What to run with EQ...Love to run test cyp & Deca...Sust & primo...Deca,var, drol for strenght run...What do you guys like to run with EQ ??? Would want to run some form of test with it..but not sure which one is best...etn...prop...susp...not cyp cause about every other cycle is cyp based for me..
What to run with EQ...Love to run test cyp & Deca...Sust & primo...Deca,var, drol for strenght run...What do you guys like to run with EQ ??? Would want to run some form of test with it..but not sure which one is best...etn...prop...susp...not cyp cause about every other cycle is cyp based for me..
I would start with two types of test. Prop and Enanthate. The prop will get the test active in your body faster than the Enan and Undecylinate as these are both long acting esters. If you dont start with the prop it will be 3 week's before their active in sufficient blood concentrations. Such as week1 Prop@300/ EQ@400/Test E@500 do this for 3 weeks then drop the prop, and run the test and eq out the duration of the cycle you could even bring the prop back in the last two weeks of the cycle while dropping the E.
I like EQ with almost anything. Personally, it is a fairly weak AAS at reasonable doses and can be used for a variety of results. I like to throw it into bulking cycles, rather than cutting cycles, becuase it increases my appetite like crazy, though it does tend to increase vascularity.