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Does anyone recognize this?


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2017
Since a couple of days I wake up in the middle of the night with my lower body hurting as hell. It's not the pain after a hard workout, it's some weird and annoying pain that starts in my glutes and goes to my hamstrings, quads are fine. Never had this before and can't really place it. Yesterday I was able to get back to sleep. It hurt through the morning and went away after moving around at work for a couple of hours. Just slept for 2 or 3 hours, woke up and it's back.

Just curious what it is but regardless have decided to drop everything for a good period of time and just be on a little test and hgh. No idea why but since 2 or 3 months I only keep on getting stupid side effects or whatever the hell it is. It's getting really annoying and it's just not worth it. First it was high RHR, now with nebivolol and telmisartan it's anxiety and this pain shit. I don't think I can blame it on just changing hgh brands, even though that's basically all that changed..

I live pretty healthy, bloods are pretty good always, never had much sides as long as I don't do 19NORS or orals so this came as a big surprise. At my early 30's I figured I had a couple of years left of pushing but not this way. Guess I'll just have to be a 105kg but get stupid lean.

Anyway, writing this calmed be down a little so thanks for that.
what type of pain is this though?
A muscle or a skeletal thing or an internal thing?

When you say your lower body glutes and hams, that could be anything from a tear to a pinched nerve from a slipped disc.
Any other helpful things?
Could ut be overtraining? I've had crazy posterior chain tightness n pain from going way too hard on legs and then traveling. It took awhile a few weeks to go away. Hope this helps.
what type of pain is this though?
A muscle or a skeletal thing or an internal thing?

When you say your lower body glutes and hams, that could be anything from a tear to a pinched nerve from a slipped disc.
Any other helpful things?
Thanks for your reply. I have a hard time explaining the type of pain. It's kind of a pinching pain all over my glutes and hamstrings. It doesn't prevent me from doing anything, I can move around without it getting worse, I can squat down and everything. it's also only at night after laying down for a ( short) while. Don't think it's anything nerve related nor a tear, I think that would remain painful during the day.
Could ut be overtraining? I've had crazy posterior chain tightness n pain from going way too hard on legs and then traveling. It took awhile a few weeks to go away. Hope this helps.

This can be it indeed. Been going hard at the gym lately, everything progressing like crazy and recovery was great so far. Also kinda feel like I'm getting the flu, combined with sleeping less great due to the before mentioned anxiety attacks it might just be too much? Good one, I was really pissed of and this didn't even cross my mind haha.
Is it one one side or both sides? It's sounds like sciatic nerve pain. You may have injured your back. It's when one or more nerve roots from l4 to s3 are irritated or compressed. Google it because the is a lot of info how to help get rid of it. I would rest for 1 week and just do some light stretching at home. I would recommend getting some tissue/massage work done and see a chiropractor as well. I would be careful when training your posterior chain in the future. I would even avoid injecting your glutes as that can cause further inflammation and issues over time when someone has a bad back.
I also have this. Just like you I have no idea what causes it but it's definitely not overtraining in my case.

I think Elvia might be right, he usually is 😁 Something spine related.
Are you dieting hard? Sodium levels? Doubt it, doesn't sound like a fatigue issue, only thing I could think of.
Is it one one side or both sides? It's sounds like sciatic nerve pain. You may have injured your back. It's when one or more nerve roots from l4 to s3 are irritated or compressed. Google it because the is a lot of info how to help get rid of it. I would rest for 1 week and just do some light stretching at home. I would recommend getting some tissue/massage work done and see a chiropractor as well. I would be careful when training your posterior chain in the future. I would even avoid injecting your glutes as that can cause further inflammation and issues over time when someone has a bad back.
It's both sides indeed. I'll take a look into this when I'm off work tonight, thanks brother!
Are you dieting hard? Sodium levels? Doubt it, doesn't sound like a fatigue issue, only thing I could think of.
I am indeed in a relatively aggressive mini cut..

I'll keep a week off gym, see if it improves and look into the sciatic nerve thing as well. It's quite annoying to say the least haha.
Small update from my side. Pain in my legs and glutes is completely gone so that's a good thing. Haven't trained yet but will try this Sunday.

New side effect showed up unfortunately. Same as when using 19nor, orals or injectable orals and antibiotics, my intestines apparently do not like either nebivolol or telmisartan, or neither one of them. Been taking them for a bit over a week now and just as with the other stuff my intestines are starting to act up. Have no clue why, last time I got prescribed antibiotics I had the same. Kept on taking them and for 2 weeks I could not get off the toilet. Not gonna do that again so both meds are out.

From here on out it will only be test, hgh up to a max of 6 IU and insulin as I know I can keep my BP in range with them. Definitely no more heavy pushing, I'm gonna settle for a very very lean 105/110 kg. At 1.90 that's not all too bad I guess.

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