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Funniest reaction


Jul 13, 2002
Was just thinking of the funniest reaction ever had by someone seeing me for the first time. Was walking into a shop as a lady was walking out of the shop door with her back to me, just as she got to the door turned round and saw me let out a loud scream. This cracked me up as was midday and never had someone actually scream at me other than the mrs when I am in trouble :)

Today, when the nurse checked my BP, she tried to roll up my long-sleeved shirt. She couldn't get it over my biceps. She says "look at that muscle!" She had to pull the sleeve down and take the reading over the shirt. BP was 100/70 a bit high for me when "not on."

Which muscle was she playing with xcel :)
She was smiling at me like "my other muscle" was BIG also! Boy, do I have her fooled - LOL :D


went to see a new dermatologist about a month ago, and was surprised to met this rather young (say ~30) woman doc. Not bad looking either, but a little heavy. I was in my work clothes (dress shirt & slacks) which I look fit in, but not overly muscular. Well she asked me to take my shirt off for the exam, and once I did, holy shit, she flipped! She started staring at my chest, arms, abs, etc... like I was a piece of meat and she was a hungry wolf. So much for the exam, all she wanted to do was talk to me about how often I train, what I eat, what I do, how long, etc. By the end I was felt a little violated...ok, not really :D

But the first reaction when my shirt came off was priceless. She looked like this :eek:

Never had that happen before. Most guys who work with me try and act is if they're not impressed, but I know several shit themselves the first time they saw me in tanktop lifting heavy at the gym. hehehe...

Another reason why I love women.:cool:

Ye I like how woman tell there boyfreinds that your too big!! Then when you got the shirt off they can't stop starring? I hope that makes there dude feel better. I guess there was one time I was in the hospital getting stiches and since I cut myself fourwheeling I was all dirty so I had to take off all my clothes! I could have charged admission to the hospital room, every nurse was in there like oh look at this and look at that! I felt used too/lol I like when I said I had to take a piss and this woman just quickly grabbed a bottle and I had to ask for a little privacy/lol Actually I was hoping to get a few phone numbers or something which of course didn't happen!!
I like also there was this girl at my work who just felt my stomach and then the rest of the night couldn't keep her hands off me!! Just kept coming up to me rubbing herself all over me, and when she did it she looked like some evil spirit had taken over her! /LOL its funny the look on there faces:D I cannot imagine what it must be like to be very large! It would almost make one uncomfortable becuase your every move is being watched! Like the time I met Jay Cutler! I walked up to him he was looking at me like whats up with you! I was like fuck, couldn't stop starrin at this dude, forgot to shake his hand/lol felt like an idiot! It snapped me out of it when he flexed his musles and smiled I was like "dude you are a freak" and he just laughed/lol
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Just thinking of another time , me and my old training partner were walking down the road into town, there was an grey old lady about 70 yuears old or so in front of us by 15metres. She glanced bedhind here and saw us both walking, as soon as she turned back she took off as fast as she could down the road. After about 20 seconds she turned back to see how far we were behind her it was about 30 metres by now, then she continued to wander off down the street :)
That's what you get for being such a "BIG" KIWI! :D

Funny reaction

The funniest was when I was at the Mall in a tank top and was demonstrating at a booth there how to use the Penis Pump. People were laughing at me. I dont mind if people laugh at me, it is when they point and laugh at me, that it bothers me.
Re: Funny reaction

The funniest was when I was at the Mall in a tank top and was demonstrating at a booth there how to use the Penis Pump. People were laughing at me. I dont mind if people laugh at me, it is when they point and laugh at me, that it bothers me.

LMAO! good one.

and Kiwi, I'd probably scream like a bitch if I saw your big ass too.
Do you really demonstrate the penis pumps at the malls ?? what do the little kids come up and say ? " can I get one mum " thats funny :)

Call me a fag fitness pretty boy, but if I wear a tight shirt, I get too much attention. Big arms, six packs, pecks, and a good looking face will get your plenty of attention. No lying my best story was when I was in philly at this night club. I was buying a beer and this cute kinda chubby needs to lose 10-15lbs kinda girl comes up to me and feels my arm. I look at her smile and walk away. Then about 30mins later her and her girlfriend come up to me start making out and asking me to come home. Remember they were kinda chubby and I had a hot peice of ass waiting, I wish I would have fucked those 2 chubbsters just to have my 3some credabilty.

I do get the what is with all of these eggs, beef, and chicken at the grocery store, and Ur not on steroids are you. Like if some dumb ass women comes up to you and says that your like what the fuck.
Re: Hmmm

vitor said:
I wish I would have fucked those 2 chubbsters just to have my 3some credabilty.



the only people i impress is my 6 year old sisters kindergarden friends :D
Do you guys ever notice the dudes with tudes? It seems that 3 out of 4 guys (that weight lift) that I meet in a store or elsewhere seem to have attitudes. I'm not talking about the guys who workout and try to stay fit, but guys who are trying to get bigger and are 20 something and have been lifting for a few years at best. It's almost like they are competitive or are dogs protecting their territory. Maybe I notice because I'm at the opposite extreme and couldn't care less how big you think I am or how big you are. Whether you are 150 or 250, I treat people the same. My wife says that guys are intimidated by me and that's where the tude comes from. Where alot of you guys are from, there are plenty of fellas who are 6'2 265 and fairly lean. In my small town, we are few and far between. I'm the kind of guy who will complement someone for their hard work and dedication if they have quality size because I know how much work it takes to accomplish this. Lately, it seems that whenever I go out, people ask me if I'm a wrestler. (I take this as an awesome compliment.) Maybe I'll start telling them I'm Goldust.
No screams...

No people screaming or running from me like I'm Godzilla, but there have been a few funny ones.

Few weeks ago, was at the movies and one of the "attendants" comes up behind me and says, "YOU are one LARGE MAN!!!"

Yesterday in the gym, I was getting ready to use the leg extension and a woman goes, "Oh my GOD, your legs are HUGE!!!" She walks over and starts rubbing on my thighs. I told her that I just woke up like that one morning, the doctor's can't do anything for me and that it's not very nice to make fun of someone with elephantitis... ;^)

My boss at a gym, who tries to be very professional and is pretty damn bitchy a lot, came up to me and had a "slip up." She just blurted out in a very flirty, girlish way - "My God, Randy, your legs are soooo Big!!!" Everything fell quiet and all the other employees were just wide-eyed and flabbergasted. I said very calmly and professionally, "Well thank you for the compliment..."

I get the wrestler comment a lot. I always tell them I'm the Ultimate Warrior... LOL

Queffer, I'm the same way you are. If some one looks good, then I am actually happy for them. I like to see others succeed at anything, but especially bodybuilding. Oh, and I don't think in any town 6'2 265 lb lean guys are common! By the way I e-mailed you a while back about a problem you were having that I was too. I never heard back but mine got resolved so I hope yours did too.
Vitor you say some fuuny shit "chubbsters" still has me laughing.:D
I hear ya QUEEFER...
I live in a college town and get tude from all the football players f#$k those pussies they think they run the show...that is theor problem, they "think."

PHIL cracks me up...I can see him now. Now insert the penis and begin to pump slowly. try not to get to excited or you will suck your penis right off your body.
Which muscle was she playing with xcel :)

hehe his love muscle

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