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Jun 6, 2002
I am trying out one of DOGGCRAPS routines, just tweaking it a bit to fit me, and I havent felt this good in a long time. I just started last week and I should have done this sooner.
dont call..

it a come back hes been here for yearz......... some one get bit, by the bug? :eek:
You know Phil .....everytime I stuck with dante 's methods and ideas , I do great ..... it is when I venture down my own path is when things tend to go wrong .[ no gains , injuries , ect....] My problem is that one of the reasons I love training so much is that it is not an exact science and nobody truely knows the best way to gain muscle . People may have formulated thier own opinions from research , expirimentation , and or observation . But the fact is there is one perfect way for everyone to put on mass . To me this is very interesting and I find it fun to play with different routines . i liken it to picking a combination to a safe . When you find a routine that matches your personally type and physical makeup [ fiber type , leverage points , structure , recoverability .......ect ] You will probally find the routine that will you stick with the longest and see the most results from .......

Dante is a master observationest .[ ala Vince Gironda ] His ideas ideas are basic obsevations of what he has seen work for the largest muscular men on our planet .The thing that sets him a part from other trainers is lack of ego and ability to change and adapt . 10 years ago he had me doing his own version of a dorian yates type of workout [ with his own twists throw in ] He saw that maybe this was overtraining , so he adapted . He took notice to you and your system [ I guess you and leo Costas system ] and tried to increase frecuency to more like yours with less volume and extended intensity . Then he whittled it down to where he is now .The man has foresight and is extremely bright . I don't even follow his routines,unless I follow them his exact proticals .He has a reason for everything he recomends and I wouldn't want insult him in anyway .[ not saying anything against you Phil .....Dante has the unmost respect for you and I am sure the fact that you would try any of his recomendations would mean alot to him ....You have known him almost as long as me I think ] Too many guys [ not Phil included ......he will give Dante some great input on anything he tries and it will be great for the system as a whole ] try to change up Dante's methods . Just follow his exact routine , eatting , gear , and diet [no.1 IMO] recomendations to a tee and you become the biggest badest you in the shortest time possibe.....Don't change anything ......The only guy besides Phil that could possibily change up things abit and still produce Dante type gains would be Massive G .........this guy is a DCer, but also has his own methods which are pretty awesome as well .His diet for mass is dc influnenced and it is incredible, it doesn't miss anything ....very impressive .[ one of the nicest guys [ along with inhuman and Skip ] on the net .

Phil ,I would love to see this board go more toward diet and training info .....With guys like yourself , DC , Skip , Massive G , Inhuman , Homonuc , Big Kiwi , Wyldeone, Big A [ of course ] , Vander , and the rest of the all star cast that make up this board . I just think there should be alot more diet and training discussion than drug stuff......I would love to see something about your diet ideas ....[ yeah , I know people pay you for your info , but look at Dante ...he gives away his compete package of ideas for free.........but he has to turn clients away all of the time .....people that are paying clients realize the need the fine tuning done by the designer of the program to get the best results ......] So how about breaking down your methods of diet, gear ,and , training , to the loyal readers of this board ? I am sure it would be greatly appreciated by all , and would start all sorts of great topics on this board. Come on .....you might as well .....You are training Dante style .....you might as well share Dante style......lol.....I hope all is well big Phil !
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I completely agree with you Iabadman, on most of the bb boards the steroids sections are much more active then the training/nutrition sections, ...that one needs no further comment .. :)
It'd be sweet if DC came out with a movie supporting all his ideas so we could get a better understanding of his stretches and Techniques. :eek:
Iabadman, good point. Thats the direction I would like this bopard to go also.

Without giving away any of Dantes ideas on here, here is how I tweaked it for me. Instead of rest/pause, I go to a different exercise for that same musclegroup but only wait about 5 seconds. Basically 1 set per bodypart.

