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Full Body: One set to failure (daily) training / My Experience

I will give this routine a go. I was looking for a while a change in my workout - this one seems to fit perfectly into my work schedule plus it is also a fun to do. It does not limit me and allow for rotation in exercises.
Thanks for taking the time to write all of this up. I have thought about training like this for a while. I do something similar when coming back from a vacation, break, or injury, and always feel great. I dont know why I have not implemented it yet. Being near your age (40 in June) I don't have the drive to train as i did in my mid-20s or lower-30s nor do I think it was the most efficent way (beat the muscle to high hell and back). I burn myself out motivation-wise and end up not seeing things through when I get too focused and end up with anxiety so I think I will give this a shot when I get back from the Galapagos in about 12 days.
Looking forward to watching your progress with this program. Thanks!

Yeah give it a shot and see what happens. It's funny, I started to get bored with full body but now when I try a PPL or bodypart split I get bored doing that. I also like full body because if I have a crazy week and can only train 2-3 times, I'm still hitting each bodypart 2-3 times a week. I don't think I'll ever stop doing some type of full body training at this point.
I will give this routine a go. I was looking for a while a change in my workout - this one seems to fit perfectly into my work schedule plus it is also a fun to do. It does not limit me and allow for rotation in exercises.

Yeah I mean really there are no rules. I think when b-boy did it he stayed with a movement until he couldn't progress. Jordan P does 4 different workout rotations when he did it (although he does EOD training with it). No rules, just play around with it. I'd only advise to stick with it for a set amount of time because if you try to stick with ED or EOD it's a lot of frequency and you will have highs and lows so I'd really try to stick with it for at least 4-8 weeks so you can form an opinion. Good luck!
Yeah I mean really there are no rules. I think when b-boy did it he stayed with a movement until he couldn't progress. Jordan P does 4 different workout rotations when he did it (although he does EOD training with it). No rules, just play around with it. I'd only advise to stick with it for a set amount of time because if you try to stick with ED or EOD it's a lot of frequency and you will have highs and lows so I'd really try to stick with it for at least 4-8 weeks so you can form an opinion. Good luck!
I will run this probably till summer.
Yeah I mean really there are no rules. I think when b-boy did it he stayed with a movement until he couldn't progress. Jordan P does 4 different workout rotations when he did it (although he does EOD training with it). No rules, just play around with it. I'd only advise to stick with it for a set amount of time because if you try to stick with ED or EOD it's a lot of frequency and you will have highs and lows so I'd really try to stick with it for at least 4-8 weeks so you can form an opinion. Good luck!
I do think for sure doubling the volume and going eod is more "optimal" on paper. But IMO the beauty of this routine is it basically says screw optimal/science...train hard have fun.

Have you found anything yet if there is evidence that 1 set may or may not meet the minimum threshold to stimulate growth?
So after continued experimenting, here are further conclusions I've come to:
  • Training daily gives the most immediate gratification in terms of hypertrophy. The devil is in the details though...this is mostly certainly all in the realm of sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. That is what most of us drive anyway as carb eating, chronic lifters, but this puts that on turbo boost.
    • This is literally what 99% of us are getting 99% of the time. We are going to the gym over and over and over and over causing no real damage and driving more sarcoplasmic fluid in the cells.

  • I do not think it is ideal for "real", myofibrillar hypertrophy. If you just google "how to get myofibrillar hypertrophy" you'll get some generic "lift heavy" responses. That's not really the whole story. This comes from true trauma, damage and injury while training. You eat and overcompensate and there are real physiological changes to the tissue.
    • For this, you are really going to need to cause the damage and rest. Yes I've seen the studies that show protein synthesis returns to baseline after about 24ish hours or so after training in trained individuals. That does not mean muscle is repaired though!
    • If you are causing injury, it is not going to be repaired in 24 hrs and I think you actually risk a scenario where you actually lose muscle.

Some people will get stronger and stronger on daily training...I did...but remember the androgen receptor controls the strength but not the mass of the limb muscle https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20660752/ . As one of my favorite youtubers says...."this is why a stronga doesn't get you a bigga".

Finally...don't get me wrong...I'm not crapping are sarcoplasmic hypertophy. It is literally what bodybuilding is based on and will and does make you look bigger. Even Mike Mentzer used to say thing like "remember eat 60% of your diet in carbs because most of your muscle gain is water". Even he was alluding to this premise.

