how are competitors with muscle tears/injuries viewed. obviously it is a flaw and can hurt a competitors symetry, just curious of how severe of a mark down it is. thank you
flexmaster said:im not a judge, but i have asked the same question of a competitor and she said they ideally be judged as if the torn muscle was as good as the other side. for example lets say you do a front dbl bi and you have a torn right bicep...you should be judged on the basis that if it were not torn, it would be as good as your left bicep.
ok, good to know. i didn't know for sure...because the peson i talked with was a competitor not a judge. thanks for clarifying!VulgarDisplay said:I disagree 100%. To tear a muscle is unfortunate but a reality. This is a Physique Contest...you cannot overlook any deficiency, you must judge the entire physique. That would be like saying because someone has very poor pectoral genetics we should judge him as though he had a great chest, or because someone has no calf genetics judge them from the knees up. This is about the total package we bring to the stage not about what we could or should look like in a perfect world.
good to know. thanks xcelxcelbeyond said:Vulgar would know, at least for "our" area, as he's a judge at many of those contests
xcelbeyond said:Vulgar would know, at least for "our" area, as he's a judge at many of those contests
Not sure - hasn't been a priority lately. Will probably do Andre Scott's event. Him and I go back and he seems to do a decent job at his contest.VulgarDisplay said:Speaking of which Xcel when are we going to see you on stage again??