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Follow up/ more detail on Phil Hernon's one set per day routine


Well-known member
May 9, 2010
I've had a lot of questions and a few requests to get into more detail about the routine. It's one set to complete failure on each body part, every day. I warm up for 5 minutes on the echo bike. I'll do one or two warm up sets of pushups, sissy squats, band pushdowns, band pull-aparts, then I get after it. I try to fail in the 12-20 rep range. On bench press and front squats I fail around 8 reps.
I'll be honest, I've never made better strength gains in my life and I'm at the end of a prep. Severe depletion. I feel great, leave the gym with a full body pump, and really look forward to working out every day since I've started this program.
Full credit to Phil Hernon (RIP). I found this program a few months back on a different forum but later realized that there are many threads about it on PM also.
This is my current split. I usually lift 6 days/ week with Wednesday being my off day. Sometimes 7 days though.
All weights & reps are logged in the logbook.

Incline barbell press
Hammer curls with hard contraction
One leg dumbbell calf raise 5 second stretch
Leg curls
Bulgarian split squat
Standing ab roller
Meadows side laterals on Incline
Dumbbell French press
Seal row to belly button

Incline DB press
Machine curls 3 second negative
Reverse hyper pause @ top
DC Calves
Hanging leg raises
Side lateral machine superset with band pull apart
PJR pullover
Wide pulldowns superset fat man rows
Cable high pull

Decline DB press
DB military press
Incline curls 5 second negative
Machine t bar row
Kneeling ab roller 5 second hold
Cable high pull
Safety squat bar squat pause@bottom

Chest machine press
Db side laterals
Pushdown drop set
Pull-ups with 3 second hang
Machine curls 5 second negative
DB rows
GHR situps
DC Calves
Ab roller plank
Seal row shrugs

Very high incline DB press superset with rear laterals
Seal rows
Arm blaster ez bar curls
Leg curl
Jm press
High pulls
Front squat

Bench press
Close grip bench press with chains
Standing military press
Reverse preacher curls
Dante rows
GHR abs
High pulls
Seated calf machine
Belt squat
Thanks for the feedback. I always wondered on how if this rely worked in real life. How long do you plan to run this routine.
Thanks for the feedback. I always wondered on how if this rely worked in real life. How long do you plan to run this routine.
I plan on running this until my joints start hurting or I stop making progress.
I'm 8 weeks in and no signs of either yet. I really hope I can keep rolling though the rebound period after prep. If I'm gaining strength this fast with severe calorie depletion, I can only imagine how great it'll be in a surplus.
Interesting…. Glad it’s working for you and you continue to see progress month after month!!!!

I plan on running this until my joints start hurting or I stop making progress.
I'm 8 weeks in and no signs of either yet. I really hope I can keep rolling though the rebound period after prep. If I'm gaining strength this fast with severe calorie depletion, I can only imagine how great it'll be in a surplus.
My unsolicited opinion . . . it is time for a break. 8 weeks on, 1 week off. Quit while you are ahead and start up in a week or so. Your body will thank you. Look at it as a preventative measure.

Glad to see somebody else adopt one of Phil’s training philosophies. Excited about your progress. Keep us apprised of your continued progress.
You’re deep in prep, moving intently I imagine as a means to create a further energy deficit… how much time do these sessions take you?

Off-season (& immediate rebound)- with the rise in nutrients/calories, will you slow the tempo during the training session to allow for an even greater amount of recovery between sets as to illicit a greater strength response or will you continue to move quickly set to set as a method of staying lean during the rebound period?

All the best to ya the rest of the way man… thanks for sharing some of the process.
This implementation would seem to break all the rules for what is considered optimal: from high frequency TBT to failure to squats performed last during a session. I've seen Phil's 5-10-15 method which is indeed failure training, but it's designed as a 3 on/1 off split for chest/back/calves, quads/hams, delts/bis/tris/calves. I must say that I prefer that design. But if you love training 6-7 days weekly, godspeed bro.
You’re deep in prep, moving intently I imagine as a means to create a further energy deficit… how much time do these sessions take you?

Off-season (& immediate rebound)- with the rise in nutrients/calories, will you slow the tempo during the training session to allow for an even greater amount of recovery between sets as to illicit a greater strength response or will you continue to move quickly set to set as a method of staying lean during the rebound period?

All the best to ya the rest of the way man… thanks for sharing some of the process.
Right now a session takes me 30-40 minutes.
I will definitely increase rest times in the offseason. Right now I'm using this routine as part of my cardio too.
My unsolicited opinion . . . it is time for a break. 8 weeks on, 1 week off. Quit while you are ahead and start up in a week or so. Your body will thank you. Look at it as a preventative measure.

