Positive Feedback
Granted, I am going from memory here, and I used DNP four summers ago - but it worked like a charm for me!
I don't remember the dose, could it have been 20 mcg split 1/2 in the AM and 1/2 in the PM? Anyhow, I took that dose for 5 days, the added 50% for another 5 days, then added another 50% (double my original dose) for the final 5 days. This was in preparation for a NABBA show that I was doing.
At the start (again, from memory) I was about 210 and already pretty ripped from Clen, Xenadrine, and lots of cardio. I still did not, however, have that "onion skin look" that I always wanted, but never managed to get. I was also probably running Prop, Cyp, EQ, Winny.
From day 1 I was always hot, sweating tons, and not sleeping too well. I was not tired, lethargic, and I felt actually pretty damn good. The only hard part was that even right after a cool shower, while drying myself off I would start to sweat! Putting on suit and tie was the same as running full speed in 100 degree heat - pure hell! I was wet 24/7! And the sweat had an acidic odor - not too attractive.
But, I lost an additional 15 lbs in those 3 weeks beyond which I thought was possible. I weighed in at 196 and I was the most ripped, shredded, and totally cut/vascular I've ever been before or since!
DNP was the only way for me to get bulging veins in my lower abdomen. They appeared at about week 2 of DNP and I've never seen them again after that show.
As I said, the only downside for me was waking up in a puddle of sweat every morning, and being sweaty all day long - even in my office with the AC cranking!