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EQ alone.


Aug 15, 2005
Is EQ a good choice for a standalone ,non toxic ,no side effects drug ?
Coming off a 6 month primo cycle@600mg/ew with very satisfying results and looking for something similar.
Will i need antiestrogens/antiaromatase/proscar with it if i run it for 600mg/ew ?
Never used it before and this last point is very important .
It's a great anabolic and I ALWAYS use an anabolic with an androgen (test).

So - I have no experiences to share :( :cool:
Fastandfurious said:
Is EQ a good choice for a standalone ,non toxic ,no side effects drug ?
Coming off a 6 month primo cycle@600mg/ew with very satisfying results and looking for something similar.
Will i need antiestrogens/antiaromatase/proscar with it if i run it for 600mg/ew ?
Never used it before and this last point is very important .

EQ is very mild... it has some estrogenic properties, but nothing to be all that concerned about...

so of course you should keep some nolva on hand, but I wouldn't worry about it too much...

and I would run it with test, but if you do run it alone, then do run it for a long period of time..

EQ is so mild

I cant honestly say I have noticed very much in the way of gains while running eq @ 600 mgs a week for 10 weeks. It eas a homebrew so I think it was done properly. I did get major appetite for first few weeks but that eventually stopped after awhile. Some say 600 is minimum and 1000 is when the magic begins. anybody else?
Fastandfurious said:
Is EQ a good choice for a standalone ,non toxic ,no side effects drug ?
Coming off a 6 month primo cycle@600mg/ew with very satisfying results and looking for something similar.
Will i need antiestrogens/antiaromatase/proscar with it if i run it for 600mg/ew ?
Never used it before and this last point is very important .

I think test is a good stanalone AAS, EQ is not IMO.

ag-guys said:
I think test is a good stanalone AAS, EQ is not IMO.

I'd have to agree. The EQ is going to shut you down to a certain extent anyway, so why not just run Test? It’ll still shut you down but you’ll get much better results from it! Or add some test in each week. Just my 0.02c worth
I was thinking of making a "i'm a test non-responder" post but here goes.

I've been using primo alone for 5 months and 1 month ago i added test @750/ew (with ralo/fem).First 2 weeks enanth/prop/susp then only enanth.I got nothing additional (no strength,no mass) ,only 5 pounds that seem to be only water.It also seems to aggrevate my sleep apnea that i got 5 years ago during another test cycle (coincidence ? ) and is ok since then no matter what i use (besides test).
Since i'm a strength athlete and i got what i wanted from primo (although it may sound crazy to many) i think i'll take the same route again.I felt very good,no libido problems,strength great,changed my body to the better quite a bit.

EQ seems a good choice for that reason and any estrogenic effects probably much more controllable even with half the dosage of ralo/fem.And when a meet comes near a'ii be adding a couple of orals and maybe tren or masteron.
let me give you some advice bro. i took eq on 2 different occasions by itself because of my sensitivity to estrogen(bitch tit) and what it does is shut down your test production and you wont get a erection during or for months after you come off. i ran it at 600/wk for 12weeks and it fucked up my sex drive bad. tank...
Fastandfurious said:
I was thinking of making a "i'm a test non-responder" post but here goes.

I've been using primo alone for 5 months and 1 month ago i added test @750/ew (with ralo/fem).First 2 weeks enanth/prop/susp then only enanth.I got nothing additional (no strength,no mass) ,only 5 pounds that seem to be only water.It also seems to aggrevate my sleep apnea that i got 5 years ago during another test cycle (coincidence ? ) and is ok since then no matter what i use (besides test).
How was your diet? Gear is not the only answer - nutrition, diet, workout & rest - it's all synergistic. Are you positive it was good stuff (strength and authentic)?

