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ex users PGF questions


New member
Jul 17, 2003
Could I use this to bring up my pecs? Im just able to start training after having pec repaired (tore in a fight) and decided that I need to bring them up anyway. BTW, the tear was very minor and the tendon did not come off the bone. Does this stuff always require a prescription?? How much should I plan on getting to use on pecs and calves? I know this is an individual thing, but Im sure you could guesstimate. Thaks alot guys
Your Tougher than me

Waste of money and time, very painful at injection site especially the pecs and you'll probably be doubled over the first 3 days from stomach cramps, you may also experience sever cramps right under the pecs near the obliques and hammies.

If your a tough mf'er go for it, I used it twice two different cycles and the only reason I used it the second time was because I thought the side effects wouldn't be as bad. WRONG!
Re: Your Tougher than me

Fathead said:
Waste of money and time, very painful at injection site especially the pecs and you'll probably be doubled over the first 3 days from stomach cramps, you may also experience sever cramps right under the pecs near the obliques and hammies.

If your a tough mf'er go for it, I used it twice two different cycles and the only reason I used it the second time was because I thought the side effects wouldn't be as bad. WRONG!
I've heard this more often than not. Probably why I haven't bothered trying it.

Alot of people complained about the pain of using syntherol in the calves. Didnt bother me too much and I jumped to 3 cc's the second day. As long as it isnt injury, pain doesnt bother me. Especially if it is going to improve my physique. Shits suck. I would go under the knife, but that isnt real muscle. I still have alot more research before I try this one though.
Is it possible that this drug just doesnt work for some?? Or is it that these people couldnt do what it takes? Im thinking of doing this when Im off with insulin and syntheselen.
Any info/ opinions are welcome

Anything that causes me to miss workouts, be weak, and not be able to eat is junk. I consider tough myself tough with a fairly high pain thresh hold but it is everything else that goes with it. I forgot to add earlier you have got to keep using it because the results don't last all that long.

Try it though gotta do something at least once. I am using synth for the first time in 20 years.
Re: Ok

Fathead said:
I am using synth for the first time in 20 years.
You used it 20 years ago?!?! - J/K had to give you a hard time :D
are you serious?

The size isnt permanent??!! Even if you get back on anabolics after the cessation of use??!! The thread XCEL posted a link for said that after use, the muscles that received "treatment" responded better to training than ever before! Something about it upregulating the muscle's sensitivity to training stimulus. Im not interested in temporary increases, I only decided to give syntherol a try b/c of all of the people saying that the gains were permanent and maintainable. Why would anyone want this??
Everything I've read about it makes it sound like the next best thing to sex :D

Whenever I've asked on a board about it, almost the unanimous response has been the most anyone has gotten out of it is horrible cramps and a toilet full of crap (and very quickly at that!).

Sorry X

I type extremely fast and rarely have time to double check what I might have said.

Tom don't confuse this substance with anything that is going to make you huge overnight just like AAS once you stop using it the effects will subside with time. I truly believe it's crap but I got on the boat a few years ago and used it my pecs and delts hurt like a mofo.

I can't stress enough how miserable it made me feel and how it kept me from training.

I read that article again and have issues with several key points mainly the "tremendous growth" he said ensues is just not true for me or anyone else that ever used it I know. Growth? Some! Hardness? Absolutely! sick as shit hell yea.

Your wanting to use it as a recovery ploy for a partially torn pec well I don't think you could take it. #1. you want to go slow with that pec and let it recover on it's own time using moderate weight. I think when the time is right you should just re-evaluate your reps and methods for developing your pec.

Try it once and let me and the board know.

Good luck.
I appreciate the honest replies. Ive tried numerous things over the many years Ive been training (training methods). I have pectus excavatus. For those of you that arent familiar with it, it is common and simply means that the bone structure behind my pectoral muscles isnt even. Few notice it without me pointing it out, but I do. Im trying to figure out what options I can explore before going under the knife to have it fixed. They grow quite nicely when I can train heavily (ive gone as heavy as 375 for 8 on the incline), but I dont think I will be doing that again. Im done trying to use extremely heavy weight.

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