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Dorian Yates to be on Joe Rogan's podcast

Why doesn't anyone ever ask if he used arimidex or nolva ? That's the only thing I've never heard him speak of ?

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Why doesn't anyone ever ask if he used arimidex or nolva ? That's the only thing I've never heard him speak of ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Cuz it ain't interesting. Probably nolva early on, and arimidex later in his career and more around contest time.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

Really appreciate it!!!

"Hold off on answering, Dorian, I want to add to that. One reason some have speculated that today’s bodybuilders use so much more is that the drugs now are often fake or terribly underdosed, whereas in the old days, gear was typically far more legitimate and potent. Do you agree or disagree?

DY: I do hear about very heavy doses being used nowadays. People come to me in the U.K. and Spain to be trained, and often they are on 5,000 milligrams a week or more of gear. That’s totally unnecessary. And I do believe the lower quality and potency of what’s around these days is part of it. In the ‘90s, everything we used was pharmaceutical grade. 250 milligrams of test was always 250 milligrams, and you didn’t have to worry that it was 200 or 100 milligrams. There was no black-market, underground gear yet. Now, it’s the total opposite. There is very little pharma-grade gear about; it’s almost all underground stuff made God-knows-where by God-knows-who. So how can you know what you’re really getting? Is it the drug it’s supposed to be? Is it the dose it claims to be on the label? I sincerely doubt it. There is far more profit to be made in substituting cheaper drugs and by underdosing products. I hear guys tell me they are on three of four grams of test a week. Bollocks! If you were really using that much test, your blood pressure would be through the roof and you would be retaining so much water you’d look like a blowfish.

SR: I personally think there is a lot of fake gear on the market, and the athletes fail to exercise their due diligence to test what they take to ensure the quality is accurate. However, I also know that the vast majority of bodybuilders today, both pro and amateur, start their careers using anabolic steroids without ever building a foundation or a firm base from which to build upon. Hence, if you start your bodybuilding off with the introduction of steroids, after the first phase of initial gains, you have nowhere to go as far as building upon “quality muscle” because it was all built synthetically. This leaves guys with bloat and swelling, but no real hardcore foundation of muscle that was built by the sweat of the brow! When we talk about the lack of muscle quality these days versus in days gone by, this factors in heavily.

KL: Steroids back then were higher quality. Fewer companies made them, and nearly all of them were major pharmaceutical companies. Syntex used to make Anadrol 2902 tabs that were 50 milligrams each and very strong. The stuff out there now can’t compare to it. The GH being used then was Humatrope by Eli Lilly, and it was the best. Now, people get it only from AIDS patients. Most guys use cheap Chinese crap that’s much weaker. The Winstrol V we used to use came in amps and would crystallize in the syringe. Now there are tons and tons of different drugs from so many underground labs I’ve never heard of. Guys try to ask me what I think of this or that drug, and rarely do I have any idea what they’re talking about. But I am sure the gear out there now is junk compared to what we had 20 years ago."

Three hall of famers saying the same thing people ridicule me for saying. That's funny...
Really appreciate it!!!

"Hold off on answering, Dorian, I want to add to that. One reason some have speculated that today’s bodybuilders use so much more is that the drugs now are often fake or terribly underdosed, whereas in the old days, gear was typically far more legitimate and potent. Do you agree or disagree?

DY: I do hear about very heavy doses being used nowadays. People come to me in the U.K. and Spain to be trained, and often they are on 5,000 milligrams a week or more of gear. That’s totally unnecessary. And I do believe the lower quality and potency of what’s around these days is part of it. In the ‘90s, everything we used was pharmaceutical grade. 250 milligrams of test was always 250 milligrams, and you didn’t have to worry that it was 200 or 100 milligrams. There was no black-market, underground gear yet. Now, it’s the total opposite. There is very little pharma-grade gear about; it’s almost all underground stuff made God-knows-where by God-knows-who. So how can you know what you’re really getting? Is it the drug it’s supposed to be? Is it the dose it claims to be on the label? I sincerely doubt it. There is far more profit to be made in substituting cheaper drugs and by underdosing products. I hear guys tell me they are on three of four grams of test a week. Bollocks! If you were really using that much test, your blood pressure would be through the roof and you would be retaining so much water you’d look like a blowfish.

