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Eq and anxiety

huh I just bought some EQ DVDS to watch, now I'm afraid of watching this movie, it sounds a little bit scary and I'm already anxious


how about Anavar guys ? anxiety issues with anavar ?

Never had anxiety with Var... It will destroy your lipids and liver labs more than likely tho.
Never had anxiety with Var... It will destroy your lipids and liver labs more than likely tho.

I read it in an article Var is very mild because there was a study that AIDs patients took up to 80mg of var and the side effects were very small after they got their blood chcked

I read that 2 years ago, otherwise I would have gave you a link
Never had anxiety with Var... It will destroy your lipids and liver labs more than likely tho.

Var was fine with me , no problems. EQ and Tren are the two drugs that I've known to bring on anxiety, also halo.
We are luckier these days....

We still have to go through Anxiety, but look it up when you went through Withdrawals and had panic attacks they would strap you to a Bed. Could you imagine i remember this guy he had bad migraines they gave him a Morphine Derivitive I don't remember but he had too much and started itching. He itched so bad the straped his hands down I thought this was crazy.
We still have to go through Anxiety, but look it up when you went through Withdrawals and had panic attacks they would strap you to a Bed. Could you imagine i remember this guy he had bad migraines they gave him a Morphine Derivitive I don't remember but he had too much and started itching. He itched so bad the straped his hands down I thought this was crazy.

That's fucked up stuff. Best way to deal with anxiety is to know you're in control. Resorting to meds should be the last thing anyone should use.
I appreciate all the replies. Special note to THN... thanks for your great posts. I have simply stopped it. No point in feeling like this. I was mainly using it for the appetite increase. I done 300mg Sat 17th and 1 week later on the 24th. So only 2 injects. It takes weeks to build up so in no way I am gonna risk that. I will just have to let it fade away.

I was gonna start dbol on Mon but did so today. It always makes me feel better so just thought I would throw that in at a low dose.

Anxiety is a horrible thing. It is frustrating being like this but life is good. It just annoys me that I am that sensitive to basically feeling mental. In a few weeks I will feel fine again. I just have to be careful etc. I never wanted to take 'strong' medications so battled through it without. 10mg citalopram is fine long term and I feel it keeps me in the right place. It's not ideal having to take my 1 tablet everyday but it something I feel is doing me genuine good.

The ironic thing with me is I wasn't even an anxious person. Even after my panic started I was laid back and easy going and happy etc. I don't worry about silly things and appreciate life etc. But then I will be in a out and bang I could easily fall down and basically freak out if I didn't battle through it.

Try not to worry about things you have on hand. Many can mentally create anxiety without the help of all the hormones we take. But of course these are strong hormones and can cause numerous mental side effects.

If your an anxious person I strongly advise you stay away from tren and eq. I haven't encountered problems with any other compound. But everyone reacts differently to different things.
huh I just bought some EQ DVDS to watch, now I'm afraid of watching this movie, it sounds a little bit scary and I'm already anxious


how about Anavar guys ? anxiety issues with anavar ?

It's entirely upto you. So I assume you have never taken it before. Just do what you feel is best. I bet you will be fine. Just watch the dosage. Start off low and move up and see how you are. I would hate you to feel what I have at times.

Never had issues with avar but not tried it since my panic started haha.
We still have to go through Anxiety, but look it up when you went through Withdrawals and had panic attacks they would strap you to a Bed. Could you imagine i remember this guy he had bad migraines they gave him a Morphine Derivitive I don't remember but he had too much and started itching. He itched so bad the straped his hands down I thought this was crazy.

That is fucked up.

For me being trapped in some way is the green light for my anxiety to start. Not having control or being tied down would be hell.

I went to a theme park many months ago. Quite amusing but the worst part of the day was being tied down before the rides started. I loved the rides just hated waiting for them to start. On one I was sat by my mate and we are both tall so could barely fit in and then they put the bar down. Well I started having a panic attack and dripping sweat. My mate was worried but I just said I am fine just want it to start. Well it took about 2 mins that were the longest 2 mins of my life. Would have been quite embarassing having to get off considering there were a group of 12 year olds next to us.
What was your dosage? How many mg were you injecting each time?

You see, Boldenone Undeclyenate is an interesting compound*and gabernergic as noted), and I've found that it MUST be administered in LOWER dosages, although MORE FREQUENTLY, in order to reap the full benefits while also evading the negative side effects. Shooting 200-300mg of EQ AT ONCE is crazy! Remember the old GANABOL used to come in 50mg per ml, and even on 200mg per week you were a friggin race horse! lol

My advice, run EQ at 50-100mg each shot, therefore, never exceed approximately 700mg, if you want to completely avoid gabanergic side-effects.
What was your dosage? How many mg were you injecting each time?