It's why when so many people diet down they realize they haven't gained any muscle.
So after continued experimenting, here are further conclusions I've come to:
  • Training daily gives the most immediate gratification in terms of hypertrophy. The devil is in the details though...this is mostly certainly all in the realm of sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. That is what most of us drive anyway as carb eating, chronic lifters, but this puts that on turbo boost.
    • This is literally what 99% of us are getting 99% of the time. We are going to the gym over and over and over and over causing no real damage and driving more sarcoplasmic fluid in the cells.

  • I do not think it is ideal for "real", myofibrillar hypertrophy. If you just google "how to get myofibrillar hypertrophy" you'll get some generic "lift heavy" responses. That's not really the whole story. This comes from true trauma, damage and injury while training. You eat and overcompensate and there are real physiological changes to the tissue.
    • For this, you are really going to need to cause the damage and rest. Yes I've seen the studies that show protein synthesis returns to baseline after about 24ish hours or so after training in trained individuals. That does not mean muscle is repaired though!
    • If you are causing injury, it is not going to be repaired in 24 hrs and I think you actually risk a scenario where you actually lose muscle.

Some people will get stronger and stronger on daily training...I did...but remember the androgen receptor controls the strength but not the mass of the limb muscle https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20660752/ . As one of my favorite youtubers says...."this is why a stronga doesn't get you a bigga".

Finally...don't get me wrong...I'm not crapping are sarcoplasmic hypertophy. It is literally what bodybuilding is based on and will and does make you look bigger. Even Mike Mentzer used to say thing like "remember eat 60% of your diet in carbs because most of your muscle gain is water". Even he was alluding to this premise.

It's why when so many people diet down they realize they haven't gained any muscle.
Interesting thoughts. My first thought is I disagree a bit. Isn't sarcoplasmic hypertrophy mainly created by metabolic stress? Think Milos giant sets, lots and lots of high reps and fatigue built up, or high rep sets, or drop sets? Where doing 1 hard set per day, I would think this would be more about mechanical tension aka training a part Ed to acquire more effective reps than you would on say a bro split?

Also id say the success of this method shows that high frequency can be effective outside of overall high volume, since your weekly total volume is overall low.
Interesting thoughts. My first thought is I disagree a bit. Isn't sarcoplasmic hypertrophy mainly created by metabolic stress? Think Milos giant sets, lots and lots of high reps and fatigue built up, or high rep sets, or drop sets? Where doing 1 hard set per day, I would think this would be more about mechanical tension aka training a part Ed to acquire more effective reps than you would on say a bro split?

Also id say the success of this method shows that high frequency can be effective outside of overall high volume, since your weekly total volume is overall low.

What you will find posted on most training sites will be something like this, but it really doesn't tell the whole story...

Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy: high reps, pump, high volume etc. (sort of what you alluded to)
Myofibrillar Hypertrophy: Low reps, lift heavy, etc.

My contention would be that if you are doing it everyday, one of two scenarios is likely and most importantly, your body has mechanisms to protect against daily actual damage. We'd probably die if we didn't.

1. Most likely: The sets will not be able to pushed hard enough to create actual damage, no matter how hard you push. You may get stronger but it's all androgen receptor strength and then you've got the repeated bout effect https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/126...refers,damage from subsequent eccentric bouts that is literally going to protect your body from damage. In the most laymen's term way to say it...I think this turns you into a factory worker carrying heavy boxes daily. The AR will improve your strength to lift heavier boxes but the RBE is going to keep actual damage from occurring. You can can come day after day after day but your body will protect from damage occurring. Take drugs and eat potatoes though...and you will grow, but very unlikely to be real muscle.

2. IF you were able to get through #1 and you create tangible muscle damage, more than 24 hours would be required to synthesize new muscle. If you caused actual damage daily, you'd surely start to lose muscle or die at some point. You actually wouldn't want that to occur.

You know what really got me? When you listen to Mike Israetel and a lot of these other guys you can pick up that they are all talking about driving sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. It's the easiest and fastest way to grow, easy to explain, easy to execute. They will say things like "on vacation just work out a day or two and you won't lose your gains". The only reason we lose our gains is we built our bodies on a deck of cards that comes and goes with the wind (sarcoplasmic).

This is also why dexter jackson became my favorite bodybuilder. That dude shrunk to nothing when he stopped training but he was totally aware of it. Seeing him in real life I recall him saying "yeah it's all just water, it goes in a month and I can get it all back in a month I don't actual gain or lose tissue".