SR: I personally think there is a lot of fake gear on the market, and the athletes fail to exercise their due diligence to test what they take to ensure the quality is accurate. However, I also know that the vast majority of bodybuilders today, both pro and amateur, start their careers using anabolic steroids without ever building a foundation or a firm base from which to build upon. Hence, if you start your bodybuilding off with the introduction of steroids, after the first phase of initial gains, you have nowhere to go as far as building upon “quality muscle” because it was all built synthetically. This leaves guys with bloat and swelling, but no real hardcore foundation of muscle that was built by the sweat of the brow! When we talk about the lack of muscle quality these days versus in days gone by, this factors in heavily.

KL: Steroids back then were higher quality. Fewer companies made them, and nearly all of them were major pharmaceutical companies. Syntex used to make Anadrol 2902 tabs that were 50 milligrams each and very strong. The stuff out there now can’t compare to it. The GH being used then was Humatrope by Eli Lilly, and it was the best. Now, people get it only from AIDS patients. Most guys use cheap Chinese crap that’s much weaker. The Winstrol V we used to use came in amps and would crystallize in the syringe. Now there are tons and tons of different drugs from so many underground labs I’ve never heard of. Guys try to ask me what I think of this or that drug, and rarely do I have any idea what they’re talking about. But I am sure the gear out there now is junk compared to what we had 20 years ago."

Three hall of famers saying the same thing people ridicule me for saying. That's funny...

Not really. I think we all agree with you that today there is so much mixed quality. We all state back in the day when it was all pharm grade you obviously knew what you were getting. These days even most of the "pharm grade" is fake. There are fakes everywhere. Many just think you go over the top with things (me included). You post like all the UG gear today is a 1/4-3/4 as potent as gear from the 80-90's. Lot's of it is but there have been advancements in gear over the decades and many new drugs that are very effective.

Guys use the excuse about underdosed gear but most of them are not eating or training right and have no consistency. Fact is there is loads of great gear available today. Dorian won't have a clue about drugs now as he doesn't even use them (maybe TRT from a doc). The same for KL I doubt he is using sponsors on promuscle ever. I know someone who has supplied KL with gear for the O and it was from a pharmacy. So whilst they are some of the best BB's ever I don't think their knowledge of AAS in 2017 and what are good UG brands is up to stratch. The testing over on Anasci is recent evidence that there is some great gear going out by many different sources.

All this gear is crap now is ridiculous. Yes lot's of it is but the human race didn't suddenly forget how to make some testosterone there are just more people trying to make extra money from ripping guys off these days.
All this gear is crap now is ridiculous. Yes lot's of it is but the human race didn't suddenly forget how to make some testosterone there are just more people trying to make extra money from ripping guys off these days.

I agree. Just many more fakes and UGLs without the quality control in place and a MASSIVE increase in the number of guys doing this stuff so demand is through the roof. Because we are certainly much more advanced in regards to chemistry.

any sponsors carry dmt? :eek:

Deep web is your best bet for quality.
Wait lol so people actually believe Dorian when he talks dosages lmao!!! Like he's going to admit to what it really took him to get that physique. I see people are still full of shit or completely retarded. Ya I'm sure Dorian is 100 percent truthful about something as personal as steroid dosages the guy is almost too embarrassed to talk about it.

Flex wheeler never used synthol too right and Lee priest never went over a gram and didn't use GH.

Bodybuilders are so honest!!
Last edited:
The same for KL I doubt he is using sponsors on promuscle ever. I know someone who has supplied KL with gear for the O and it was from a pharmacy.

Of course he's not gonna be using any of the sponsors here. That man is connected to the people who still have access to quality gear 100% of the time.

You think the top 10 pro's are getting any of their gear from this board?
Of course he's not gonna be using any of the sponsors here. That man is connected to the people who still have access to quality gear 100% of the time.

You think the top 10 pro's are getting any of their gear from this board?

I think you missed my point by a long way. Your post is what I was implying. He doesn't have the first clue about the quality of the UG's on promuscle or any other forum. Allex spoke like he is an authority because he is a top bodybuilder but he probably doesn't have any experience (or very little) with UG's and when he decides to go on (AAS) his connections will get him stuff from a pharmacy. I am sure his knowledge on newer drugs is probably very limited and he has even said it himself.

