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FLEX and the "O"


New member
Jun 11, 2002
So what do some of you guys think about flex making his so called come-back to the "O" next year???? He claims that he's not going to use gear or diaretics (BULLSHIT). does anyone think this is even possable??? and if so, can he compete with the freaks? He's a genetic freak, but at that level just having genetics dosen't cut it. what do you guys think?
good luck and be safe....

After such a long break, if you start pumping lots of juice you grow like a weed. I think we might see a awesome Flex. I could be wrong though:confused:
The time off might have done him a lot of good. He's probably excited to get back into the gym and train. It's not hard to get burnt out competiting year after year.
I just read an article in muscular dev. about him doing the upcoming O, and he was asked if he was doing natural and his reply was "I cant answer that for obvious reasons, but Im going to look the best Ive ever looked, if that answers your question". So NO he wont be natural. A few months ago he was 215 or so, now he is 255 and looking pretty good. I think the year off did a lot of good for his body and his mind.
Maybe the next time he "retires" he'll keep his mouth shut. He looks like a major hypocrite now.
I met Flex in person on the 16th of this month.He is very big and very kind also.He looks in perfect health in my opinion.As soon as my girlfriend bring my pics back,I will post one.

What I read is that he wont do any substances banned by the IFBB, im no expert but I think that means Synthol, and Water reduction agents, their is no way they test for TEST.
wolverine said:
Maybe the next time he "retires" he'll keep his mouth shut. He looks like a major hypocrite now.

Agreed! Well put!
wolverine said:
Maybe the next time he "retires" he'll keep his mouth shut. He looks like a major hypocrite now.
yea thats the onley thing when i heard he retired i said oh right and sure enough he came back again
Maybe he got special permission from Jesus to hit the
roids again.Remember when he said he couldn't do them
anymore after being born again!?

This press release has been issued to address recent online reports and speculation regarding Mr. Wheeler's plans as a competitive professional bodybuilder. The nature of this release is intimately personal. Per the request of Mr. Wheeler, he would like to address everyone, leaving no stone unturned, for the next chapter in his life has begun.

Flex Wheeler:

"Well, I will start with my competition plans and the stuff going around the 'Net. After my training injury rehabilitation in July, I geared up for the Olympia with a newfound respect for myself, and the sport at large. My plans up until last week were to do the Olympia 100% drug free. I was able to maintain a very respectable bodyweight -- I am currently 252 lbs. -- off drugs since October, and planned to compete around 215 lbs at the 2001 Olympia. The game plan was in place to shock everyone, and show the entire world what can be accomplished using one's God given tools. Everything was going fantastic. It did not matter to me how I placed or who won, because my purpose was to make a statement and lead by example. If I can do it, anyone can, you know? While I have no ill will towards those who choose to use bodybuilding drugs -- Lord knows I've done them for many years -- personally, enough is enough for many reasons. I am not a kid anymore, and I have a family to support. More importantly, using drugs at this point in my life goes against my personal Christian beliefs. There are many other ways to get from Point A to Point B. The sport's governing bodies are working hard to clean up the drug issue, and with God's blessing, I was aiming to bolster this goal by leading the way in surprising fashion. It seemed like a perfect plan, but frankly, other opportunities and obstacles stepped in.

"This week I had a hernia operation. An obstacle for sure, and on top of other avenues to make money for my family, promote bodybuilding and spread His word, competing in the Olympia progressed from eager preparation, to uncertainty, to being totally out of the question. I wish it wasn't to be -- I really, really do -- but time has moved on, and I think it's time for me to do the same.

"While an athlete of my caliber making a splash appearance without drug use would certainly help the cause and mainstream accessibility, I've been presented the opportunity to get to the elusive Point B much faster in lieu of injuries through charity work, traveling the world and conducting training camps, promoting my autobiography through my publishing house's book tour, and becoming a man who represents our sport for what it really can and should be.

"Effective immediately, I am publicly announcing my retirement from competition. Please note that I am not leaving bodybuilding. Not at all. Bodybuilding is what I do best, and has been a huge part of my life. I will play an active, direct role in our sport, be it promoting contests, judging or whatever I can do to participate and help the IFBB. On top of that, my company, Team Flex, and I have a priority, and that is to reach the grassroots bodybuilder and gym enthusiast through a variety of media and public relations, from the Internet to touring to film and print work. Focusing on such mainstream efforts is a nice transition.

"I want to offer my sincerely apology to those who expected me to compete at the Olympia. I am truly very sorry, and I sincerely hope everyone understands. I will be attending the Olympia expo and want to offer the best of luck to all athletes competing in the show. It should be both exciting and sad for me to watch from the audience, as I am moving on to another chapter in my life. I am blessed by having other avenue's to continue doing what I love, and a great support group at home and professionally through all my fans across the globe. For that, I thank them many times over. At 36 years old, this isn't how I wanted to bow out, but overall I've had a great run. In the end, I'll still be here promoting the sport day by day, chapter by chapter, and person by person. God bless, and I wish everyone my best."
Flex wheeler is joke

He's got a great body and THATS IT! Says that he found GOD and that he is not going to juice. Please spare us. A hypocritical moron if you ask me. When is he going to realize that we could care less if he comes out, goes back in, comes back out of retirement. All this is totally ego drivin bullshit. I lost faith in Pro BB when Cutler smoked the Weider boy coleman, and lost it at the last min. Just my opinion.

I was there and Jay Deff. won last years Mr. O no question in my mind! as far as FLEX goes please cut him some slack yes he was an arrogant asshole at one time in some peoples eyes althoe in truth it was insecurity but i can honestly say the guy is a different person today and mark my words right now Jay isn't doing the Mr. O to make a statement in his own quiet way and this is Ronnies last year trust me. I talked to Chris and he's hungry and won't make the same mistake and FLEX WILL be at his alltime best this year. No he won't be drug free and who can blame him as you can't even compete at the local level now and be drug free let alone a national level or pro show regardless of genetics. There are various different diuretics that aren't on the IFBB's banned substance list and althoe I won't list them on here I can guarantee they are out there. wyldeone.

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