The easiest way to test the theory is this....go no carb for two weeks and take stock of your body, take pictures etc. Go on any training program you like, experiment, etc. Stop cold turkey, cut all carbs, don't train for 2 weeks and take stock of your body. Most people will end up realizing, they didn't build anything during whatever amount of time they try.

This is obviously how I view it, but when I look at the studies in aggregate as well as practical results, what the influencers are selling, etc it makes sense to me. Also doesn't mean I'm right...but anyone can test the theory.
How has been your progress so far brother? How are you feeling the next day after the workout? You feel fresh and ready to go? Do you get sore the next day?
I am now wondering if the Hernon routine I posted earlier would be better and work well........
You'd be hitting a bodypart every other day, the mini rest pause would be pretty damn close to true failure if not spot on.....
What you will find posted on most training sites will be something like this, but it really doesn't tell the whole story...

Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy: high reps, pump, high volume etc. (sort of what you alluded to)
Myofibrillar Hypertrophy: Low reps, lift heavy, etc.

My contention would be that if you are doing it everyday, one of two scenarios is likely and most importantly, your body has mechanisms to protect against daily actual damage. We'd probably die if we didn't.

1. Most likely: The sets will not be able to pushed hard enough to create actual damage, no matter how hard you push. You may get stronger but it's all androgen receptor strength and then you've got the repeated bout effect https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12641640/#:~:text=The repeated bout effect refers,damage from subsequent eccentric bouts that is literally going to protect your body from damage. In the most laymen's term way to say it...I think this turns you into a factory worker carrying heavy boxes daily. The AR will improve your strength to lift heavier boxes but the RBE is going to keep actual damage from occurring. You can can come day after day after day but your body will protect from damage occurring. Take drugs and eat potatoes though...and you will grow, but very unlikely to be real muscle.

2. IF you were able to get through #1 and you create tangible muscle damage, more than 24 hours would be required to synthesize new muscle. If you caused actual damage daily, you'd surely start to lose muscle or die at some point. You actually wouldn't want that to occur.

You know what really got me? When you listen to Mike Israetel and a lot of these other guys you can pick up that they are all talking about driving sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. It's the easiest and fastest way to grow, easy to explain, easy to execute. They will say things like "on vacation just work out a day or two and you won't lose your gains". The only reason we lose our gains is we built our bodies on a deck of cards that comes and goes with the wind (sarcoplasmic).

This is also why dexter jackson became my favorite bodybuilder. That dude shrunk to nothing when he stopped training but he was totally aware of it. Seeing him in real life I recall him saying "yeah it's all just water, it goes in a month and I can get it all back in a month I don't actual gain or lose tissue".

The easiest way to test the theory is this....go no carb for two weeks and take stock of your body, take pictures etc. Go on any training program you like, experiment, etc. Stop cold turkey, cut all carbs, don't train for 2 weeks and take stock of your body. Most people will end up realizing, they didn't build anything during whatever amount of time they try.

This is obviously how I view it, but when I look at the studies in aggregate as well as practical results, what the influencers are selling, etc it makes sense to me. Also doesn't mean I'm right...but anyone can test the theory.
Good stuff although I'll admit it's a bit over my head ...I may have to re read as science was my worst subject lol.

I definitely see the main idea. I was actually reading up on some stuff this week (off work bored) about hypertrophy and Soviet stuff (pavel tsatsiluline on joe Rogan) and his views are much different than the typical stuff we see on forums. His takes on progressive overload were interesting I believe he said rather than aim to increase and add weight or reps each week....let your body really accumulate to say 100lbsx3 sets of 10, ....until it's easy , then make a big jump in weight. Overall it was fascinating stuff.
Good stuff although I'll admit it's a bit over my head ...I may have to re read as science was my worst subject lol.

I definitely see the main idea. I was actually reading up on some stuff this week (off work bored) about hypertrophy and Soviet stuff (pavel tsatsiluline on joe Rogan) and his views are much different than the typical stuff we see on forums. His takes on progressive overload were interesting I believe he said rather than aim to increase and add weight or reps each week....let your body really accumulate to say 100lbsx3 sets of 10, ....until it's easy , then make a big jump in weight. Overall it was fascinating stuff.

