a bad thing. In the future when increasing cals just do it gradually and in stages. For now I would just drop the adrol and see how you get on. If you are still having issues on the same diet in 2 weeks adjust macros slightly. Carb cycling is a great approach imo.
My diet currently is really clean . Chicken tilapia Turkey and red meat in training days. For carbs is oats jasmine rice and sweet potatoe
Macros training day P300/C350
Non training days P300/C50

I feel like I should be eating more but right now with this feeling of being sick and nauseous I’m having a hard time eating those macros as is
My diet currently is really clean . Chicken tilapia Turkey and red meat in training days. For carbs is oats jasmine rice and sweet potatoe
Macros training day P300/C350
Non training days P300/C50

I feel like I should be eating more but right now with this feeling of being sick and nauseous I’m having a hard time eating those macros as is

I just recently started a new cycle . I’m 2 weeks into a Test Tren EQ Anadrol cycle . First week I was fine appetite was through the roof. This week it’s been hell trying to get food down no appetite and always feeling nauseous and sick. This is the first time this happens to me . Also no matter what I eat , I instantly get bloated. Do you guys think it’s the Anadrol ? Or what can I do to increase my appetite and stop feeling sick and nauseous all the time ?
It’s def the tren and anadrol. They both fuck my gut up really bad. Heartburn from hell, bloated feeling and zero appetite. Neither did that when I was young but they do now
This is exactly why I choose to avoid orals. How much anadrol and are you taking it in one dose or splitting? Probably won’t make much difference but if you’re taking 50 at once , you could try a 4th , 4x a day ? Worth a shot
My diet currently is really clean . Chicken tilapia Turkey and red meat in training days. For carbs is oats jasmine rice and sweet potatoe
Macros training day P300/C350
Non training days P300/C50

I feel like I should be eating more but right now with this feeling of being sick and nauseous I’m having a hard time eating those macros as is

Diet looks fine and if you didn’t have this problem before, I’d say it’s the current change. Sweet potatoes can sometimes bug me , though. I’m usually okay if I remove the skin and purée them. I love sp too much to cut them lol
It’s def the tren and anadrol. They both fuck my gut up really bad. Heartburn from hell, bloated feeling and zero appetite. Neither did that when I was young but they do now
It’s funny you say that because that is exactly what’s happening . When I was younger I never had this problem . I can take as much Anadrol Dbol any oral really and tren with literally no issue. Now it’s a different story
This is exactly why I choose to avoid orals. How much anadrol and are you taking it in one dose or splitting? Probably won’t make much difference but if you’re taking 50 at once , you could try a 4th , 4x a day ? Worth a shot
I have 25mg tabs. I’m taking them in 3 dose through out the day . I take it at 6am with first meal 12pm with third meal and 6pm with 5th meal
I have 25mg tabs. I’m taking them in 3 dose through out the day . I take it at 6am with first meal 12pm with third meal and 6pm with 5th meal
Maybe space it a little more and away from meals? 12.5 AM/12.5 after third meal/ and then largest dose pre workout of 50 away from 5th meal? Wonder if just taking it all pre would be better?

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