Thank you all for your responses. Just proves what I have always said . . .
you are all unique, just like everybody else.
I believe we have all experienced a time or two in our lives when we just
grew. And we grew fast when all the conditions for growth were met. Your
first growth spurt, when most people gain the most amount of muscle is
when, obviously, they are starting out. Perhaps not from day one, or
perhaps not even during the first year because if you were anything like
me, you fumbled along trying different things, trying to figure it out. But
once you dialed it in, started paying attention and training really hard,
became consistent and serious, you probably grew like a weed. And
I believe that most, if not all people gain 90% percent of their size in the
first 4 - 5 years of training, if not sooner, during that initial growth spurt.
A second growth spurt occurs when anabolic substances are added
to the equation.
The third growth, and perhaps final growth spurt occurs among the very
rare, genetically gifted, who can grow and perhaps even survive, on
even greater and greater doses anabolic substances with the addition
of perhaps insulin and growth hormones (I'm speculating, do not know,
on the last two).
Now, as for my training experiences . . .
I must go back in time for this one as it was years ago when I made the
best progress in my life (I was 22 years old at the time) training in a friends
garage using only the most basic of equipment. We trained incredibly hard
and fast using a very simple pre-exhaust routine, whole body, to failure
3 times per week with zero supplements of any kind.
My workout partner and I grew so fast that we both were simply amazed.
We couldn't believe it, and nether could the people that saw us during that
time. They accused us of many things but they couldn't accuse us of not
training hard.We trained harder, faster, and briefer than anybody I had ever
seen before or since. Or such is my recollection.
Here is what worked best for me:
Vertical leg press / leg extension / barbell squat 1 cycle of one set each
to failure These were performed one after another with as close to zero
rest as possible.
Deadlifts 1 set to failure
Performed only once a week on Friday
Donkey calf raises, 3 sets to failure, 50 - 100 reps.
Bent arm pullovers with a cambered bar / weighted chins using a V bar
handle thrown over the chin up bar.
2 cycles performed one after another with as close to zero rest as possible.
After I got as many reps as possible chining with weight, I lost the weight
and performed more, as many reps as possible with my bodyweight.
Lateral raises / barbell upright row / barbell press
2 cycles performed one after another with as close to zero rest as possible.
We used the same weight for upright rows as we did for presses.
Flys / barbell bench press
2 cycles performed one after another with as close to zero rest as possible.
Incline dumbell curls / weighted chins with supinated grip
2 cycles performed one after another with as close to zero rest as possible.
After I got as many reps as possible chinning with weight, I lost the weight
and performed more, as many reps as possible with my bodyweight.
Lying tricep extension / close grip bench press / weighted dips
2 cycles performed one after another with as close to zero rest as possible.
We used the same weight for tricep extensions and close grip bench press.
And after I got as many reps as possible chinning with weight, I lost the
weight and performed more, as many reps as possible with my bodyweight.
wrist curls: palms up / palms down
2 cycles performed one after another with as close to zero rest as possible
I don't recall exactly for how long we did this, I want to say 4 - 6 months, but
unfortunately, this experience did not last as long as I would have liked it to
as my workout partner, for a variety of reason bailed on me and our little gym
had to be disbanded and the pieces of equipment sold off. I did join a gym
shortly thereafter and have since joined and quit a wide variety of gyms, but
I was never able to duplicate the results I achieved during that first serious
go-around. To this day, I don't know what it was that made that time so utterly
productive. My age, the intensity, the fast paced workouts, the selection and
order of the exercises? I really don't know but what I do know that during that
time I was able to achieve a level of intensity that I have never been able to
duplicate. Nor have I trained in gym that had all the equiptment set up exactly
in the right place at the right time to do what I did as they say, back in the day.
As for my diet at the time (unfortunately I kept no nutrition notes but I was
meticulous in documenting all my workouts), all I can remember doing different
in addition to a well balanced diet, and this may sound silly, was eating a huge
raw goats milk cheese sandwich on the drive home after each workout.
I'll talk about my second (and final) growth spurt in another post on my HRT