I should add please don't think because someone is a pro that they suddenly have the most amazing gear connections and everything they use is pharm grade oils from a special vault. A good example is what do you think happens when pro's post on forums for example... they will get loads of sponsors (mainly the newer guys) offer them loads of free drugs. Many won't take it but some will. I have even had a decent pro ask me how he can get hold of stuff on this very forum. Within days he was posting about trying a certain sponsors HGH which I never set up he obviously asked or received a random private message from that sponsor. That's pretty much why top pro's post on forums. Obviously guys who posted then turned pro later are totally different. Big pro's who come on the forums is solely down to money or money they can make from it in the future (coaching, drugs etc). So again many pro's don't suddenly have access to all the best pharm grade oils in huge supply... far from it.
Last edited:
Really appreciate it!!!

"Hold off on answering, Dorian, I want to add to that. One reason some have speculated that today’s bodybuilders use so much more is that the drugs now are often fake or terribly underdosed, whereas in the old days, gear was typically far more legitimate and potent. Do you agree or disagree?

DY: I do hear about very heavy doses being used nowadays. People come to me in the U.K. and Spain to be trained, and often they are on 5,000 milligrams a week or more of gear. That’s totally unnecessary. And I do believe the lower quality and potency of what’s around these days is part of it. In the ‘90s, everything we used was pharmaceutical grade. 250 milligrams of test was always 250 milligrams, and you didn’t have to worry that it was 200 or 100 milligrams. There was no black-market, underground gear yet. Now, it’s the total opposite. There is very little pharma-grade gear about; it’s almost all underground stuff made God-knows-where by God-knows-who. So how can you know what you’re really getting? Is it the drug it’s supposed to be? Is it the dose it claims to be on the label? I sincerely doubt it. There is far more profit to be made in substituting cheaper drugs and by underdosing products. I hear guys tell me they are on three of four grams of test a week. Bollocks! If you were really using that much test, your blood pressure would be through the roof and you would be retaining so much water you’d look like a blowfish.

SR: I personally think there is a lot of fake gear on the market, and the athletes fail to exercise their due diligence to test what they take to ensure the quality is accurate. However, I also know that the vast majority of bodybuilders today, both pro and amateur, start their careers using anabolic steroids without ever building a foundation or a firm base from which to build upon. Hence, if you start your bodybuilding off with the introduction of steroids, after the first phase of initial gains, you have nowhere to go as far as building upon “quality muscle” because it was all built synthetically. This leaves guys with bloat and swelling, but no real hardcore foundation of muscle that was built by the sweat of the brow! When we talk about the lack of muscle quality these days versus in days gone by, this factors in heavily.

KL: Steroids back then were higher quality. Fewer companies made them, and nearly all of them were major pharmaceutical companies. Syntex used to make Anadrol 2902 tabs that were 50 milligrams each and very strong. The stuff out there now can’t compare to it. The GH being used then was Humatrope by Eli Lilly, and it was the best. Now, people get it only from AIDS patients. Most guys use cheap Chinese crap that’s much weaker. The Winstrol V we used to use came in amps and would crystallize in the syringe. Now there are tons and tons of different drugs from so many underground labs I’ve never heard of. Guys try to ask me what I think of this or that drug, and rarely do I have any idea what they’re talking about. But I am sure the gear out there now is junk compared to what we had 20 years ago."

Three hall of famers saying the same thing people ridicule me for saying. That's funny...

Great timing...this is why EVERYONE on PM or AnaSci should be donating to the testing that's going on! This way we can all be in the know!!

Today there are a lot more people using AAS due to the availability. Too many of these people think if they eat what Dorian eats, train the way Dorian does and uses the same amount of gear he uses that they'll look like that and it's NEVER going to happen because the genetics just aren't there...BUT they try to blame it on the gear...."it has to be under dosed." No it doesn't...you just don't have what it takes to look like a top pro...end of story.

When William Llewellyn was doing AAS testing 10 years ago, some things were under dosed but there were more than a few that were over dosed by a lot! Here's some of his results from 2008....