You see, Boldenone Undeclyenate is an interesting compound*and gabernergic as noted), and I've found that it MUST be administered in LOWER dosages, although MORE FREQUENTLY, in order to reap the full benefits while also evading the negative side effects. Shooting 200-300mg of EQ AT ONCE is crazy! Remember the old GANABOL used to come in 50mg per ml, and even on 200mg per week you were a friggin race horse! lol

My advice, run EQ at 50-100mg each shot, therefore, never exceed approximately 700mg, if you want to completely avoid gabanergic side-effects.

I done 1ml (300mg) every sat so a fair dose in one go. Thanks for your suggestion. I am sure you are spot on and smaller and more frequent injections are always best. I am not gonna play with fire though. Anyone who has experienced bad anxiety will understand this. I only bought 10ml and planned to do 1ml for 10 weeks so no real loss imo.
i noticed eq anxiety when i tried a high dose trial cycle @ 800mgs a week, i now play it safe and stay under 600mgs/week....

i've noticed that when i use d-bol i feel the exact oppisite, happy, relaxed no anger :) anyone else notice this about d-bol?
i noticed eq anxiety when i tried a high dose trial cycle @ 800mgs a week, i now play it safe and stay under 600mgs/week....

i've noticed that when i use d-bol i feel the exact oppisite, happy, relaxed no anger :) anyone else notice this about d-bol?

Dbol as a pronounced effect on dopamine levels so should make most feel great.

Most of the bad reviews of dbol tend to be due to bp issues and/or painful back pumps. But yeah there aren't many who don't love dbol :)
Damn this is bad. I just got 4 DVD of that movie, and now Im afraid to watch them because I fit the bill to have issues. I already am a perpetual worrier, and have moderate social anxiety. I cant afford to have more anxiety than I already do. I watched 150 second of the movie this morning, and maybe Ill cut it out for awhile. Not sure what to do.
Damn this is bad. I just got 4 DVD of that movie, and now Im afraid to watch them because I fit the bill to have issues. I already am a perpetual worrier, and have moderate social anxiety. I cant afford to have more anxiety than I already do. I watched 150 second of the movie this morning, and maybe Ill cut it out for awhile. Not sure what to do.

DON'T STOP watching your movie just yet, run small dosages every other day(50-100mg) and you will have no issues most likely. I have anxiety as well, and when using EQ I never have issues anymore, dosed like this.
maybe you could run the dbol with the eq?

Like I said I don't want to play with fire. It's not worth it imo I have only been hit bad twice in the last few days with moments of bad anxiety (general anxiety throughout the day). Both times only lasted minutes. But they were enough for me to know not to go there.

I hear you on the eq and dbol but their side effects work on totally different pathways. I do believe any form of feeling better will help out but a dopamine increase won't stop anxiety caused by gabaergic transmission. I should add it would help alot but I don't want to be on dbol for 10 weeks! I do see a strong use for dopamine agonists for anxiety but mainly depression (but there are better choices all over). I am taking citalopram which effects serotonin and those two neurotransmitters are closely interrelated.

As I mentioned anxiety seems to start of from the The GABAA receptor. The one category of drugs that would be hugely effectie are benzo's but I don't want to go there at all. I imagine taking them daily would prevent what I am currently feeling. But they cause even more issues than what they takeaway. But definately a must for many out there. I am just happy my anxiety eased up alittle as I would have definately took anything to stop feeling like I did 9 months ago.

Eq dropped. 40mg dbol added :)
man the ganabol 50cc @ 50mg :) that takes me back... my first cycle was eq only... 50mgs every other day for first 3 weeks, then 100mgs eod for 4 weeks, then 50mgs for 3 weeks... gained 17lbs and kept 14 :)
DON'T STOP watching your movie just yet, run small dosages every other day(50-100mg) and you will have no issues most likely. I have anxiety as well, and when using EQ I never have issues anymore, dosed like this.

Yeah follow this advice. I am sure you will be fine. Don't create a problem. You don't want to awaste 4 dvd's. I took Eq at 600mg (2 injs per week) 2 years ago and I was fine. I have expereinced severe anxiety on and off for 9 months so you should be fine. As BignShredded suggested just watch your dosages and do smaller injs through the week. The effects come on me straightaway so smallers injs look good to me.

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