Glad to see somebody else adopt one of Phil’s training philosophies. Excited about your progress. Keep us apprised of your continued progress.
Probably great advice. I have 1 more training day (Thursday) til show day (Saturday), then I'll probably take 3-4 days off. I'll also be eating whatever the hell I want so that will help too.
Right now a session takes me 30-40 minutes.
I will definitely increase rest times in the offseason. Right now I'm using this routine as part of my cardio too.
I assumed the cardio part, look forward to seeing the show pics man.

The last week before a show when you know you’re ready to roll is always a good feeling.
I assumed the cardio part, look forward to seeing the show pics man.

The last week before a show when you know you’re ready to roll is always a good feeling.
This week is tough but I'm embracing the suck!
Thanks man
Right now a session takes me 30-40 minutes.
I will definitely increase rest times in the offseason. Right now I'm using this routine as part of my cardio too.
So to understand correctly, your current rest time between sets are the time it takes to move and set up for the next exercise?
So to understand correctly, your current rest time between sets are the time it takes to move and set up for the next exercise?
I have a pretty sweet home gym so I have the luxury of setting everything up perfectly the night before. All the machines/dumbbells, etc are loaded and in place when I start. I train at 4am daily.
This implementation would seem to break all the rules for what is considered optimal: from high frequency TBT to failure to squats performed last during a session. I've seen Phil's 5-10-15 method which is indeed failure training, but it's designed as a 3 on/1 off split for chest/back/calves, quads/hams, delts/bis/tris/calves. I must say that I prefer that design. But if you love training 6-7 days weekly, godspeed bro.
Yeah it defies a lot of rules and norms. For some reason it's working for me though. Maybe my body is just shocked and wondering what the fuck is happening. Like I said, I'm sure I'll hit a wall at some point.
r u logging workouts, reps and weights?
how much more weight are u using now since u first started this? gettin stronger in a deficit is a great sign this routine is great for u.
i posted in yr original thread post what my experience was doing full body EOD. strength went up like a motherfucker but i was gettin smaller! my calories werent enuff i'd say....but for example, i went from 220 pulldowns to 260 in 4 weeks for the same rep number added 40 pounds to shoulder presses too. cant member what else, i have the numbers in my car.
on trt too no cycle amounts at all.
damn. now im thinkin bout trying this again but makin sure i EAT.
imagine when you get to up the caloiries.....the only thing i worry is im old and gotta take care of the old tendons these days, the wear and tear may make it untenable. still..keep the reps higher....bur like u said....strength keeps goin up, a set of 20 could end up bein the same weight im using now for 8....no shit i got strong that well on eod full body.
r u logging workouts, reps and weights?
how much more weight are u using now since u first started this? gettin stronger in a deficit is a great sign this routine is great for u.
i posted in yr original thread post what my experience was doing full body EOD. strength went up like a motherfucker but i was gettin smaller! my calories werent enuff i'd say....but for example, i went from 220 pulldowns to 260 in 4 weeks for the same rep number added 40 pounds to shoulder presses too. cant member what else, i have the numbers in my car.
on trt too no cycle amounts at all.
damn. now im thinkin bout trying this again but makin sure i EAT.
imagine when you get to up the caloiries.....the only thing i worry is im old and gotta take care of the old tendons these days, the wear and tear may make it untenable. still..keep the reps higher....bur like u said....strength keeps goin up, a set of 20 could end up bein the same weight im using now for 8....no shit i got strong that well on eod full body.
Yes I log everything.
The most pronounced strength increases have come in the compound lifts.
Good thread always like to hear about new training methods. On paper the frequency is there and intensity (failure), I guess the only criticism would be the overall volume is lower than normal (6 working sets per week)?
I did try something similar last year (but 5 days) and enjoyed it. My biggest issue was actually that I got bored. I also can only usually workout 3-4 days a week so have to increase the number of work sets and it really starts to make the workout last longer.

If people want to dip their toe in, so to speak there are also ways to do that. In fact, I've organically fallen on this recently...

Sunday: Legs, Back, Bi's (This is where I squat, deadlift, heavy bb row, and bi's)
Monday: Chest, Shoulders, Tri's
Tuesday: Off
Wed: Full Body
Thursday: Full Body (optional)
Friday: Optional Full Body (optional)

Of course, this isn't the same because part of the benefit of what you are doing is extreme frequency but if folks are nervous about turning what they know and love upside down you can transition over to it. I just adjust my volume so total weekly volume is in an appropriate area.

Sorry...didn't mean to diverge. Let me ask, what is you definition of failure? I guess put simpler, how hard/far do you actually take each set? Another question, do you like starting with upper body first? I always moved bottom to top, essentially legs, back, chest, shoulders, arms. I'm thinking mixing it up may be the best thing.

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