Hey guys, I started a journal over at Intense, but I wanted you guys to know what was going on here, too. About 7 weeks ago I had a massive psychotic episode. I was not on any drugs (AAS or otherwise) or alchohol. Most likely it had to do with the head trauma I suffered on active duty a few years ago, coupled with ALOT of stress and how I handle things. Long story short, I destroyed quite a bit of my house and attempted to kill myself. Don't ask me why, I don't remember much of it. Now I'm relearning how to handle my emotions and behavior in better ways. Lifting always made me feel great, so this is where I start over. I just need to find new ways to motivate myself, because I used to come to the gym pissed of and use anger to fuel me. I realize that's not the healthiest way, so I'm looking for a positive expression of my goals. Thanks again for the patient ear.