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gf was commited to psyc ward


Jun 2, 2007
long story short my gf had a life no little girl should have to live through which continued for far too long then her ex husband beat her and sexually abused her as well as what happened when she was a kid.. she knew she need actual therapy better always tried to cope without getting it. she had gotten a mild anti depresent not too long ago but apparantly wasnt enough.. not too long ago she turned to alcohol. the other night she had a breakdown and went fucking crazy hitting me and just went nuts her son from previous marriage called police and she was taken to hospital for psych. now her family is all blaming me for her drinking even though i tried to stop it. Now her family also knew what transpired when she was a child rather than helping her seek help, her mom actually said it was her fault, keep in mind she was only 3 the first time it happened. now they want me to walk away from her because apparently im the problem. All i know and even what her son says is that im the only one that has actually tried to be there for her in every way necessary..sorry for the long post but so much has gone in the past couple days, weeks just needed to kind of vent to people i dont even know
Pray frequently to Jesus Christ with faith and trust and follow him

I am sorry this happened hopefully she returns home soon.
When she does encourage her to eat right and exercise along with no drugs, this will help her stability and wellbeing.
I hope things improve

This book will help, one of the best books ever written honestly:
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Pray frequently to Jesus Christ with faith and trust and follow him

I am sorry this happened hopefully she returns home soon.
When she does encourage her to eat right and exercise along with no drugs, this will help her stability and wellbeing.
I hope things improve

This book will help, one of the best books ever written honestly:
AWFUL! JUST AWFUL. And I'm a Christian! She needs therapy. Scientifically proven therapy and then, if she so chooses, she can pray for additional grace from G-d.

Also that is the cheesiest picture of "Jesus" I have ever seen in my life. Is that the gay Jesus? And right now, Eat Move Be Healthy is not what she needs.

To the OP, she must have signed her consent because you can't commit someone by force. That's kidnapping. Let her do this. This is her. I can tell by your comments that it sounds like her family would be doing her more harm then good by telling her, that it's her fault. Let her get the therapy she needs her way.

BigBody, I don't want to see you in this forum again. Stick to the regular forum. Maybe they need the Caucasian queer Jesus over there.
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I'm sorry to hear this. Hope things get better for you. I spent a week in a psych ward back in jan. All they wanted to do is feed me fucking drugs like I was some kind of experiment.
I'm a Christian myself. You could pray for her to get help . Maybe seek a church when she gets out it should help if you give your life to him. Sorry to hear this it can't be easy my friend. Hope all goes well.
AWFUL! JUST AWFUL. And I'm a Christian! She needs therapy. Scientifically proven therapy and then, if she so chooses, she can pray for additional grace from G-d.

Also that is the cheesiest picture of "Jesus" I have ever seen in my life. Is that the gay Jesus? And right now, Eat Move Be Healthy is not what she needs.

To the OP, she must have signed her consent because you can't commit someone by force. That's kidnapping. Let her do this. This is her. I can tell by your comments that it sounds like her family would be doing her more harm then good by telling her, that it's her fault. Let her get the therapy she needs her way.

BigBody, I don't want to see you in this forum again. Stick to the regular forum. Maybe they need the Caucasian queer Jesus over there.

I have a strong belief in GOD and agree with what you are saying. The Doctors are out there to help in situations like this. Some people need professional help and telling them not to get it is reckless and irresponsible at best. Some Christians don't get that when they are praying to GOD and GOD is answering take your ass into a medical professional.
I have a strong belief in GOD and agree with what you are saying. The Doctors are out there to help in situations like this. Some people need professional help and telling them not to get it is reckless and irresponsible at best. Some Christians don't get that when they are praying to GOD and GOD is answering take your ass into a medical professional.
Exactly. Grace builds on nature. Can't just do nothing and expect Jesus to make things all better. You do everything you can using hard work, nature, and science, and then you pray that it works, gets you through, etc. I just don't think Jesus' message was that He was to be used like a magic wand. "When I stub my toe, I take it straight to Jesus!" How about taking it to the ice box and put some ice on it instead? Didn't the ice box also come from Him?
Im not one to hand out advice but how your relationship is now with ir girlfriend and her family will be your relationship for the next 10, 20, 40 years. it wont change. if u want a better life for yourself find a different woman. Sorry to be a dick. But u cant chamge people.
I never said my response was all encompasing and to neglect the help of doctors

The stuff in that book has helpful information that effects your health and thus mental outlook, such as optimizing circadian rhythm, etc blah blah
Just a good tool and collection of helpful health reminders

Understood that my responses are not welcome and I won't post here further

Hope things get better sparks1420 and she finds the help she needs
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I'm sorry to hear that anyone has to go thru so much but I'm a very strong believer that everything happens for a reason. Most of those reasons we never seem to c ourselves like actually tryin to find sense or some kind of reason someone would hArm a 3yr old child but the simpler ones we can easily c. I highly doubt anyone in this world could ever find rhyme or reason for anyone to be assaulting a 3yr old in anyway but if this is ur wife and u love her and stand by her then to me all I see clearly is that u r there in here life to help her because from what u said not even her family has been. There's nothing I can say to obviously help u solve these issues but I can wish u the best and just say if that's ur wife then u agreed before good to support her thru it all. Good luck and god bless
Are you allowed to visit her? Sometimes they restrict visitors.

When I'm in, I don't like daily visits. I need my down time. Between all the interactions with other patients and mandatory attendance at programs, I just want to chill during the evening hours.

My parents have a hard time understanding this. When they visit, I'll thank them and say "please don't come tomorrow. I'll be tired and I don't want you to waste gas." So of course they come, I get grumpy, repeat my request for them not to come, then they don't come the next day. Maybe.

When they do come, they'll bring me food. They know I don't get fed enough in there, so that's nice. And clothes if I call them and ask ahead of time.

That's all they can do to help me when I'm in. Don't come when I ask, and bring me food/clothes. Other than that, it's just me talking the nurse/doctor and trying to get the most out of the programs. It might sound selfish, but if I'm bad enough to be in there, I think they understand.

Sucks the family is turning on you but it clearly sounds like they have clue since they're blaming the victim. :mad:
Sparks as I'm sure you know, there won't be an easy resolution to this...She needs to continue therapy of several sorts in order to become a healthy adult! It sounds like you love her so stand by her and see her through this, as long as she doesn't give up on herself! There's a lot to undue so stay the strong person in her life and not the enabler!! Best of luck and remember to reach out to friends and family for your own support...This won't be easy for you!!

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