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Ephedrine HCL VS Yohimbine HCL

Just listen to 432 Hz tuned music on the treadmill 😂
next level isochronic tones alpha theta or delta waves tuned to 432hz!
sofflegio tones are also extremely viable, have a plethora of benefits, 432hz being one of those 12 sofflegio tones. insta zen or focus depending on which + hormone hack /epigenetic response
How are you running the ECY?
I'm doing Yohimbine in the morning at 5mg and Ephedrine twice daily. The tremors are nasty and the anxiety is a bit much.
I should try ephedrine, alot of people swear by it, never tried it
How are you running the ECY?
I'm doing Yohimbine in the morning at 5mg and Ephedrine twice daily. The tremors are nasty and the anxiety is a bit much.
12.5mg ephedra, 1 -2 cup coffee after, and yohimbine either an hour or two later if I'm going to work and possibly again before gym if I go later 2.5mg ea time
Yea I have wound up in the er once from taking it as I was shaking so bad my dad was like you need to go to the er. They said I was just allergic to it. A nurse/friend told me later that I was most likely not accustom to the dose and I need to start out low dosed and titrate up. I just quit using the product though. I really don't like the way I feel on it at all. Hard to believe that they used to prescribe that to guys with ed. And I agree I would not use the product under any circumstance.
Interestingly, before the development of PDE-5 inhibitors, Yohimbine used to be the standard therapy for ED.
Interestingly, before the development of PDE-5 inhibitors, Yohimbine used to be the standard therapy for ED.
Yea I remember it was 5mg tabs, I remember reading about it. I don't know if just that dose or other doses were prescribed as well. I would feel like total shit on that. Hopefully caverject was around at that time. I know a guy who just uses a cock ring and he says that works. But shit I bet there were tImes when a guy could get chicks as he was the only few or one that could get it up. I looked into that trimix shit.and it said they have to fax your.dr.about it. So I guess i.need to.talk to my dr.but id.rather.get peg, I think due.To cost and the extra step. But I guess I have a Dr appointment tomorrow....
How are you running the ECY?
I'm doing Yohimbine in the morning at 5mg and Ephedrine twice daily. The tremors are nasty and the anxiety is a bit much.
I use 100mg caffeine , 12.5mg ephedrine , 5mg yohimbine each dose.
take one dose as soon as you wake up before fasted cardio or at least 30 min before a meal. You can take a second and third dose later in the day , generally 4-5hr apart between meal as blood sugar levels are back to normal as endogenous insulin is said to blunt the fat burning effect of the yohimbin.
after a week add 2.5mg yohimbine per dose and slowly titrate up
Dan Duchaine claimed that mixing tuarine and yohimbine could produce amphetamine like results but not as long. I tried that and was pretty zinged up. I know it was 5mg yohimbine but cannot remember the amount of taurine.

I really liked ephedrine(eca)and its a Bronchodilator so I think it would have some impact on vo2 max but I am guessing. I liked it when I was younger.for a time.but I quit getting stronger after awhile, probably a diet issue though I quit eca. I was like 16 at the time and didn't know.shit. I would not.take it today as I would be worried about afib. I would do it hear an there until it was made illegal or whatever

I would think ecy and maybe +taurine would give the maximum benefit

I think clen as being supreme to ecy as that compound I always had the most.pronounced effects for me personally

I have never been a huge fan of stims beyond eca clen and ritalin . I think stims do not really do for me what they do for others as even the two main illegal ones I never really liked and if offered to me free I would not accept them.
Do you remember the pharmacology supposedly behind the yohimbine-taurine mix?
Do you remember the pharmacology supposedly behind the yohimbine-taurine mix?
I can't seem to find anything regarding a specific synergy with yohimbine + taurine.

FWIW, Lyle McDonald used to recommend a fasted cardio protocol combining caffeine, yohimbine hcl, and 1-3 grams of l-tyrosine (just wondering if stackdizzy meant tyrosine instead of taurine?).
i always took taurine with everything, couldnt tell ya a difference, but I will say taurine does supercharge your cells and electrolyte balance. maybe @Type-IIx can shed some info on the two and advantages or superiority science wise
Do you remember the pharmacology supposedly behind the yohimbine-taurine mix?

