You know Phil .....everytime I stuck with dante 's methods and ideas , I do great ..... it is when I venture down my own path is when things tend to go wrong .[ no gains , injuries , ect....] My problem is that one of the reasons I love training so much is that it is not an exact science and nobody truely knows the best way to gain muscle . People may have formulated thier own opinions from research , expirimentation , and or observation . But the fact is there is one perfect way for everyone to put on mass . To me this is very interesting and I find it fun to play with different routines . i liken it to picking a combination to a safe . When you find a routine that matches your personally type and physical makeup [ fiber type , leverage points , structure , recoverability .......ect ] You will probally find the routine that will you stick with the longest and see the most results from .......
Dante is a master observationest .[ ala Vince Gironda ] His ideas ideas are basic obsevations of what he has seen work for the largest muscular men on our planet .The thing that sets him a part from other trainers is lack of ego and ability to change and adapt . 10 years ago he had me doing his own version of a dorian yates type of workout [ with his own twists throw in ] He saw that maybe this was overtraining , so he adapted . He took notice to you and your system [ I guess you and leo Costas system ] and tried to increase frecuency to more like yours with less volume and extended intensity . Then he whittled it down to where he is now .The man has foresight and is extremely bright . I don't even follow his routines,unless I follow them his exact proticals .He has a reason for everything he recomends and I wouldn't want insult him in anyway .[ not saying anything against you Phil .....Dante has the unmost respect for you and I am sure the fact that you would try any of his recomendations would mean alot to him ....You have known him almost as long as me I think ] Too many guys [ not Phil included ......he will give Dante some great input on anything he tries and it will be great for the system as a whole ] try to change up Dante's methods . Just follow his exact routine , eatting , gear , and diet [no.1 IMO] recomendations to a tee and you become the biggest badest you in the shortest time possibe.....Don't change anything ......The only guy besides Phil that could possibily change up things abit and still produce Dante type gains would be Massive G .........this guy is a DCer, but also has his own methods which are pretty awesome as well .His diet for mass is dc influnenced and it is incredible, it doesn't miss anything ....very impressive .[ one of the nicest guys [ along with inhuman and Skip ] on the net .
Phil ,I would love to see this board go more toward diet and training info .....With guys like yourself , DC , Skip , Massive G , Inhuman , Homonuc , Big Kiwi , Wyldeone, Big A [ of course ] , Vander , and the rest of the all star cast that make up this board . I just think there should be alot more diet and training discussion than drug stuff......I would love to see something about your diet ideas ....[ yeah , I know people pay you for your info , but look at Dante ...he gives away his compete package of ideas for free.........but he has to turn clients away all of the time .....people that are paying clients realize the need the fine tuning done by the designer of the program to get the best results ......] So how about breaking down your methods of diet, gear ,and , training , to the loyal readers of this board ? I am sure it would be greatly appreciated by all , and would start all sorts of great topics on this board. Come on might as well .....You are training Dante style might as well share Dante hope all is well big Phil !