My diet is strange. I use synthepure and liquid aminos from beef only for protein. I eat a lot of macadamia nuts, fruit, and broccoli. If you want to seperate yourself from everyone else, you must eat different than anyone else. Eating and supplementation is more important than training in my opinion. Any and all can lift weights. Not many can diet properly. Honestly guys, the way I hear some talk about cheat days and pizza and drinking etc..dont expect to ever be a pro. The hours OUT of the gym are more important than the hours in the gym. This is why many routines basically do the same thing. Natural supplements are VERY IMPORTANT! I take buffered creatine and a super multi-mineral every day. I use synthergine everyday! Dont go over 400iu of vitamin E per day, use omega-3 oils, olive oil, garlic, tomatoes, blueberries, broccoli, apple cider vinegar every day somewhere in your diet. I take a childrens aspirin every day, green tea exteact, melatonin, coQ10,and ALA every day. I do this NOW, when I was competing it was more, hahahahaaahahah
Hey, Phil, what's the reason for not going over 400 iu's of vit e per day?
Definitely, I used to pick Phil's mind back in the day to no end....I think he probably got sick of me asking him so many questions-LOL....but from the first time I ever saw a pic of Phil to the time I was watching him on ESPN destroy Ray Mcniel, Brad Hollibaugh and everyone onstage, to the time he went to the USA, beat Titus and got his pro card---the size increases he made were just absolutely insane. Leaps and bounds above others. Lets put it this way, Iamabadman knows this well, I was interviewing or talking to 100's of top amateurs and alot of pro's back then trying to gather up a wealth of information. I had so many of the guys in Phil's weight class asking me "Hey what the hell does Phil Hernon do?" it was ridiculous.
And I think if anything can describe me to a tee its what Iama said I am an observationalist. I took everything everyone was doing to get really large over about a decade of studying elite people and started putting together ratios of what most people did successfully against ratios of what most people did unsuccessfully. I still live by the creadence that if "198 out of 200 people say something works, and 2 guys in lab coats from the University of Texas say it doesnt in lab rats--fuck the lab boys, THERE ARE POWER IN NUMBERS"
I look at things like "ok why are the guys that are so flexible like Flex, Ronnie, Melvin Anthony, and Platz (who could flat palm on a hamstring stretch) have the roundest muscle bellies in their legs (hamstrings, quads)
I tried to take alot of what i considered genetically elite people (Haney, etc) out of the picture and looked at what lanky guys such as (Jimmy Mentis, Ian Harrison etc) did to make themselves 300lb bodybuilders. I knew it didnt come easy to them so I looked at what they were doing diet wise etc.
One thing that kept repeating itself were the largest thickest guys were powerbuilders more than "fluff" bodybuilders, meaning they used the heaviest weights in good form for whatever exercise they were doing. There were alot of similiarities to what the largest thickest guys were doing but one thing that stood out was Phil was very much against the grain on a couple things.
The lower volume of work sets he did compared to other people along with the increased frequency of bodyparts trained compared to others. I was heading in that direction but this really hit home with me. If someone could ever find the exact amount of sets/work/intensity needed to make a bodypart grow AND NOT ONE IOTA MORE OR LESS that would be the ultimate equation solved in bodybuilding.
Simple equations=Everyone was asking me what the hell Phil Hernon was doing=but everyone was on a level playing field pretty much=the genetics in Phil's class were in a roundabout way pretty even=Phil was doing alot of the same things diet wise as others BUT PHIL WAS GAINING MUSCLE MASS SO MUCH FASTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE which only leaves one thing left in the equation. Everyone else thought you did 20 sets per bodypart and hammered it into oblivion and then waited a week and did it again. Well in my opinion thats gaining 52 times a year when maybe you could be gaining 78 to 104 times a year. I dont know the exact equation of how many sets you hit a bodypart with to get the optimal growth but I sure as hell knew everyone else didnt know and they were just following that "obsession to get big", or Flex magazine, or what they were taught or what that big guy over there is doing.
So honestly if anyones influences pulled me to what Ive been doing today its Phils. I was going low volume a decade ago but it wasnt until talking to Phil that I really starting pulling it inward and increasing the frequency of things coming to the conclusion "you know noone has really thought this out, they just do what the other guy does". Alot of what Phil talked about too was worksets not warmups and that is where alot of confusion in everything came about. Phil would tell me what he did for back and it was low volume because he would talk about the worksets and not warmups. Most pro's do 3-4 warmup sets toward their heaviest weights on an exercise like 135x10, 185x8, 225x6 and then their all out work set which is something like 275x10. They call that four sets (I call that one set, he sure as hell didnt grow from 135x10 which he has done 100 times before)
Almost all pros still do the training a bodypart once a week thing, its amazing to me that they dont look at what ronnie is doing. Ronnie Coleman (in my opinion) has the most unfreakingbelievable recovery of any person on this globe. He trains bodyparts 2x a week with poundages that are scary to a forklift. I dont know anyone else that could ever recover from training like that with that much workload, I know i couldnt.....but I sure as heck dont lose the method of the madness. He is gaining muscle mass faster than any other current pro bodybuilder and I believe its not only because of the poundages he isnt scared to use but also because he is about the only one training bodyparts 2x a week. Wouldnt that be reason enough for the other 400 or so pro bodybuilders to think "hmmm what would happen if I shifted my workload of sets per bodypart downward so I could recover, so I could train bodyparts 2x a week like Ronnie does?" Maybe I would gain muscle mass 2x as fast"
Nobody can train with the workload RC does because his recovery ability is from another planet but the man got his pro card at about 228 and is competing nowadays at 300lbs. Everyone else has access to what RC does and I do know that certain individuals (some of who Phil competed against) use/d amounts of ergo aids that could kill bull elephants. Why is Ronnie gaining so much faster that everyone else? I feel the answer is in what Phil instilled in me "train hard enough, but also definitely train often enough and then get the hell out of the gym"
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Well, I believe that nutrition and "normal" supplements (because we lack "to varying" degrees) have the MOST to do with the equation. The "training" part is a given wether you're enhanced or not.

