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Finasteride - study shows .05mg super effective

Not necessarily. I have a grandfather who passed at 99 with a lot of hair, not bald.
There are outliers, of course. My grandpa has a lot of hair at 80 y/o but the vast majority of men will face MPB sooner or later. If you decide to use androgenic steroids, you're only expediting that process. I'm still hoping I'm one of the lucky ones lol
There are outliers, of course. My grandpa has a lot of hair at 80 y/o but the vast majority of men will face MPB sooner or later. If you decide to use androgenic steroids, you're only expediting that process. I'm still hoping I'm one of the lucky ones lol
I just disagree with “take it like a man and go bald”

Most people don’t look good bald, including me.
And despite what all the bald guys say, hair IS NOT overrated.
I recall there being a lawsuit against Finasteride or something similar and one of the side-effects that were not disclosed was painful shrinking genitals. Once I read that I knew I would shave my head for keeps.
I just disagree with “take it like a man and go bald”

Most people don’t look good bald, including me.
And despite what all the bald guys say, hair IS NOT overrated.

You can chop your testicles off, inject estrogen and take anti-androgens and that will cure your hair loss.

Men go bald because we are Men. Women don't go bald because they are women. Thats how it works, it is what nature intended.

And to say "most guys don't look good bald" is dumb. Girls don't give a shit about hair they care about CONFIDENCE.
You can chop your testicles off, inject estrogen and take anti-androgens and that will cure your hair loss.

Men go bald because we are Men. Women don't go bald because they are women. Thats how it works, it is what nature intended.

And to say "most guys don't look good bald" is dumb. Girls don't give a shit about hair they care about CONFIDENCE.
I don’t look good bald.
In my other thread I’m pretty sure @LATS said he doesn’t look good bald.

Most of our heads do not look good without hair, if it be from size, shape, whatever. That’s a fact.

Girls don’t give a shit about hair? Did you ask all your girlfriends? Pretty sure you need to have looks to attract a girl in a crowd bud, then the confidence factor applies, but hey u seem like you know everything gains….. 🙄
I don’t look good bald.
In my other thread I’m pretty sure @LATS said he doesn’t look good bald.

Most of our heads do not look good without hair, if it be from size, shape, whatever. That’s a fact.

Girls don’t give a shit about hair? Did you ask all your girlfriends? Pretty sure you need to have looks to attract a girl in a crowd bud, then the confidence factor applies, but hey u seem like you know everything gains….. 🙄

I have lost my hair and shave my head. I cannot say my girl getting percentage has increased or decreased compared to when I had hair compared to now. The girls I have attracted are of the same caliber to me anyway. What I'm getting at is some girls like hair and some girls can appreciate a bald dude too. I would bet if asked what a girl prefers most would say hair but they wouldn't pass up the right combination of man who may be bald in certain cases.

In your situation I would bet your look fine with your head shaved but you look at yourself thinking the opposite. Thats ok, but everyone is there own worst critic in certain ways.
I don’t look good bald.
In my other thread I’m pretty sure @LATS said he doesn’t look good bald.

Most of our heads do not look good without hair, if it be from size, shape, whatever. That’s a fact.

Girls don’t give a shit about hair? Did you ask all your girlfriends? Pretty sure you need to have looks to attract a girl in a crowd bud, then the confidence factor applies, but hey u seem like you know everything gains….. 🙄
My head is shaped like a brick.. I need my lions mane to cover that crap up lol..
I have lost my hair and shave my head. I cannot say my girl getting percentage has increased or decreased compared to when I had hair compared to now. The girls I have attracted are of the same caliber to me anyway. What I'm getting at is some girls like hair and some girls can appreciate a bald dude too. I would bet if asked what a girl prefers most would say hair but they wouldn't pass up the right combination of man who may be bald in certain cases.

In your situation I would bet your look fine with your head shaved but you look at yourself thinking the opposite. Thats ok, but everyone is there own worst critic in certain ways.
I’ve had a shaved head. I looked like a hospital patient.

Doesn’t look right with my head shape, skin tone, head size, etc.
My head is shaped like a brick.. I need my lions mane to cover that crap up lol..
I knew I remembered that from my other thread! Lol

Point proven. Another man who doesn’t look good (admittedly) with a shaved head.

