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Does clomid lower total estrogen?


New member
Kilo Klub Member
Oct 28, 2009
So we know that nolvadex only eliminates estrogen in the chest receptors but doesnt lower total body estrogen like AI's, but what about clomid? Does it lower total body estrogen?
Clomid and Tamoxifen dont "lower estrogen". They bind to the ER and block the receptor from doing it job. Which makes it useless.

SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators) block, not lower estrogen.

Clomid and Tamoxifen are mixed antagonists/agonists of the ER. Clomid is more of an agonists than Tamoxifen is in more tissues. Its thoughts that Clomid acts as an agonist in certain parts of the brain that control emotion, hence the emotiuonal sides we experience.

Tamoxifen has a higer binding affinity for breast tissue than Clomid does.

Both are antagonists in breast tissue and the hypothaalamus (hence the serum T increase) but its postulated Tamoxifen is more an an antagonist at the pituitary and Clomid an agonist. Both seem to be agonists in the liver and other selective tissues.

If you wish to lower estrogen, you'de need to invest in an AI (Aromotase Inhibitor). They inhibit the enzyme aromotase which is responsible in converting testosterone to estrogen.
You are confusing SERMs with true AIs.

SERMs block absorption, but suicidal AIs PREVENT formation of estrogen.

Clomid 5-10mg eod or ed on cycle, then 50mg ed during pct

Aromasin also through cycle & pct (not sure of doses)

You are confusing SERMs with true AIs.

SERMs block absorption, but suicidal AIs PREVENT formation of estrogen.

Clomid 5-10mg eod or ed on cycle, then 50mg ed during pct

Aromasin also through cycle & pct (not sure of doses)


10mg/ED or EOD keeps my estrogenic sides at bay.

Dont use an AI during PCT unless using HCG/HMG. AI's arent needed during PCT. Endogenous testosterone is low, therfore estrogen. You shouldnt then be lowering it more. Its counterproductive.
Clomid 5-10mg eod or ed on cycle, then 50mg ed during pct

5-10mg of Clomid or Tamoxifen on cycle? That's like a 10th of a clomid tab, right? Big A was saying 50mg EOD on cycle, just clarifying as 5mg would reduce the cost of on-cycle Clomid, a lot!

10mg/ED or EOD keeps my estrogenic sides at bay.

Dont use an AI during PCT unless using HCG/HMG. AI's arent needed during PCT. Endogenous testosterone is low, therfore estrogen. You shouldnt then be lowering it more. Its counterproductive.

Just because someone suddenly stops poking 1000mg testE every week, that doesn't mean their serum test levels will also instantly drop down to normal natty or even suppressed natty levels. It takes time for all that E in soaked into their glutes to clear out of their system.

I'm not saying that the same doses of Aromasin are recomendable in PCT as are used on a heavy cycle, I'm only saying that unless a guy goes from high/full test doses down to a TRT dose for a month while his tissues clear the residual test, then there may be enough estradiol in their blood to induce excess/unwanted femenine emotions.

Reducing down to a TRT level dose while the heavy stuff clears your system can also make HPTA recovery easier. Stopping more suppressive compounds a month before dropping to TRT is also goint to make HPTA recovery easier too.

I wasn't necessarilly advocating using an AI for anti-gyno purposes only. Maintaining hormonal "sanity" is also a worthy goal. I mean, who wants to ONLY protect against gyno while long estered gear is still clearing their system? IIRC, the 1/2 life of Aromasin is significantly less than long estered tests like E...

5-10mg of Clomid or Tamoxifen on cycle? That's like a 10th of a clomid tab, right? Big A was saying 50mg EOD on cycle, just clarifying as 5mg would reduce the cost of on-cycle Clomid, a lot!


I respect BigA a lot, not just because he can ban me with the touch of a button, but because:

1. He's built the best BB forum on the planet.

2. He started a thread for noobs. IMO, that's a noble thing that serves the BB community by reducing dippy questions asked by noobs (assuming they actually read his thread)

That having been said, BB science is always making foward progress & new ways of using old products are often made.

I don't want to drop names because it's a politically tacky thing to do, but I can say that a well respected AAS expert here once advised me that lower doses are usually adequate fore most users.

Remember the beginner thread was started a relatively long time ago.

Experiment & see what works best for you.
So we know that nolvadex only eliminates estrogen in the chest receptors but doesnt lower total body estrogen like AI's, but what about clomid? Does it lower total body estrogen?

Clomid is a SERM( Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) So it acts as a blocker on some tissues such your breast tissue, but also mimics the positive effects of estrogen on other tissues such liver tissue, it also moderates negative feedback in HPTA(Hypothalamic Pituitary Testical- axis)by stimulating production of LH (Leutinizing Hormone) and FSH( Follicle stimulating Hormone), and a direct result of this is an increase in test levels and testis size. So to answer your question , no it doesn't block estrogen completely, it blocks it on some tissues and it allows it to flow on others. But it is an excellent addition to any PCT to manage unwanted excess amounts of estrogen especially in and around lactose glands, however it is not a good drug to use for reversal of gyno, simply too weak. God bless you.
I mainly wondered b/c I notice I loose some water when I add 50mg clomid EOD when on hrt. Thats why I thought it may have dropped total body estro as well
I respect BigA a lot, not just because he can ban me with the touch of a button, but because:

1. He's built the best BB forum on the planet.


We're never too cautious, right? :D ;)

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