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Jul 3, 2010
Been doing research on DNP. Has anyone here had any experience and/or results with using this compound. Please let me know!
Why dont you used the search features? Also DNP is very dangerous!
Been doing research on DNP. Has anyone here had any experience and/or results with using this compound. Please let me know!
WOW!! You're kidding right???:mad:
I really don't understand why people us such a dangerous compound to burn fat. (I know, some of you completely disagree that it's dangerous, that's bullshit and I don't want to hear it). There are plenty of nutrition and training strategies that will help you get lean without the risk of cooking you from the inside out. If you need a boost, research the ECA stack.
whatever happen to a good oldfashion
raise in testostrone

works every single time for me

I personally dont think its any more dangerous than some of the other stuff we put into our bodies, if taken properly.

I personally dont think its any more dangerous than some of the other stuff we put into our bodies, if taken properly.

I have never used it ,but you are correct. I know MANY that do........and these guys preach " diet" and " training" bullshit......its a tool like anything else......
There are dozens of threads on this already. I like it in small doses.
If you search the forum, you'll find plenty of information regarding DNP and member's experiences with the substance.
I agree with Phil, if it's used as a tool and responsibly, it will help. Now, if a person has to asked without doing a search and research, then rethink. And, yes it can be dangerous if used incorrectly.
It can be deadly if used incorrectly but so can clen, eca, gear etc. But if used properly it can be a great tool (Like Phil Said).
I don't see if as dangerous, personally. I ran it for 2 weeks, started at 200 and ramped up to 800. It's just a shitty 2 weeks. I was lucky enough to be working outdoors, manual labor job, at night, and I didn't have to see other people. I would not recommend DNP to a desk jockey, because people will think you are smoking crack the way you will be sweating all day, drinking tons and tons of water, and staying away from carbs, period. If I ate a piece of bread I'd break out into a sweat in mere minutes. Kept my protein very high, was on AAS to make sure I didn't lose any muscle even though people say DNP is protein sparing and thus anti-catabolic, I prefer to be safer than sorry.
If used correctly, IMO you'll be okay. If you read and search a ton of posts, you will easily find everything you need to know.. there is so much information out there on DNP that if you spend an hour a day, for a few days, you will no more than you ever need to about it.
ohhh no, here we go again, not more dangerous than any thing else we use? it would be almost impossible to over dose on test; but if your body can not tolerate just a few mgs of dnp--- adios amigo!
What if your test is dirty and you dont aspire correctly and you inject it directly into a vein or heaven forbid an artery? No one said anything about od'ing on gear, Just not running it right is as dangerous.
What if your test is dirty and you dont aspire correctly and you inject it directly into a vein or heaven forbid an artery? No one said anything about od'ing on gear, Just not running it right is as dangerous.

better yet.....you slip on the wet spot from the shower
you just took, because you were so excited about your shot
you forgot to towel off

and go strait to the floor as the pin your still holding on for dear life
there is 1.39$ worth of gear in it......goes right into your eye ball

true story

Oh lord, Don't start this shit... Nothing is safe in this game. As stated before, DNP is another tool and risk some of us take.
Dnp does work but it reacts diffrent in each person like everyone says you have to be careful. I would suggest low dose for 5-8 days if you plan on taking it. good luck.
Oh lord, Don't start this shit... Nothing is safe in this game. As stated before, DNP is another tool and risk some of us take.


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