No dude I cannot recall the pharmacology behind yohimbine and taurine. There was a ratio of how much to take.of.each. I remember 5mg.of yohimbine and I cannot remember the dose for taurine 2/3/5mg all stick in my head. It was.definitely taurine. As it is used in a lot of energy drinks. So I posted.a.the bit I ran across On L-tyrosine as it looks like a good addition. But that is.a slippery slope. Sorry I could not be of more.service as this.stuff.was 32 years ago.

L-Tyrosine: L-Tyrosine is one of the most unique, and misunderstood essential amino acids. Tyrosine acts as a precursor to several of the ‘feel good’ chemicals in the brain, and is also involved in the adrenal system, helping your body regulate the production of epinephrine (adrenaline) and cortisol (the stress hormone) in the body
I wanted to replenish my memory on the two since I have used them avidly for 10 years on and off, mostly on , with a few days off weekly

I pulled the comparison up on CHATGPT to see how exactly they differ.

"The effectiveness of yohimbine HCl versus ephedrine HCl for fat burning can depend on various factors, including individual physiology, tolerance, and the specific goals of the user. Both compounds can be effective for promoting fat loss, but they work through different mechanisms and may have different effects and side effects.

  1. Yohimbine HCl: Yohimbine primarily works by blocking alpha-2 adrenergic receptors, leading to increased norepinephrine and adrenaline release. This can enhance lipolysis and fat burning, particularly in stubborn areas like the abdomen and thighs. Yohimbine is often used for spot reduction of fat and may be more effective for this purpose compared to ephedrine.
  2. Ephedrine HCl: Ephedrine works by stimulating beta-adrenergic receptors, leading to increased lipolysis and metabolic rate. It also has mild appetite-suppressant effects. Ephedrine is known for its stimulant properties, which can increase energy expenditure and enhance fat loss. However, ephedrine has been associated with more side effects, including increased heart rate, blood pressure, and the potential for dependence or abuse.
In terms of pure fat-burning effects, ephedrine may be more potent due to its stimulant properties and broader effects on metabolism. However, it also carries a higher risk of side effects and is more tightly regulated in many countries due to safety concerns.

Ultimately, the choice between yohimbine HCl and ephedrine HCl for fat burning should be based on individual factors such as tolerance, goals, and sensitivity to stimulants."

personally I feel like ephedrine hcl is as stated more wider spectrum, last probably twice as long IMO, and is better for general focus

but I have sold probably 10k bottles of yohimbine hcl containing product with RL biz, and many who do not even workout, like construction workers or biz professionals, still get fat burning with this product around mid section etc without really dieting or exercise besides moving around at work. They also say about yohimbine hcl that the focus is great and mood boost as well as libido boost. ephedrine does the opposite for me, I feel like I am on speed and sides (resting heart rate increase, bp spike, blurry vision from high bp)

I try to time yohimbine usually before gym. I fast daily. So I will do 12.5mg ephedrine hcl fasted with a hooked up coffee, and a 2.5mg or 5mg yohimbine hcl shortly after, then if I exercise later in day ill take another yohimbine 15-20 min prior. helps workouts out bigtime.

I will say I love the bronchodilator effect of ephedrine hcl, does that contribute to v02 max increase?
Muay Thai,

I haven’t posted for a long time. Every once in a while I check the board just to see what is going on. For some reason your post about ephedrine has motivated me to get off my ass and comment!

I first tried it back when you could buy it at any gas station. This was 1997. To say I was impressed would be an understatement. It kills my appetite and kicks me in the ass. Some folks don’t seem to like stimulants….but I do. It is good I have never tried anything stronger, because I would probably be one of those skinny dudes on the street, scratching holes in my face, etc.

I have been using it a few times per week since then and now it is 2024. Yeah, that is probably a bad thing. 🤣 I use 12.5 mgs with a 200 mg caffeine tablet before morning cardio or training. It continues to be very effective for me to this day. I get a lot of shit done if I take it in the morning and keep my carbs very low throughout the day! It extends the effects of the ephedrine.

I am glad you are still alive. You have been through some rough times.