Have you done Deca alone....I'm with excel I always mix..but I sub EQ for Deca....but never alone...The only aas I would do alone would be test or slin(I Know slin isn't aas)
Fastandfurious said:
Is EQ a good choice for a standalone ,non toxic ,no side effects drug ?
Coming off a 6 month primo cycle@600mg/ew with very satisfying results and looking for something similar.
Will i need antiestrogens/antiaromatase/proscar with it if i run it for 600mg/ew ?
Never used it before and this last point is very important .
I love EQ. Personally I think it should be run with a base (TEST) even if it's only 200 mgs of test. 200 mgs of Test and 800-1000 mgs of EQ is a good stack

Like the say with EQ, run it had and long for best results
i also love eq i run it in almost every cycle ive done but always with at least equal parts test all with good gains but as stated above ive heard great results @ 1000mgs and guess whos taking 1000mgs of test and eq as part of there next cycle :D this guy
I did 800mg/week along with 200mg test a week (to keep the schlong working) for 10 weeks once just because I fancied a run with mostly anabolics & have to say I felt great on it. As others have said, the gains aren't anything like you'd see with test but overall well being was excellent & what I put on was pretty solid. I will definitely do something similar again in the future.
I have used deca 2,5 years straight@600mg/ew adding various things and after a while taking them off.
It really transformed my physique,gave me 30 pounds i never lost since (10 years ago) but also a bit of gyno very hard to get rid off.Finally ralo/fem make a great difference there (if you have persistent gyno try it) but when i get my hands on tren which i love it reappears.Can't do this anymore because if i want to go to a tested meet i'll have to clear 2 years in advance which is quite a lot of time.
Also done test alone (with ancillaries) for about a year straight but as i said before i'm a no responder to test.I get better results from 15mg dbol/ed than on a gram of test/ew.So i've made up my mind about test.
Have also used Andriol quite a lot and this gives me the same sides and nothing else.By the way Andriol gives me gyno like nothing else (HCG included) and after 2-3 weeks my lymph nodes always start hurting (they are absorbed by the lymph).
Prop/susp are quite better in the sides department but still few results.

All substances are real and well dosed,especially the test enanthate (schering) that i get from a pharmacy that i know to recognize from the smell of the sesame oil and pain in the injection site for a week after (too much BA ?) among a million substances.Just hate it and when they end i'll buy no more.

If EQ gives me the strength of deca without the bloat and gyno lumps i'll be very happy.
I plan to use some proviron as an androgen in case i feel like it.
Xcellbeyond,diet and training remained unchanged .All other parts of the equation were the same.

I don't see how a male can be a test non-responder. I can see you not wanting to take it if you are gyno prone...but I have never seen anyone not respond. That being said....I don't like how test makes me look...I hold lots of water, particularily in the face....which pisses me off! lol....

Do what seems to work for you! I got nothing noticable from eq alone.....I'd at least do an androgenic oral with it. You wanted opinions right?:)
attn fastandfurious

question for ya what is ralo/fem?? i get gyno pretty bad too and im not familiar with this, i have used arimidex it works pretty well. tank...
Jethro Tull,I wanted opinions,yes and thanks to all of you for them !

Tank,raloxifene,a new generation SERM like Nolva @ 30mg/ed with femara@1,25mg/ed really decreased my gyno and it's only been about 40 days i use this stack.My gyno is persistent for about 10-12years and is mostly progesterone gyno from deca.Tren also makes it worse.I think this is by far the best combo i've used.Second best was aromasin alone. I truly believe aromasin is better (for me) than femara so i'll soon change to ralo/aromasin to completely wipe this out.I believe in 6 months it'll be completely annihilated.
Fastandfurious said:
Is EQ a good choice for a standalone ,non toxic ,no side effects drug ?
Coming off a 6 month primo cycle@600mg/ew with very satisfying results and looking for something similar.
Will i need antiestrogens/antiaromatase/proscar with it if i run it for 600mg/ew ?
Never used it before and this last point is very important .

eq and test prop is a great combo , i used a gram of eq wk and 100mg of test prop a day . got harder , more vascular and some size. As far as primo goes ,i like it better than eq mg for mg.I get harder and fuller with no sides at all(besides an empty wallet ) , other than that its primo over eq any day if money is not an issue.

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