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Eq....love it or hate it ?

Ok, thanks

I'm using Vitamin Shoppe Astragulus and Nutricost Taurine

Stay away from NOW astragulus, it didn't have any impact on my bloods, but the VS brand did
NOW astragalus lowered my serum creatinine.

Im in Canada if that means anythi g
Taurine is a staple every bodybuilder should take daily IMO. You’ll find it’s in “most” good pre workout products. But I like to aim for 4g a day in total.

It’s role in mitochondrial function, BP regulation to supporting fat metabolism make it invaluable for athletes and bodybuilders IMO.
I take it every day to prevent cramping probably for the past 10 years. Maybe it is helping to balance osmolality and Na+ and K+. Never thought of it protecting kidneys.
EQ is something else. I’m a grounded individual that has never had any psychological issues that weren’t induced by heavy narcotic use. That said, I started using EQ in my early 30s. Packed on quite a bit of beef from it too. I usually ran it between 600-800mg. But around age 37-38 I ran it for the last time. I was paranoid as hell and just mentally way off the tracks. And I’m never like that. Had to call it quits with Equipoise. Even high dose tren doesn’t mess with my mind like EQ did.

The anxiety and paranoia along with the crazy thick blood it produces makes me think EQ should and likely will eventually disappear from most people’s staple anabolics. There’s just so many better options imo.
I find this interesting. Did you, by chance, run Test along side that last cycle of Eq where you were having psychological issues? I ask because it seems as though it is an estrogen balance issue when mental issues and anxieties take over....