I would like to see a Nutrition/Non-AAS Supplement Forum. Many boards have these and participation is only a fraction of that at the Anabolic Forums. I guess everyone thinks that someone is gonna divulge the "SECRET" as in the best anabolic to make you huge. I really believe the secret is in eating properly and training smartly (see my sig :) ).

I think Big A is reluctant to have a Nutrition/Non-AAS Supplement Forum because not many would participate. Maybe someone could start a poll?
Wow....True Geniuses. What I've realized in my short time in this sport is that people don't like to drop their egos at the door in the gym. They refuse to train like DC has explained in his manual, and now that I look back and watch these people bang out set after set after set you're right they never do get bigger. I started back lifting in oct. or so and I was about 200lbs which about 15% bodyfat. Now that I have my diet down and supplemention down I'm 235lbs at 12% bodyfat thanks to phil. I only lift 45min a day tops mostly 35 and my strength is through the roof. I'm back to 350lbs bench for a good 7 and my squat is back to 450lbs for 8 after knee surgery. I guess it just comes down to how bad you want to listen to these wise men.
Article I found

BigBoyJ said:
Hey, Phil, what's the reason for not going over 400 iu's of vit e per day?

In an article published in November 2004 in the Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers at Johns Hopkins examined 19 different vitamin E studies between 1966 and 2004 to a meta-analysis. The total number of subjects (age 47 - 84 years old) in these 19 studies was 135,967. The dosages of vitamin E ranged from 16.5 to 2000 IU per day. The meta-analysis suggests that too much of vitamin E (400IU or more per day) increases the risk of all-cause mortality.
I am trying out one of DOGGCRAPS routines, just tweaking it a bit to fit me, and I havent felt this good in a long time. I just started last week and I should have done this sooner.

is this gonna change how you train your clients???
Vitamin E supplements

I personally would not give any credit given to a research article done as a meta analysis. They are not double blind or control studies and quite frankly the benefit to risk ratio is much greater. I have seen way too many patients benefit ftom much higher doses from Vitamin E. Also, there are numerous varieties of vitamin e which some are not very absorbable and have no potential benefit.
I owe every pound of what I've gained (the muscular pounds that is, LOL) in the past year or so to Dante. I have been a low volumter for most of my lifting time now but ever since CFP it has changed the way I look at lifting and eating forever. I'm a young-buck (20) so I hope that I can still salvage a few more pounds onto this frame :D Now if I could just get this damn fat offa me!

Sidenotes and things some people don't understand about the program:

1. DC TRAINING DOES NOT MAKE YOU FAT! EATING TOO MUCH DOES! I've seen alot of people say that, "I tried DC for so and so period of time and I got fat. DC training makes you fat!". Alot of people (myself included) got giddy when it came to eating on the program after reading CFP and didn't stop to think, "HEY DUMBASS, you aren't a freakin' ecto you're a fat-prone endo/meso! Eat to gain but jesus don't stop at McDonald's on your way home from work everyday." Unfortunately I was one of these peopel and gained too much fat. Gained a hell of alot of muscle too, but this fat isn't doing me much good especially since I could eb spending this time gaining muscle while keeping bodyfat at a decent level this whole time. Alot of people get the idea that you eat until you can't eat anymore and that's not the case. You need to eat alot yes, but don't pig out especially if you're an endo.

2. DC TRAINING IS FOR ANYONE WILLING TO TRY IT, NOT JUST FOR STEROID USERS. ALot of people have this misconception and quite frankly I'm not sure where it came from. People get the idea that you must be juiced to the hilt to do well on thsi program but the grand majority of DC trainers are clean, myself included. Bodybuilders both clean and enhanced do fantastically on this program.
Great to see the positive direction to this thread ..........Phil , I appreciate you sharing some of your great ideas ........there will be more threads and questions [ so be ready .......and watch your cliental grow to a new level .....because a smart reader would know that only you could personalize thier own program for them ]

Mr Pickles said:
is this gonna change how you train your clients???

I can incorporqate both I suppose.My training actually is very similar, I just never read up on what DOGGCRAPP did. I am quite surprised to see that he does even a bit less than I do, pleasantly.
I can incorporqate both I suppose.My training actually is very similar, I just never read up on what DOGGCRAPP did. I am quite surprised to see that he does even a bit less than I do, pleasantly.
perhaps i need to stop by again and talk when your not so busy ...things are going very well for me so perhaps i should wait till things slow down but i like what i seeing you do and i can read in between lines as see where your going with things..you look harder,leaner and more vascular then i have ever seen you look ...

bigbaldbulldog said:
perhaps i need to stop by again and talk when your not so busy ...things are going very well for me so perhaps i should wait till things slow down but i like what i seeing you do and i can read in between lines as see where your going with things..you look harder,leaner and more vascular then i have ever seen you look ...

BBB, you would BLOW UP if you just tried this.

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