Jimbo said:
This article changed the whole way I look at A.S/cycles. In a year I like to do a 8 week cycle and a 12 week cycle + 1 cut. Only problem with that is that it would cause my weight to yo-yo.
right, but doggcraps answer is to make a choice: go on for the majority of the year, or continue to do what you have been doing. he said that if you do choose to go on pretty much full-time, then the best bet is to do a 4 week/2 week bell curve approach.
i didn't find an answer for those of us who do only two or so cycles a year. some people like to do a bunch of "mini" cycles, and swear by them, while others swear by 16 week cycles. the argument for minis is that your hpta isn't affected as much, you can bounce back faster, and the argument for 16 week cycles is that your body gets used to the extra mass better, therefore retaining more gains.
i am interested in the training aspect, the rest-pause, and did my first workout tonight. i usually do 1-2 sets for an exercise, max 2 exercises for large bodyparts. i always have waited 7 days before lifting that bodypart again. why? convenience, i guess, and that's the way i have always done it. i get really sore after every workout, but the soreness goes away in a few days, so why shouldn't i go back to the gym? i will probably not lift a bodypart every 3 days, but will start out every 5 days.
curious if any others have tried a similar approach, meaning one set rest-pause, and no more than one set.
oh, also did a incline db stretch with 65 pounders for about 25 seconds before i had to drop the weight. tough! felt great though. i am really going to like the weighted stretching after a set. it's the best time to do it, and i really slack on stretching as it is.
- TBA -