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Jun 24, 2003
what were the pros and cons of thsi very dangerous drug..include a littel info about it please..dose duration ect...i had a friends ask me about it and i wanted to get more info to him about it and i have next to no knowledge about it...
This should be a trick question. IMO, the con's severely outweigh the pro's

I sent you a PM anyway.

|--[\\\\]>--------- Well, i have a very good friend from this board who really knows his shit and HE just had a bad experience with it last week. started DNP at HALF the dose and STILL have horrible effects, along w/the normal sides, he couldnt sleep, puked a few times, was halucinating(sp), and had MAJOR migrain(sp) headaches, i was on the phone with him the very last nite and he did NOT sound right at all, talking all weird and stuff. We all know this shit is used in pesticides...you're cooking your body from inside out...IMO, the stuff should not be touched.
Thanks guys i am just going to copy and paste the feedback and send this stuff to him so he can read it for himslef..thanks for the help i am sure he will listen to reason now...
Positive Feedback

Granted, I am going from memory here, and I used DNP four summers ago - but it worked like a charm for me!

I don't remember the dose, could it have been 20 mcg split 1/2 in the AM and 1/2 in the PM? Anyhow, I took that dose for 5 days, the added 50% for another 5 days, then added another 50% (double my original dose) for the final 5 days. This was in preparation for a NABBA show that I was doing.

At the start (again, from memory) I was about 210 and already pretty ripped from Clen, Xenadrine, and lots of cardio. I still did not, however, have that "onion skin look" that I always wanted, but never managed to get. I was also probably running Prop, Cyp, EQ, Winny.

From day 1 I was always hot, sweating tons, and not sleeping too well. I was not tired, lethargic, and I felt actually pretty damn good. The only hard part was that even right after a cool shower, while drying myself off I would start to sweat! Putting on suit and tie was the same as running full speed in 100 degree heat - pure hell! I was wet 24/7! And the sweat had an acidic odor - not too attractive.

But, I lost an additional 15 lbs in those 3 weeks beyond which I thought was possible. I weighed in at 196 and I was the most ripped, shredded, and totally cut/vascular I've ever been before or since!

DNP was the only way for me to get bulging veins in my lower abdomen. They appeared at about week 2 of DNP and I've never seen them again after that show.

As I said, the only downside for me was waking up in a puddle of sweat every morning, and being sweaty all day long - even in my office with the AC cranking!
sounds toxic... almost like poison.
no good pros to outweigh cons... you fuck up on dnp and you get the icewater enema... tha's the treatment for hyperthermia. Dude the shit sucks in my opinion and take it from me... I have a guru friend who is now in club fed over it.
oh and it's catabolic as fuck.
One more thing...

Mine was a bright, almost neon, red powder that was in capsules.

One of the capsules broke in shipping them to me, so there was some red powder on the outside of the capsules from the broken one. So, I transferred them into a ziploc bag and would use my thumb and index finger to remove a capsule as necessary.

Well, after like day 3, I had a red spot on my fingers and one on my tongue that did not come off for like a month after I finished using the DNP!

That was strange...
i thought all DNP was yellow? mine was. and 40mcg dose not sound right for the dose coopie. it is usually in 200mg caps. dose is 2-3 times bdywgt in kilos. i have never been over 400mgs though and it works great. i do about 5-7 days on and then do a week to 10 days of clen before another run on DNP. follow than with another 10 days clen and im set.
big time bump I was going to post a q on dnp myself...thinking about doing this after this cycle...got some stubborn body fat to shred..plus have some time where i have a lax schedule so it would be a good idea to try it.

big byrd -

You're probably right about the dose - it was 4 years ago for me. And I did research it pretty well and spoke to some people who had experience with it prior to doing it. Like anything else, research it to death and then decide if it's worth trying!

And, you're definitely right about the color too! I got screwed up b/c they were capped in red capsules - but the powder was definitely bright yellow!

My bad - twice!

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