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Flex Wheeler Reveals 1993 Cycle

How many kg body weight was the strongman at this time, at his peak? How is he doing today health-wise? I hope perfectly well.

100 mg daily Anadrol isn't ludicrous in my opinion, just a tad high for long-term use, unlike 3X that already high dose.
Are you still against the use of UDCA/TUDCA while on 17alpha-alkylated AAS?
IIRC you said one of your clients wasn't gaining even remotely as expected on Superdrol for that reason.
M.P., yes. OK. So I find that he was competing at 142 kg around 2008. That is, at a dose of 300 mg/d, a 2.11 mg/kg daily dose. It's high. It's comparable to 179.5 mg/d for an 85 kg bodybuilder in relative terms. That should still strike you as high; but do understand that 300 mg/d for a 142 kg beast is different than 300 mg/d for an 85 kg human. And then, compute the fact that he dominated the highest levels of a brutal strength sport, and you rather have not and will not. Take off 67% for sheer brute force of nature that you lack if you're honest with yourself, and you're left with .7 mg/kg daily, or about 60 mg/d for an 85 kg bodybuilder as juuuust right.
For myself the growth from Anadrol pretty much capped at 100mg. But I found that if you took higher dosages it added a little extra strength, and a little was a lot when you thought you might have already maxed out years ago. A few years ago when I tried to peak my deadlift I took 25mg on weekends then 50mg on monday and increasing by 50mg a day until I took 250mg on friday which was deadlift day. If I happened to have some small quantities of other orals I threw that in as well. I went like this for at least 6 months. I was afraid of the 200+ doses so I tried to compensate by doing less on the other days. I think it worked, I hit about 770 at over 40. There was another thing involved that all of a sudden gave an "impossible" strength boost and that was mk-677. I think due to the dangerous amount of water it made me retain. Perhaps it was the appetite too. But I don't think any amount of additional steroids would have helped as much as the mk at that point in time.
How many kg body weight was the strongman at this time, at his peak? How is he doing today health-wise? I hope perfectly well.

100 mg daily Anadrol isn't ludicrous in my opinion, just a tad high for long-term use, unlike 3X that already high dose.
I used 300g of Syntex Anadrol for a while when I was 20 and very foolish.
Made me ridiculously strong; also made me crap bile. Not recommended ;)
I think the Winstrols and Anavars are still the "choices" and the dosages of those have just increased on average. What changed at some point was the test dosages specifically. I even think there was a very specific point and that was the death of Munzer and his cycle plan found on him, the average test "base" really shot up because guys found it did add extra size. I remember Dan Duchaine saying something like, "wait, what the hell's going on here, test at 3.5 grams a week?" That's the point where things changed a little as far as cycle design. Relatively nontoxic but relatively powerful anabolic, so it made sense if you were going to increase total dosage.

I remember Chad saying Nasser really really loved Winstrol and did a lot of it, but Nasser also apparently told people the testosterone dose was astronomical. Nasser joked around a lot but I'm positive the test was up there.

I know test came in as a favorite later on, and it does seem to have added size (along with high dose GH and later insulin) but IMO (and my opinion only) it did not result in a better look. I prefer the late 80s, early 90s look and always will. I have nothing against those who choose a different physique, but for me the era of lower test, high anabolics resonates most for me. Like hypermuscular Greek Gods.

FWIW, as I recall it, of course test was available (I bought it by the case for $10 or less per bottle), but pharmacy Lilly Nandrolone, Winstrol-V, Searle Anavar, Syntex Anadrol, and Equibold were easily available. Parabolan and Primo amps a bit harder to get. People we just starting to play with Finajet. Dianabol was hard to get and I didn't really use it. The younger kids who only used test got teased for being poor, bloated, acne-ridden water bags.
Funny when these guys say "we didn't use big dosages" and then the cycle they use to prove it ends up being 3+ grams.

Remember, this is their attempt to prove they didn't use big dosages.