For sure...I try not to get wrapped around the axle around the science but I do think a few key concepts can and should drive our behavior:

When we look at these concepts in total we can start to formulate a plan overall based on our goals.
I am now wondering if the Hernon routine I posted earlier would be better and work well........
You'd be hitting a bodypart every other day, the mini rest pause would be pretty damn close to true failure if not spot on.....
It sounds pretty interesting. Have you started it yet?
No I haven't. Still trying to wrap my head around it being enough volume. I'm a low volume guy but this is REALLY low.

The higher frequency easily makes up for it. Give it a try for a few weeks.. turn those 1 second rest into 30 secs.

I pair quads with Hams and back and put biceps with the other day.

I might eventually switch to this split to try.

If your not doing cardio add some to make up for lack of volume.
Remember your going to be hitting those bodyparts everyother day to
The higher frequency easily makes up for it. Give it a try for a few weeks.. turn those 1 second rest into 30 secs.

I pair quads with Hams and back and put biceps with the other day.

I might eventually switch to this split to try.

If your not doing cardio add some to make up for lack of volume.
Remember your going to be hitting those bodyparts everyother day to
I think im going to start it today.
Im not sure how the 1 second rest is going to pan out might need a couple of quick breaths idk. I like your idea of the dc style rp though.
I’m cutting and I was going to lower my volume and increase the frequency anyway.
I read it and it really interested me.
I think im going to start it today.
Im not sure how the 1 second rest is going to pan out might need a couple of quick breaths idk. I like your idea of the dc style rp though.
I’m cutting and I was going to lower my volume and increase the frequency anyway.
I read it and it really interested me.

Awesome.. I love the high frequency.

Post up after a week or so how your liking it 👍
I'm just posting this because I put it in another thread and for 20 years I've tossed these concepts around...

It's been on my mind, I'll start a thread. These are concepts I've wrestled with for 20 years when I got my bachelors in biology to now. We have newer studies now but these concepts are always on my mind. This also isn't minutia (ie which joint angle will perfectly hit the outer 1/18 of my biceps, etc. etc). These are big, bold "things" that can radically impact what is happening when and how you eat and train:

What this leads me to personally are a handful of overarching concepts to drive myofibrillar hypertrophy and escape MND size limit and RBE:

  1. Train infrequently. I don't know exactly how often, but it definitely isn't 4+ times a week. Likely 1-2...possibly three but unlikely.
  2. Train very hard with extremely high tension, no momentum, and put a lot of focus on negatives (negatives cause much more muscle damage)
  3. Food is the most important thing (duh). No sets, no reps, no volume builds the muscle. Cause damage by lifting infrequently and eat a lot of food, specifically protein. "If muscle is going to gain mass, protein synthesis must exceed protein breakdown". This is a big "duh" for us. This is not apparent for casual lifters. Animal protein should be the driver. Higher protein is best. Added carbs will contribute to sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. Some carbs are fine, I'm not saying never eat them at all. Eating a metric ton is a key driver of sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (again, I'm not saying it's bad).
  4. There is no MND size limit on sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. Eat carbs, drive a pump, drive frequency and you can shoot sarcoplasmic hypertrophy to the mother effing moon. Add in anabolic and holly hell. Again, for sarcoplasmic you don't have almost any of the above to contend with AND you don't even have to train that hard.
  5. It's not all one or the other. Luki and I may disagree on sarcoplasmic (although, all cards on the table I think the science is settled comparing sarcoplasmic verse myofibrillar hypertrophy and what's what) hypertrophy but I do agree with him the way some bodybuilders train and eat many are driving some level of "real" (myrofibrillar) growth. It's not all one or the other but as you become and accustomed lifter over and over and over you hit MND size limit, RBE kicks in, and real growth is over.

Lastly, It is up to the individual if it matters. When you see guys online say "don't worry if you haven't trained in a month and you are smaller you can just start lifting and muscle memory comes in" that is referring all to sarcoplasmic hypertoprhy. When you see Mike Isratel talk about doing some reps on vacation so you don't lose size that is all sarcoplasmic.

Years back I stopped all carbs, went carnivore and stopped lifting for a month while also staying overall active. I lost a ton of "muscle". That doesn't happen with real muscle. It's fake, phony, fluid. I'm not arguing if anyone should care about any of this. I do. Theoretically the more myofibrillar muscle you can drive then you can follow that up with more sarcoplasmic.

You can go deep in the weeds, but the top 5 concepts are pretty tried and true and concepts we should consider. Just listen to how influencers talk though. All of these kind of quotes are not about real muscle if you watch these guys on youtube...