Going Underground?
by William Llewellyn, with Ronny Tober (Sept. 23, 2008)

There is no question about it. Underground steroid ******** make up the dominant share of the global steroid business now. What was once a market largely fed by real prescription drugs, is now one where small-scale underground manufacturing and home brewing operations thrive. The underground market does accomplish one very substantial thing – it allows the very large demand for these drugs to be met. It will be the first to admit, that were it not for the underground aspect of this trade, there would be far fewer drugs in commerce, and far fewer people with access to them. But this article is not about the availability of underground steroids. It is about their safety.

Underground steroids are indeed everywhere. But are they actually safe to use? Are underground steroids truly equivalent to the prescription drugs they are to replace? Those in support of the underground business often herald their favorite brands. Who is to blame them when they have access to a company that can supply them the variety, and often great value, that can be found with underground steroids. Many readers will recognize that we have had a very active testing history at Body of Science. In fact, I suspect that no single magazine or online community has tested as much as we have. But we too have our limitations. Up until now, our testing has been focused solely on the steroid content of a product. In other words, we have been able to tell you if X steroid was present in Y amount, but that is it.

The Labs

In an effort to help consumers REALLY assess the quality and potential health risks of underground steroid ********, BodyofScience.com and ANABOLICS undertook a detailed joint drug analysis project. This project focused solely on examining the quality of steroids made from underground facilities, and exceeded the normal scope of testing by examining a number of other variables often overlooked in dosage testing. A total of 14 underground steroid samples were selected for laboratory testing, which included ******** from Amplio Labs, British Dragon, Diamond Pharma, Generic Anabolics, Generic Pharma, Lizard Laboratories, Medical Inc., Microbiological Labs, Nordic Supplements, Shark Laboratories, SWE Supplements, and Troy Labs. Included in this list were drugs that were made from small underground manufacturers, mid-level operations, and even producers large enough to have their items assembled under contract by drug manufacturing facilities. All 14 samples were analyzed at a registered and licensed facility in the U.S.

The Tests

There were four specific areas of testing for this market analysis project. The first test was to look for the presence of toxic heavy metals such metals as lead, tin, mercury, and arsenic. Next, we commissioned the standard steroid quantification testing to see how these ******** were dosed. After this we looked to see if there were any unknown steroidal contaminants in the ********. Pharmaceutical grade steroids will be highly pure. Unprocessed intermediary chemicals or other contaminants should not appear upon analysis. The presence of unknown steroidal substances signifies that lower quality materials (not made to pharmaceutical standards) were used. Finally, we examined for the presence of the flavoring agent 2,4-decadienal. This material is common to food ********, and its presence demonstrates that food-grade oil (not highly pure pharmaceutical grade oil for injection) was used during product manufacture.

The Results

A detailing of the first 2 results from this testing series is available below, for all readers to see. Overall, the ******** examined in this study reflected extremely poorly on the quality of the underground steroid market. To begin with, more than 20% of the ******** (1 in 5) contained heavy metal contamination. While pre-market testing would have noticed this, if such ******** were ever found on pharmacy shelves in the U.S. it would trigger an immediate nationwide recall. Next, an examination of basic drug dosing showed many deviations. Approximately 35% of the ******** were actually significantly overdosed. While this was likely done in an effort to produce a stronger user response and loyal customer base, this is unacceptable and does raise many potential safety issues. The remaining results will be published in the upcoming release of William Llewellyn’s ANABOLICS 7th Edition (2009).

Test #1: Heavy Metals Contamination

Sample Contamination Result
1. methandrostenolone None Detected (<0.002) PASS
2. testosterone enanthate None Detected (<0.002) PASS
3. testosterone enanthate None Detected (<0.002) PASS
4. testosterone propionate None Detected (<0.002) PASS
5. boldenone undecylenate Metals Found (>0.002) FAIL
6. testosterone cypionate None Detected (<0.002) PASS
7. boldenone undecylenate Metals Found (<0.002) FAIL
8. trenbolone hexahydro. None Detected (<0.002) PASS
9. testosterone cypionate None Detected (<0.002) PASS
10. methenolone enanthate Metals Found (>0.002) FAIL
11. testosterone cypionate None Detected (<0.002) PASS
12. nandrolone decanoate None Detected (<0.002) PASS
13. methenolone enanthate None Detected (<0.002) PASS
14. trenbolone enanthate None Detected (<0.002) PASS

Failure Rate: 21%

Test #2: Dosage vs. Label Claim (mg/mL)