3-5g for him is very likely but I don't believe he didn't use tren etc but maybe it's offseason cycle - gh dosage is ridiculous it's not even hrt
This was in 93. Maybe GH was only pharma and only extremely expensive
How do you explain the downsized physiques in pro sports? None look juiced-juiced, there are no specimens where it's obvious the person in question got absolute free reign of his juicing. Pro sports, UFC, Olympics, even entertainment wrestling. How come absolutely NONE manage to NOT grow huge and extremely juiced looking? To me it appears there are heavy controls nowadays
There's probably lots of performance enhancing drugs in the form of intoxicants, stimulants, alcohol, weed, beta blockers, etc, in pro sports.
But I don't think there's much of any real steroid use among the top stars. At least not nowadays.
If you keep watching after he said this Dennis says no tren, then Chris talks, and Flex says he used parabolan, which is tren.

He's not the first guy that didn't think parabolan was tren. Anyways he used parabolan for 93 Arnold. I'd rather look like that than Dorian, despite being a mass monster. Good episode.
There's probably lots of performance enhancing drugs in the form of intoxicants, stimulants, alcohol, weed, beta blockers, etc, in pro sports.
But I don't think there's much of any real steroid use among the top stars. At least not nowadays.

Exactly. There's a ton of drugs, some not even on the doping list, that might be tried as PEDs. But the advantage might be questionable, e.g. Viagra or T3.

People talk about tests being easy to beat. But I keep saying that it's almost impossible to employ an anabolic steroid if subjected to a drug test anywhere close or even far from the use. This leaves corruption, people at the very top being paid off, or some high-tech, high resource plan on switching out the sample itself somehow. Like the Russian secret police stealing the samples from the lab and switching them out lol. They also used steroid powders in vodka that were just swished around your mouth but how effective would this be? Minute.

If there is an "off season" where you aren't tested that can allow for a window where you try to put on some muscle with drugs and then try to maintain as best you can through the competitive season.
If you keep watching after he said this Dennis says no tren, then Chris talks, and Flex says he used parabolan, which is tren.

He's not the first guy that didn't think parabolan was tren. Anyways he used parabolan for 93 Arnold. I'd rather look like that than Dorian, despite being a mass monster. Good episode.

Then there are those who think only Para is "real tren" like Craig Titus. "That yellow juice going around in gyms is not tren, it's pure shit, there is or was only Parabolan." Lol. Some don't have a clue, like I mentioned earlier Flex didn't think Esiclene was a steroid.
What resonates most for me here is the choices of drugs. Dosages sound fair too.

Competing around that time, the low test, high Deca, lots of Winstrol, Anavar, and perhaps some Negma Parabolan sounds about right. I understand that Dennis Newman liked Winstrol as well (I think Zwick mentioned this to me (?)) and I think the choices had something to do with the look of the physiques back then.
Yes those doses are really high for back then. Not so uncommon today. An in the know person told me flexs ex said he missed meals workouts and sleep but never doses. Guilty of that myself so no judge here.
Funny when these guys say "we didn't use big dosages" and then the cycle they use to prove it ends up being 3+ grams.

Remember, this is their attempt to prove they didn't use big dosages.

This was in 93. Maybe GH was only pharma and only extremely expensive
Wasn't finaject discontinued in 1987? I know they took parabolin off in 1997. Russian GH and rhesus monkey GH were big back then as you stated huma and genotropin were very expensive and I had the dough to get some but it had to be special ordered from a hospital pharmacy. I was going to an old mom and pop pharmacy and he would give you endless refills of steris deca test c e p suspension and B12.
i'm just gonna throw this out there... when i was working at koloseum gym flex was training for his last show. when he was supposedly "natural" he was definitely downsized but my goodness. you should see his work outs. he would sit on the hammer strnegth chest press and it had 2 plates a side. he'd do some some reps. sit there for a few minutes. do another set.... meanwhile shawn ray and milos were training partners then and they were working hard and shawn was pushing milos for his show he was prepping for. flex didnt work out with em cuz he didnt have to try hard. milos even came over to me and said look at that he doesnt even have to try...
i wouldnt believe it unless i saw it.
If you keep watching after he said this Dennis says no tren, then Chris talks, and Flex says he used parabolan, which is tren.

He's not the first guy that didn't think parabolan was tren. Anyways he used parabolan for 93 Arnold. I'd rather look like that than Dorian, despite being a mass monster. Good episode.
Yea I would rather look like flex myself than any bodybuilder of all time
A little before my time but I thought Fina-ject
Was the cattle implants converted?
I remember Mike king having that fina-ject with the shiny silver label.