"go the gym once or twice on vacation and you won't lose any muscle while your gone"
"concerned about your muscle loss while on the beach for a week, it's normal, and you will get it back"
"it's normal that if you don't lift a few weeks you will lose muscle but it comes back as soon as you go in there"
Milos sarcev talking about he pump, insulin, etc. that's all pumping fluid, it's not building myofibrillar tissue
the list goes on and on...

sorry that's just kind of thoughts off the cuff...No need to get tied off on 50 different concepts and paralysis by analysis...but I believe we should be thinking about those five key concepts above...
I'm just posting this because I put it in another thread and for 20 years I've tossed these concepts around...

It's been on my mind, I'll start a thread. These are concepts I've wrestled with for 20 years when I got my bachelors in biology to now. We have newer studies now but these concepts are always on my mind. This also isn't minutia (ie which joint angle will perfectly hit the outer 1/18 of my biceps, etc. etc). These are big, bold "things" that can radically impact what is happening when and how you eat and train:

What this leads me to personally are a handful of overarching concepts to drive myofibrillar hypertrophy and escape MND size limit and RBE:

  1. Train infrequently. I don't know exactly how often, but it definitely isn't 4+ times a week. Likely 1-2...possibly three but unlikely.
  2. Train very hard with extremely high tension, no momentum, and put a lot of focus on negatives (negatives cause much more muscle damage)
  3. Food is the most important thing (duh). No sets, no reps, no volume builds the muscle. Cause damage by lifting infrequently and eat a lot of food, specifically protein. "If muscle is going to gain mass, protein synthesis must exceed protein breakdown". This is a big "duh" for us. This is not apparent for casual lifters. Animal protein should be the driver. Higher protein is best. Added carbs will contribute to sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. Some carbs are fine, I'm not saying never eat them at all. Eating a metric ton is a key driver of sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (again, I'm not saying it's bad).
  4. There is no MND size limit on sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. Eat carbs, drive a pump, drive frequency and you can shoot sarcoplasmic hypertrophy to the mother effing moon. Add in anabolic and holly hell. Again, for sarcoplasmic you don't have almost any of the above to contend with AND you don't even have to train that hard.
  5. It's not all one or the other. Luki and I may disagree on sarcoplasmic (although, all cards on the table I think the science is settled comparing sarcoplasmic verse myofibrillar hypertrophy and what's what) hypertrophy but I do agree with him the way some bodybuilders train and eat many are driving some level of "real" (myrofibrillar) growth. It's not all one or the other but as you become and accustomed lifter over and over and over you hit MND size limit, RBE kicks in, and real growth is over.

Lastly, It is up to the individual if it matters. When you see guys online say "don't worry if you haven't trained in a month and you are smaller you can just start lifting and muscle memory comes in" that is referring all to sarcoplasmic hypertoprhy. When you see Mike Isratel talk about doing some reps on vacation so you don't lose size that is all sarcoplasmic.

Years back I stopped all carbs, went carnivore and stopped lifting for a month while also staying overall active. I lost a ton of "muscle". That doesn't happen with real muscle. It's fake, phony, fluid. I'm not arguing if anyone should care about any of this. I do. Theoretically the more myofibrillar muscle you can drive then you can follow that up with more sarcoplasmic.

You can go deep in the weeds, but the top 5 concepts are pretty tried and true and concepts we should consider. Just listen to how influencers talk though. All of these kind of quotes are not about real muscle if you watch these guys on youtube...

"go the gym once or twice on vacation and you won't lose any muscle while your gone"
"concerned about your muscle loss while on the beach for a week, it's normal, and you will get it back"
"it's normal that if you don't lift a few weeks you will lose muscle but it comes back as soon as you go in there"
Milos sarcev talking about he pump, insulin, etc. that's all pumping fluid, it's not building myofibrillar tissue
the list goes on and on...

sorry that's just kind of thoughts off the cuff...No need to get tied off on 50 different concepts and paralysis by analysis...but I believe we should be thinking about those five key concepts above...
But muscle damage isn’t what causes hypertrophy. A muscle isn’t torn down and built back stronger. From our current and best understanding of the literature mechanical tension is the primary driver and you can’t just make it happen by intentionally slowing down weights.
It happens involuntarily as the muscles reach failure.
Awesome.. I love the high frequency.

Post up after a week or so how your liking it 👍
I'm a fan of high frequency or the bro split...don't like in between (ppl or u/l). Prefer one extreme or the other lol. What's your high frequency look like? If you hit everything EOD, how many total sets on average per part?

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