Estrogen balance makes you feel up, or down, or plain crazy. Just ask any broad ever. It's why bitches is crazy :/ in a nutshell
my hematocrit and hemoglobin are always in the middle of the norm, no matter what I do - genetics
Massive advantage Luki.
With 400mg you’re only getting around 244mg. I think there’s a misconception that eq is weak when it’s really just a heavy ester. There’s not really an injectable outside of tren or trest that id notice much from 244mg
The difference in ester weight between EQ and boldenone cypionate isn't substantial. EQ is 36.7% ester and the cypionate version is 30% ester. So with a weekly dose of 400mg of either drug you're getting 253mg vs 279mg respectively.
The difference in ester weight between EQ and boldenone cypionate isn't substantial. EQ is 36.7% ester and the cypionate version is 30% ester. So with a weekly dose of 400mg of either drug you're getting 253mg vs 279mg respectively.
Okay so that 35 extra mg makes a huge difference then. The point still remains that unless it’s tren or trestolone it’s not enough to really make a difference.
I could sneeze 35mg
Okay so that 35 extra mg makes a huge difference then. The point still remains that unless it’s tren or trestolone it’s not enough to really make a difference.
I could sneeze 35mg
Uh, 26mg. 279-253=26. I'm not wading into how you perceive drugs to work for you. I was only pointing out the "big ester" argument against EQ doesn't hold much weight b/c the difference in mg with other versions of the drug are fairly small. If I had to posit an answer, I would suspect it's the shorter time to reach peak concentrations that guys prefer cypionate. Only a guess though.
And I may have missed it but I don't think anyone was ever trying to compare tren and trest to boldenone.
Uh, 26mg. 279-253=26. I'm not wading into how you perceive drugs to work for you. I was only pointing out the "big ester" argument against EQ doesn't hold much weight b/c the difference in mg with other versions of the drug are fairly small. If I had to posit an answer, I would suspect it's the shorter time to reach peak concentrations that guys prefer cypionate. Only a guess though.
And I may have missed it but I don't think anyone was ever trying to compare tren and trest to boldenone.
Nobody was comparing besides me to make a point.
Do I need to explain it to you?
A whole 26mg.. much better.
279-244= uh..what? I was just using the highest number you posted.
244 is the number I originally that you corrected so I was showing the difference.
Do we continue to derail arguing over nothing productive?
Hey im hoping for some input on experiences with EQ.....now i know alot of guys add it to a cycle with test of course and usually tren or Nandro ....Im curious to anyone's experience with it....seems some people love it and some meh...
I know it raises Rbc
I know it can increase hunger and anxiety with some....everyone responds differently im sure ....
Ive never ran Eq and ive run a bunch of stuff over the years and keep an eye on bloods frequently ...also donate 4 times a year minimum ...what kind of results have you got from say Eq and Test....I personally always run my test lower in all my cycles .....I love Primo and Anavar but just have this itch to try EQ....experiences and results from it or any feedback would be greatly appreciated .....Lean muscle ?....vascularity ....endurance etc..etc..of course diet is key ...im wondering how it would be for a long spring summer recomp into a cut ..
Nobody was comparing besides me to make a point.
Do I need to explain it to you?
A whole 26mg.. much better.
279-244= uh..what? I was just using the highest number you posted.
244 is the number I originally that you corrected so I was showing the difference.
Do we continue to derail arguing over nothing productive?
You’re the one arguing 😂
Any brands that you recommend? Or it really doesn’t matter?
It's been said here vitamin shoppe brand is top notch and what I use 6g a day. But I think Victor Black is the only person I've seen say EQ is kidney toxic I could be wrong. Not sure what mechanism he said but I believe he's not a fan of vet AAS
It's been said here vitamin shoppe brand is top notch and what I use 6g a day. But I think Victor Black is the only person I've seen say EQ is kidney toxic I could be wrong. Not sure what mechanism he said but I believe he's not a fan of vet AAS
I wouldnt trust a damn word that fool says, guys not respected in this industry by any longstanding vets , the new age gurus are self aggradizing know it alls. I can name 4-5 smarter bros here, with all the portfolio, references, and credentials to back them , even some with zero credentials are better coaches than that fool lol
It's been said here vitamin shoppe brand is top notch and what I use 6g a day. But I think Victor Black is the only person I've seen say EQ is kidney toxic I could be wrong. Not sure what mechanism he said but I believe he's not a fan of vet AAS
"Vet AAS" 🙄
It's been said here vitamin shoppe brand is top notch and what I use 6g a day. But I think Victor Black is the only person I've seen say EQ is kidney toxic I could be wrong. Not sure what mechanism he said but I believe he's not a fan of vet AAS
Bodybuilding is simple. Take everything VB says and don’t do it. 🤷‍♂️
It's been said here vitamin shoppe brand is top notch and what I use 6g a day. But I think Victor Black is the only person I've seen say EQ is kidney toxic I could be wrong. Not sure what mechanism he said but I believe he's not a fan of vet AAS
I can only speak for me personally as someone with kidney disease my kidney function is improving while running eq.
Victor Black was trying to use studies that have no application for humans. He’s very good at cherry picking and misusing data.
"Dianabol goes in the bin!" - VB

I think not.

VB thinks Dianabol is too neurotoxic. He also said, "look at old bodybuilders, how weird they are. They used a lot of Deca." He means the Deca damaged their brain, can cause dementia etc. I'm not discounting this altogether but I think he drew too strong conclusions from some assay on neurotoxicity of different steroids. Anyone else think older bodybuilders aren't mentally all there?
"Dianabol goes in the bin!" - VB

I think not.

VB thinks Dianabol is too neurotoxic. He also said, "look at old bodybuilders, how weird they are. They used a lot of Deca." He means the Deca damaged their brain, can cause dementia etc. I'm not discounting this altogether but I think he drew too strong conclusions from some assay on neurotoxicity of different steroids. Anyone else think older bodybuilders aren't mentally all there?
Man that's so hard to say, with dementia being linked to depression and not really knowing what percentage of people who get treated for depression compared to long term steroid users its hard to say. Plus I don't know what you consider at what age is old. A lot of older guys on this board and they seem fine. I read a study and ill look for it tomorrow but it stated that long term steroid use does not decrease life span. You think if people get dementia they are in the end stages of life. Maybe not I don't know. Also I think a lot of BB were somewhat of a social outcast at some point in their life or maybe have some sort of undiagnosed mild autism. Lets not even mention OCD. But the question remains is do steroid users have a significantly higher cross section of mental illness than non steroid users? I would think not because they have the same lifespan. Having mental illness decreases life span. Please answer me this, why is.everyone so concerned with what Victor Black says?

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