Funny they all went to the same guys house
And did t tell each other what they were using. My buddies were the same way when I was starting. I knew what- some of what-
But not how much they were realllly taking.
A little before my time but I thought Fina-ject
Was the cattle implants converted?
I remember Mike king having that fina-ject with the shiny silver label.

Funny they all went to the same guys house
And did t tell each other what they were using. My buddies were the same way when I was starting. I knew what- some of what-
But not how much they were realllly taking.
"Finajet" was a veterinarian steroid that was discontinued in 1986. It was made by Hoechst-Roussell, and it came in 50ml bottles, with each ml having a concentration of 30mg. There were smaller bottles for smaller animals. I believe it was sold in both England and France. Finiplix was approved in 1993 for cattle implants. Years later, like 2000's, a lot of sources sold Tren Ace under various names, one being the one you mentioned above, FIna-ject. Many also spelled Finajet wrong and spelled it with having the "c" in the name.

I think after the first couple of years, most were buying the pellets as component-th rather than the name brand of Finiplix, which costed a lot more.
"Finajet" was a veterinarian steroid that was discontinued in 1986. It was made by Hoechst-Roussell, and it came in 50ml bottles, with each ml having a concentration of 30mg. There were smaller bottles for smaller animals. I believe it was sold in both England and France. Finiplix was approved in 1993 for cattle implants. Years later, like 2000's, a lot of sources sold Tren Ace under various names, one being the one you mentioned above, FIna-ject. Many also spelled Finajet wrong and spelled it with having the "c" in the name.

I think after the first couple of years, most were buying the pellets as component-th rather than the name brand of Finiplix, which costed a lot more.
Man finaplix was like $30 a cartridge and you could just walk into tractor supply which always restocked on tuesday and you'd run into "friends" Ive also bought it from various vet supply stores. I think its like over 100 now for the same shit plus added hoops to go through. i remember component th but i thought that had estrogen in it but I could be wrong as i would have to google it to be sure. i remember the whatman syringe filters and having to apply pressure on those things....man that sucked
He was no doubt use parabolan (tren). He also literally has every client use tren and always has. I know for a fact from the lowest "average joe" to what stan says here at 1:09:23 when he talks about working with flex and the drugs he was taking. He took 37.5mgs tren EOD. For the record, this is what flex prescribes for like all his clients historically. I do want to be fair to him, I've never seen him prescribe high doses of it, but he always has it in there around this dose. From what FLex has said to what his clients have said he seems to be moderate with test/mast/tren/hgh and then uses winstrol as the wildcard to high dose hard at certain points with cycles ranging from 1 to 3 grams. Seems all around fairly reasonable.

How do you explain the downsized physiques in pro sports? None look juiced-juiced, there are no specimens where it's obvious the person in question got absolute free reign of his juicing. Pro sports, UFC, Olympics, even entertainment wrestling. How come absolutely NONE manage to NOT grow huge and extremely juiced looking? To me it appears there are heavy controls nowadays
Its also counterproductive to be huge in most sports. Bigger,stronger and faster Yes. Bodybuilding big. Not so much.
i'm just gonna throw this out there... when i was working at koloseum gym flex was training for his last show. when he was supposedly "natural" he was definitely downsized but my goodness. you should see his work outs. he would sit on the hammer strnegth chest press and it had 2 plates a side. he'd do some some reps. sit there for a few minutes. do another set.... meanwhile shawn ray and milos were training partners then and they were working hard and shawn was pushing milos for his show he was prepping for. flex didnt work out with em cuz he didnt have to try hard. milos even came over to me and said look at that he doesnt even have to try...
i wouldnt believe it unless i saw it.
I'll admit I read Flex's autobiography when it came out. This was before the internet blew up jtlyk. Anyway, Flex mentioned how he would just quit bodybuilding during his preps for shows for weeks and then get a pep talk and all of a sudden try to make up for lost time. I'm sure this behavior led to occasional megadoses. It could be his cycle is what he mentioned but didn't mentioning the times he did something crazy to make up for lost time.

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