Sample Labeled Dose / Actual Dose / Percentage of Claim / Pass Fail Status
1. methandrostenolone 25 mg 115 mg 459% FAIL
2. testosterone enanthate 250 mg 440 mg 176% FAIL
3. testosterone enanthate 250 mg 408 mg 163% FAIL
4. testosterone propionate 75 mg 127 mg 169% FAIL
5. boldenone undecylenate 200 mg 240 mg 120% PASS
6. testosterone cypionate 200 mg 204 mg 102% PASS
7. boldenone undecylenate 200 mg 178 mg 89% PASS
8. trenbolone hexahydro. 76 mg 190 mg 249% FAIL
9. testosterone cypionate 200 mg 177 mg 88% PASS
10. methenolone enanthate 100 mg 54 mg 54% FAIL
11. testosterone cypionate 250 mg 171 mg 69% FAIL
12. nandrolone decanoate 250 mg 228 mg 91% PASS
13. methenolone enanthate 100 mg 78 mg 78% FAIL
14. trenbolone enanthate 100 mg 0 mg 0% FAIL

Failure Rate: 64% (+/- >20% of Label Claim)


The results are fairly self-explanatory. Even with just these two sets of tests under our belt, serious problems are evident. The heavy metals, of course, are alarming. The metals tested here are all known to pose specific threats to health when they accumulate in the body. Those metals considered inert (such as iron and aluminum) were not included. Heavy metals are common in chemical-manufacturing operations, but are normally removed through very careful product assembly and purification steps. They were likely found here because the raw materials used to make some of these steroids was simply made “cheaply”, without the expense needed to hit true drug-grade purity. This type of material could be considered “food grade”, and likely dominates most of the underground market.

This article is certainly not meant to be an outright attack on underground ********. Indeed, to many bodybuilders these ******** fill an important niche, which is very understandable. Indeed also, there are ******** to be found on the underground market that are made to high quality standards. In fact, these results should underline the other side of the coin, that it is possible for underground steroids to meet the level of true pharmaceutical grade drug purity. After all, some of these ******** did not have any unacceptable heavy metals, and were properly dosed. The very difficult trick, however, can be just finding them. Either way, I feel it is very important to be aware of the good and the bad of the underground anabolic/androgenic steroid market before you make any decisions. Stay informed. Stay safe.
He doesn't have the first clue about the quality of the UG's on promuscle or any other forum. Allex spoke like he is an authority because he is a top bodybuilder but he probably doesn't have any experience (or very little) with UG's and when he decides to go on (AAS) his connections will get him stuff from a pharmacy. I am sure his knowledge on newer drugs is probably very limited and he has even said it himself.

WTF Elvia... Where do you take this info from?

I was ordering UG gear from PM sponsors before you joined this site. The name I recall right now is MAMTA, but I used to order from several sponsors here back when I lived in the US.

Who's a top bodybuilder? Me? No, I'm not, never been, never claimed to be. I'm a gym rat lifting since I was 16, took time off from the gym several times, but still love the sport. Yes, I can get pharmacy grade stuff here, like most people can. It's a limited variety though, as expected.

Back when I used to get UG stuff I made a large order of Abuhraihan (can't spell it) from Our Unknown Secrets. I think it was 300 amps or something. Looked better on two amps a week than the UG combo I was running prior, which was 600 test, 600eq, 400mast or something like that.

I also brew, mostly for friends. Have raws from PM sponsors here right now. Can show pictures if you want. So, I'm quite familiar with UG tren, mast, var, winny, sdrol, madol, etc, etc...

I like to instigate discussion, that's all. Most mods here hate my posts, but they let me be here because they know I'm not ill intended.

And I also hate agendas. I'm from an era on PM when Hernon would say that all the protein a bodybuilder needed to take was 5 spoons of LBA's a day. I like to call people out on that kind of BS. Have been banned here many times because of that. I'm just a guy who likes the truth about things. Nothing else.

I should add please don't think because someone is a pro that they suddenly have the most amazing gear connections

I'm gonna tell you this: I'm a fucking nobody in this industry. Never competed, never anything. Just a fan who goes to the gym few times a week and takes a thing or two on top of TRT once or twice a year. And I can get, here in Brazil, which has one of the tightest customs in the world, Schering primo, Saizen, Genos, Nordis, Humas, Seros, pharm grade ancies, Iranian pharm drol, Bayer proviron, Aventis Clomid, Organon Andriol, AstraZeneca Tamoxifen, Testoviron, Paki Sustanon, Lantus, Novomix, etc, etc, etc...