That is all.
Should be noted, whether or not you accept baldness as an inevitability and whether or not you inhibit 5 alpha reductase are two separate questions.
Should be noted, whether or not you accept baldness as an inevitability and whether or not you inhibit 5 alpha reductase are two separate questions.
All good. I just disagree with “take it like a man and go bald.”

Sounds ridiculous. Idiotic.
All good. I just disagree with “take it like a man and go bald.”

Sounds ridiculous. Idiotic.
Not trying to change your mind. And it sounds kind of dumb but I try and find bald celebrities to look up to like the Rock as example. Chics dig him and he is a cue ball.
Counterpoint: a man is doing well if he averages sex 1-2x/week over the course of his life. Meanwhile, baldness is everyday, 24/7 365.

There's no single right approach, and each person approaches risks differently

i've been taking finasteride for 8 years now and my only regret is not starting earlier. Hairline has frozen in place, and I went from one of the first people I knew who was losing hair to one of the last people with full head of hair. i noticed maybe 10% loss in libido but its hard to say whether it was that or just getting older .. i dont mind, its nice to be able to focus on other things besides sex. Its still active enough to be a distraction most days but i suppose that's what they call a "good problem"
I've taken fin for the past 6 years and have no regrets as well. Took me a bit to dial in my dose through blood tests. 1mg ED lowered my dht too much. .5 EOD works well for me. I'm 55, been using gear for a long time, full head of hair, no libido or depression issues. But as we all know everyone reacts differently to sides. Just wanted to share my expereince.
2% Ketoconazole, Finasteride, latanoprost serum or foam has done me well. I only used 2% keto previously(last 2 years on this). My older brother used propecia, rogaine all that and he shaved his head (strongman). He was going bald @ 19 anyway but he kept it going a while.

Not trying to change your mind. And it sounds kind of dumb but I try and find bald celebrities to look up to like the Rock as example. Chics dig him and he is a cue ball.
Some people are willing to take the risk and roll the dice. If they have no issues, fantastic. Run with it. I always wonder what these people would do if they did have issues though. Or if it was the year 1822 and there are no potions, pills, injections, or other "solutions" like everyone jumps at. Life isn't fair and if you haven't figured that out by age 30, you have much bigger problems.

Guys like Johnson, Statham, and Willis really make you think. All three of them have all the money in the world to afford the best transplants and could fill an Amazon warehouse full of Finasteride and RU-58841. Yet they all said "nope."

The comment about confidence and being comfortable with who you are rings true. If you can walk around as if you have hair like Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall when you don't, both women and men will respect that more. I was at Costco yesterday and this guy in front of me had a giant fucking hole in the back of his head and used the hair from his long bangs that he grew out to try and and slick it back and cover it. All I saw was what looked like three squiggly lines with greasy gel not covering much of anything at all. He looks like a goddamn buffoon.
I knew I remembered that from my other thread! Lol

Point proven. Another man who doesn’t look good (admittedly) with a shaved head.

That is all.
I'd love to burr my head.. so much easier.. but it would look horrendous.. I one time brought it up to my lady who cuts my hair.. she looked very intently at my head then said " nah.. you don't want to do that ".. 😒
Not trying to change your mind. And it sounds kind of dumb but I try and find bald celebrities to look up to like the Rock as example. Chics dig him and he is a cue ball.
Not trying to continue this argument but have you seen the Rock WITH hair from back in the day?

Honestly he’s probably one of few people who look better WITHOUT HAIR lol.
Finasteride has worked well for me in the past. I'm looking to get some more. Can anyone recommend a local sponsor? You can PM me if you'd like to! Thanks Bros!
Not trying to continue this argument but have you seen the Rock WITH hair from back in the day?

Honestly he’s probably one of few people who look better WITHOUT HAIR lol.
You are right about the Rock for sure. His hair was ridiculous.

But to be clear I am not arguing with you. Just discussing a topic just like you would do with a good friend.
Since I'm on hormone replacement say two days of deca at 25 mg a day and then one day at testosterone at either 10 or 20 mg a day , would topical finasteride on the testosterone days interact with deca, on my head , and cause AR receptors the bind like it would oral ?

When in doubt I leave it alone so I'm not going to use topical finasteride while I'm using neanderlin because it's still in my system on the off day so unless some research presents itself I'll just leave it alone for now but I wanted to bring that up

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