I keep my ephedrine, caffeine, and some aspirin in this old ProLabs bottle. (Since 1997) As can see it is pretty beat up. I have no idea what it used to say on the bottle and I don’t even know if Prolab is still a company. 😂
Muay Thai,

I haven’t posted for a long time. Every once in a while I check the board just to see what is going on. For some reason your post about ephedrine has motivated me to get off my ass and comment!

I first tried it back when you could buy it at any gas station. This was 1997. To say I was impressed would be an understatement. It kills my appetite and kicks me in the ass. Some folks don’t seem to like stimulants….but I do. It is good I have never tried anything stronger, because I would probably be one of those skinny dudes on the street, scratching holes in my face, etc.

I have been using it a few times per week since then and now it is 2024. Yeah, that is probably a bad thing. 🤣 I use 12.5 mgs with a 200 mg caffeine tablet before morning cardio or training. It continues to be very effective for me to this day. I get a lot of shit done if I take it in the morning and keep my carbs very low throughout the day! It extends the effects of the ephedrine.

I am glad you are still alive. You have been through some rough times.

I keep my ephedrine, caffeine, and some aspirin in this old ProLabs bottle. (Since 1997) As can see it is pretty beat up. I have no idea what it used to say on the bottle and I don’t even know if Prolab is still a company. 😂
View attachment 193700
great to hear from you bud! and thank you for your advice & valued feedback
FYI, I would be careful using Yohombe if you have significant PTSD.

It can cause vivid flashback feelings. It has actually been used as a triggering agent in supervised therapy settings.
Maybe why I can't take it. Tren and halo I'm just confident. Yohimbine makes me want to rage.
I used to eat ECA like Skittles, but just 4-5mg of yohimbine was like walking death: cold sweats, nausea, shakes🤢
Muay Thai,

I haven’t posted for a long time. Every once in a while I check the board just to see what is going on. For some reason your post about ephedrine has motivated me to get off my ass and comment!

I first tried it back when you could buy it at any gas station. This was 1997. To say I was impressed would be an understatement. It kills my appetite and kicks me in the ass. Some folks don’t seem to like stimulants….but I do. It is good I have never tried anything stronger, because I would probably be one of those skinny dudes on the street, scratching holes in my face, etc.

I have been using it a few times per week since then and now it is 2024. Yeah, that is probably a bad thing. 🤣 I use 12.5 mgs with a 200 mg caffeine tablet before morning cardio or training. It continues to be very effective for me to this day. I get a lot of shit done if I take it in the morning and keep my carbs very low throughout the day! It extends the effects of the ephedrine.

I am glad you are still alive. You have been through some rough times.

I keep my ephedrine, caffeine, and some aspirin in this old ProLabs bottle. (Since 1997) As can see it is pretty beat up. I have no idea what it used to say on the bottle and I don’t even know if Prolab is still a company. 😂
View attachment 193700
Nice post.
Just like you, I've been using the ECA stack for pre-workouts since back in the day, and nothing beats it as being so effective every single time even to this date.
It baffles me how little ephedrine it takes for people nowadays to get bad shakes and side effects on the present day so called stack.

The standard back in the day was:
200 mgs of caffeine
25 mgs of ephedrine hydrochloride
325 mgs of aspirin

and it seemed to work for the majority of lab rats with noticeable results.
Heck, there was a reason this brand of ephedrine became so popular in 92 and sometimes before a heavy leg session would pop two of them accompanied by an espresso and had killer workouts:


Those were the days....
Just ordered me a few bottles of Yohimbine from TN!
Nice post.
Just like you, I've been using the ECA stack for pre-workouts since back in the day, and nothing beats it as being so effective every single time even to this date.
It baffles me how little ephedrine it takes for people nowadays to get bad shakes and side effects on the present day so called stack.

The standard back in the day was:
200 mgs of caffeine
25 mgs of ephedrine hydrochloride
325 mgs of aspirin

and it seemed to work for the majority of lab rats with noticeable results.
Heck, there was a reason this brand of ephedrine became so popular in 92 and sometimes before a heavy leg session would pop two of them accompanied by an espresso and had killer workouts:

View attachment 195733

Those were the days....
Wow, forgot about those! I miss them. :(
Oral or injectable HCL? Does it really matter? I loved ephedrine in the early 2000s, I know it was banned in the US, even with the internet I struggle to find the real stuff to get it shipped to me.

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