How come a pro can't get human grade gear? Seriously, explain this to me.
WTF Elvia... Where do you take this info from?

I was ordering UG gear from PM sponsors before you joined this site. The name I recall right now is MAMTA, but I used to order from several sponsors here back when I lived in the US.

Who's a top bodybuilder? Me? No, I'm not, never been, never claimed to be. I'm a gym rat lifting since I was 16, took time off from the gym several times, but still love the sport. Yes, I can get pharmacy grade stuff here, like most people can. It's a limited variety though, as expected.

Back when I used to get UG stuff I made a large order of Abuhraihan (can't spell it) from Our Unknown Secrets. I think it was 300 amps or something. Looked better on two amps a week than the UG combo I was running prior, which was 600 test, 600eq, 400mast or something like that.

I also brew, mostly for friends. Have raws from PM sponsors here right now. Can show pictures if you want. So, I'm quite familiar with UG tren, mast, var, winny, sdrol, madol, etc, etc...

I like to instigate discussion, that's all. Most mods here hate my posts, but they let me be here because they know I'm not ill intended.

And I also hate agendas. I'm from an era on PM when Hernon would say that all the protein a bodybuilder needed to take was 5 spoons of LBA's a day. I like to call people out on that kind of BS. Have been banned here many times because of that. I'm just a guy who likes the truth about things. Nothing else.

I'm gonna tell you this: I'm a fucking nobody in this industry. Never competed, never anything. Just a fan who goes to the gym few times a week and takes a thing or two on top of TRT once or twice a year. And I can get, here in Brazil, which has one of the tightest customs in the world, Schering primo, Saizen, Genos, Nordis, Humas, Seros, pharm grade ancies, Iranian pharm drol, Bayer proviron, Aventis Clomid, Organon Andriol, AstraZeneca Tamoxifen, Testoviron, Paki Sustanon, Lantus, Novomix, etc, etc, etc...

How come a pro can't get human grade gear? Seriously, explain this to me.

You have completely misread my post. Reread it as you are totally off. I wasn't referring to you at all. I was referring to Kevin Levrone. I simply meant you mentioned him and Dorian in the interview saying what you are ridiculed about. The post was nothing about you. I was merely stating both of them won't have a clue about UG gear as they don't even use it. Both have even said in interviews they don't have a clue about drugs these days.

Regarding pro's I wasn't saying that. It's common sense many will have amazing contacts and some won't. The guy implied (like many seem to think) that all pro's somehow have access to all the best pharm grade drugs in the world and have a limitless supply. It's like they almost think that's why they look the way they do. Guys still think like that but it's far from the truth. I am not pretending to know what connects x or y pro has but this is common sense. I know sponsors that are supplying top amatuer and pro bodybuilders on this site. Even some of the pro's on here post who they are supplied by. Yes I am sure the guys in the likes of Oxygen gym have access to all the best and don't have to do anything to get it... that's part of the reason they go there. Although I am sure many don't but they still do just fine. Of course pro's have access to pharm grade gear... everyone on the internet does.
Oh crap.

The way you worded it and I saw my name...

Never mind it.

It does actually sound like I meant you if you just read the post. But I was replying to the quoted post and mentioned the same thing earlier on. Sorry about the confusion.
It does actually sound like I meant you if you just read the post. But I was replying to the quoted post and mentioned the same thing earlier on. Sorry about the confusion.

I also thought you were talking about ALLEX. I was like dam that's a bit harsh lol
elvia stop bullying allex pls

Tenny is banned so someone has to bully on here! I don't like it so looking forward to his return then he can bully your fat ass when he is back ;)
Tenny is banned so someone has to bully on here! I don't like it so looking forward to his return then he can bully your fat ass when he is back ;)
don't call him fat, you're enabling him...he'll go on another dnp binge

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Just finished listening to this. Definitely worth the listen but nothing new is said.
It got weird there for a bit. I thought I was pretty good in-the-know but I've never even heard of this DMT stuff or whatever it is. Sounds like weird trippy shit to me.

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