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Drug Test Question???


New member
Jan 24, 2005
I'm doing a 10 week cycle of Test-E at 500mg per week. If my employer ordered me to steriod drug test would I show positive for this specific substance or would my test levels just be elavated?

Is there any other logical explaination for an elavated test level other then steroids?
Who are you employed by? I can't imagine any employer specifically testing for steroids, it's really quite expensive. If it's just a drug screen, dont worry about it.
i dont think that your employer will give you sach a test,its too expensive,so would worry about that,but if you work for a police or fire department then tthey can pic you and send you for a drug test.other wise nop
police officers dont get tested for roids do they? I mean Ronnie obviously didnt. Is state police drug test different then federal police test?
Jrflex10er said:
police officers dont get tested for roids do they? I mean Ronnie obviously didnt. Is state police drug test different then federal police test?

i dont believe so. but you'll never believe this: cops can go before a judge and request an order to use steroids and the judge will grant the officer his request to use.
I have literally taken around 60 employer drug tests, from different jobs. Not one of them showed my juice use.

And yes, I have had 60 different jobs. :eek:
Starkraven said:
i dont believe so. but you'll never believe this: cops can go before a judge and request an order to use steroids and the judge will grant the officer his request to use.

LOL what would be the reason the cop would give to the judge for use?
Ironhorse said:
I'm doing a 10 week cycle of Test-E at 500mg per week. If my employer ordered me to steriod drug test would I show positive for this specific substance or would my test levels just be elavated?

Is there any other logical explaination for an elavated test level other then steroids?

do you work for NFL or major leauge/?! :rolleyes: :D
Ironhorse said:
I'm doing a 10 week cycle of Test-E at 500mg per week. If my employer ordered me to steriod drug test would I show positive for this specific substance or would my test levels just be elavated?

Is there any other logical explaination for an elavated test level other then steroids?

honestly steroid test are so expensive i doubt you would get that even if they said they test for it, what is the job exactly, only way I think they could order this is possibly if someone from the company has a current law suit against over "roid rage" to someones beleif, thast a very long strech so i seriously doubt its that. most of the times they test groups for AAS they just test a couple samples but make everyone piss because its too expensive.
Worst case if they do & you show elivated test levels blame it on all the tribbulus & horny goat weed you take for your libido. :D

Having said that tests like this are very expensive & I'm pretty sure it'll be a regular run of the mill drug screen.

You'll be fine,
Jrflex10er said:
police officers dont get tested for roids do they? I mean Ronnie obviously didnt. Is state police drug test different then federal police test?

yes they are tested,but only in the few cases,if they think you selling it or they think you takeing it.
i know few guys who works for police and fire department.so i know exactly what kind of situation they been before,its just funny.
jerrywear said:
yes they are tested,but only in the few cases,if they think you selling it or they think you takeing it.
i know few guys who works for police and fire department.so i know exactly what kind of situation they been before,its just funny.

how could police officers get in trouble when taking roids when I've read police officers getting dwi's and getting out of it.
also depends on what they test for....

I believe different androgens may require diff tests, but I may be wrong how they usually test this is through yur urine they compare your epitestosterone levels to your testosterone levels, for example
# Normal

1. Epitestosterone to Testosterone Ratio = 2-3 to 1

# Abnormal

1. Epitestosterone to Testosterone Ratio = 6-9 to 1
2. Conditions with abnormal ratio
1. Growth hormone abuse by athletes
2. Anabolic Steroid use by athletes
if u have to do it id take a diuretic, drink large volumes of water before hand and dilute the test, they are an expensive test, otherwise the Olympics would test every single athlete they have, but too much $
jerrywear said:
they can,if they suspect you for selling it or useing it.

how could they not suspect ronnie.. Im honestly glad they left him alone but its just funny.
Dave_19 said:
how could they not suspect ronnie.. Im honestly glad they left him alone but its just funny.

bro i think they knew all along,and mr.O did gave a good name for police department,but i guess they could go with it for so long.politics bro,i have friend right now who is bb and hes takeing shit like is no tomorow:)at the same time he works for police department. and he won a lot of shows,he has sponsors and everything.but its going to be for so long too,and he know that too.

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