Again, do not underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers!!! i'm talking about the general public IN THE WORLD here and not just america... it would not make an ounce of difference if anyone came up with the best documentary ever made ABOUT A NOBODY! no offence to anyone... but we are preceived as ugly ass stupid meatheads. nothing more, nothing less.
HBO sports special about steroids
Bigger, stronger, faster
testosterone boys
all these were very good documentaries about bodybuilding and steroids and the only thing they did was RUIN the image of bodybuilding and steroids even more. even though some of the had some real fool proof evidence about the dangers of steroids being blow way out of proportion...
but why did this make it worse? shouldn't it make it better?
i'll tell you why... cuz the general public doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone in those documenteries cuz they aren't famous!
what people want is to see their glamorous celebrities in a reality show shooting steroids and telling them it's ok, we all do it. then it will be accepted.
that's what happened with plastic surgery
that's what happened with gastric bypass
and to a lot of us, that's what got us started in bodybuilding (rocky, rambo, terminator)...
plastic surgery was not acceptable 30 years ago. anyone who did it was weird. now a days, people go do liposuction before TRYING to change their regular coke to a diet coke to cut calories! why?
cuz all the celebs are doing it...
get these people on roids and get them to work out:
kim kardashian
those brangelina fucktards
megan fox
johnnie depp
and whoever the fuck is on the E-channel these days...
get those people to represent steroids and how they aren't that harmful AND THEY WILL LIFT THE BAN ON THAT SHIT WITHIN A YEAR! and people would accept it.
that's just my opinion... every "trend" i see these days of something that was unacceptable 10 years ago and considered the devil's work that is now the norm was done by these idiots telling people it's ok to do it (not verbally, but you know what i mean)...
I think it would be a good thing. it would un-demonize alot of the stereotypes of steroid users. Like showing them with their family and children. having normal jobs just like everyone else. People probably dont realize how much they can really relate to bodybuilders unless they are one. Also explaining why they do what they do, everyone always has their reasons. And we all can relate in some ways.
I don't have anything to comment or add to what you said... all i wanna say is that your avatar is fucking awesome