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Forearms, train them every day?


Jun 6, 2002
I do supersets reverse curl, with wrist curl. 2 times a week
I get a great, burning sensation from this superset.
But i want my forearms realy huge. Without a doubt, big forearms are a must.
Scharzenegger trained them every day, for a half hour, the same superset, that i use.
I know Arnold was not a great trainingexample.

What do you guys think?

Greetings from Europe
Bro, your over training if your hitting them everyday. I used to do that and got know where. the best thing I ever did for my forearms was on my back day and my biceps. I would hit these two ont the same day and when I did back I tried to go as long as I could with out using straps. after the workout if I felt I had a little more I would finish them off. but if your training right, they should be trashed. then do the same on the bicep workouts. worked for me anyhow. just remember, under training a little is still better than over training!
good luck and be safe...

Do you use straps for lifting?? If you do lose them, and you will gain a ton of size in your forearms.
hyper said:
Do you use straps for lifting?? If you do lose them, and you will gain a ton of size in your forearms.
Not to be disrespectful of your opinion, as I understand wholly where you're coming from bro. My view on straps is: if I'm working with a weight to "primarily" work my back and the limiting factor is that I can use more weight than my grip will provide - I'll use wrist straps. Sure you won't get as much "forearm" workout, but that's ancillary to working the back - I would rather hit the back with the max weight.

If I feel my forearms are lagging, then there's plenty of great exercises that focus on forearms. Just my $0.02 worth :D

I would just try and get your grip stonger,size usually comes along asuming everything else is in place
Hi mate, I train forearms once per week. IMO you should do more excercises and sets on forearm day rather than train them several times a week. That's what gives me best results anyway bro.

hey bro im no expert, but i do get a lot of comments on my forearms, i usually hit them on my bicep days, although a buddy of mine said it was bad to do that because it puts a strain on the tendon or something?? any way i just superset 2 exercises for 2 sets each, one heavy and one light for reps ex:
#1 ) heavy hammer curls 2 sets x 8-15 reps
then reverse grip curls with cables or straight bar for lke 15 - 20 reps
#2 ) then ill go and super set wrist curls(heavy as you can for like 15-20 reps) and reverse wrist curls(use lighter weight to failure) i use a long bar for these. no rest between any of the sets and when your done your ready to scream it burns so much, anyway it works for me , give it a shot and let me know how it goes. and oh yeah, no wrist wraps for anything except heavy shrugs and deads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My thoughts

I agree with hyper.......well not completely, here's how I see it. Lose the straps except for your heaviest set. If you're unable to lift the weight that you normally do....then by all means use the straps for that last heavy set, but for the most part you can lift as usual without them, just try it....you'll be suprised. At the end....if you feel you have a little juice left in them, then hit a couple heavy sets of hammers and maybe a couple heavy reverse curls. Hope this helps, take care.


My last cycle I did forearms 5 days a week 6 sets a day, and in 3 weeks I put on a ton of mass, For me my forearms recover very quickly. But that is just me, go for it, if you feel like u cant do it then stop but why not.
If you just want size, I'd recommend you train forearms two days before, and again two days after, but not along with, biceps. This way you'll get direct stimulation, and the indirect stimulation from working biceps will help them recover faster. You'll want to do things like hammer curls, reverse curls, and wrist curls, but not all in the same forearm workout. Pick four different exercises and do 2 exercises on day one, biceps on day 3, 2 other exercises on day five, then try to avoid any forearm work for 2 days, repeat.

For strength, the obvious: deads and shrugs w/out straps, farmers walks, static holds with both dbs and a bar. Pull-ups and especially close grip chins work forearms pretty well.

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