VInce Gironda Style..Not my words.
"When I get up, my high fat jump-starter is four or five eggs, depending on how hungry I am. Eggs don't cause heart attacks. Some people take the yolk from the egg and eat just the egg white, but that's wrong. Eggs are whole food, the greatest food you can eat. It closely matches the human anatomy. Eggs are the finest protein, along with liver and raw milk. That's been proven over and over. They have the highest PER (protein efficiency ratio) rating"
"The egg is a perfect food. You see, God is the greatest chemist in the world. He created the egg."
"If you separate the white and yolk of the egg, you get an isolated protein. Any time you separate the white and the yolk of an egg, you get an isolated protein. Any time you separate protein from fat you're left with an incomplete food. The manufacturers of protein powders tell you to mix them with juice or water. Well, let me tell you, folks - you can't digest protein without fat. Vince taught me that and he was right. When you swallow an egg white, it goes into your stomach and your stomach says, "Hey, where's the fat?" The white, which is protein, has no vehicle for conversion, so it's converted to sugar."
"The same thing happens when you use protein powder. They say to mix with juice or water because they're made of ionized whey protein, which is the skim of cottage cheese. It's not biologically superior to eggs, liver and milk. These powders make you feel good because they're carbohydrated sugar. Sure you're going to put on weight, but it's not going to be muscle weight"
You cannot digest protein without fat...
"and it must be digested to be converted to amino acids. Once it's digested it goes through the liver and is converted to amino acids. If it's not digested the liver can't do its job. If eggs or fat cause heart attacks, I want someone to tell me how my grandmother and grandfather, who were both muscular people with beautiful skin, lived on a farm, consumed raw milk, natural eggs pork sausage and butter (my grandfather died two months shy of his 98th birthday, and my grandmother died when she was 101"
EGGS the foods of Champions.