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Anyone else live a great life but just feel down and out, almost aggravated day to day?

And a life of insulin should be a last resort for diabetes after someone has tried to change their lifestyle in my opinion. Diet, physical activity, the things we know and all have said many times cause health problems.
This is a conundrum often discussed in media wrt to treatment of "ill" people, i.e. should doctors medicate people who refuse lifestyle changes. Should obese people get diabetes medication? Should fat people get cholesterol and BP medication? Should mentally ill people get psych drugs if they continue living in a destructive manner? Should a bandaid ever be used? We know metabolic and cardiovascular diseases are caused to a large degree by lifestyle. But MOST of the time a lifestyle change is not forthcoming.

I don't have the answer. A lot of people think incorrigible people should be left to die off, they are natural born losers who will contribute nothing. Let fat people die, let the mentally ill die, let the junkies die. Perhaps even assist them in dying. Gas the severely mentally and physically handicapped. This is what Hitler did for a while, but it didn't fly with the German population and he reversed the policies.
Should ADHD children ever be medicated or should we accept that they are still within the spectrum of naturally occurring human variations and perhaps only help them find a place in society where they can somehow fit, but no drugs? In Switzerland and Holland etc they help people living in various types of irreversible states of pain to kill themselves. The ethics of this is constantly debated.

Anyway, these issues ARE discussed a lot but in my mind there's no easy solutions.
In Switzerland and Holland etc they help people living in various types of irreversible states of pain to kill themselves.
This should be a basic right worldwide in my opinion. If you’re suffering miserably with no cure then why on earth should that person be forced to suffer their remaining days because of dumb bullshit bureaucrats!

This should be a basic right worldwide in my opinion. If you’re suffering miserably with no cure then why on earth should that person be forced to suffer their remaining days because of dumb bullshit bureaucrats!


Basically I agree but it still poses some philosophical and ethical questions to me. If someone I knew was suffering and asked me to administer a death cocktail to him I'd have to think about it, even if I knew there were no legal repercussions for me. Better someone else does it lol.
Especially if the suffering was psychologically based - long term psychological torment is one reason for assisted euthanasia in these countries.
You have not see the high's in life that medication provides to people in times of distress. Psych meds turn a flat affect into a happy human being. Medicine changes peoples life's. Since you are not around mental health patients on a daily basis I don't expect you to understand this.

People who are have a mental health episode can have their quality of life enhanced by medication or theapy. Fun Fact " psych meds has help more people then those who follow directions.
I agree 100% people think meds are the devil and will mess you up.but indeed it can make you live life in a such much better place

People are afraid what others might think of them if they take meds.but what they need to realize is forget what others think of you. They are not the ones that have to live in your shoes.
I live a great life, I look good, my dick works great, I'm successful, I'm healthy, my family is healthy, my relatives are awesome, my friends are animals and girls love me.

Why do I wake up feeling so damn down every day? Just down about life in general, always feeling like something is wrong when nothing actually is. I thought it was drug related so I've dropped everything other than 4iu gh a day, 500mg cyp and 200mg DHB a week. That and metformin along with some b12 and misc supplements, nothing extreme or mind altering at all but unfortunately it hasn't changed.

I'm not some mental midget that needs a pep talk or some psyche evaluation, really I'm not, I know I live a good life and I tell myself that all the time and believe it in my head. I don't need a break or vacation, I take plenty of those, I could have a girl real or just fun anytime I wanted it's nothing to do with that stuff where I need a "change" or some jolt. I have plenty of support from my family, friends and is good some may even say my life is great. So why can't I shake this feeling? The feeling that something is always wrong and I'm annoyed that I feel that way, almost like a feeling of impending doom and I'm frustrated that I can't shake it because I know it's not real. I get worried that maybe over these years I've messed with my hormones so much that this is just how it is now.

So pretty much I'm back here looking to drugs for answers, it pains me to say that but that's where it is at this point. I'm not so sure I want to take mind altering depression stuff for the rest of my life that just comes with a whole other set of side effects but there must be something I can at least try. Wasn't there some peptides or something that put you in a good mood? I don't know, I know I'm reaching here but just tired of feeling this way for no reason......
Lexapro was a complete game changer for me. Been on it since 2009 and I will never come off by choice.
This is a conundrum often discussed in media wrt to treatment of "ill" people, i.e. should doctors medicate people who refuse lifestyle changes. Should obese people get diabetes medication? Should fat people get cholesterol and BP medication? Should mentally ill people get psych drugs if they continue living in a destructive manner? Should a bandaid ever be used? We know metabolic and cardiovascular diseases are caused to a large degree by lifestyle. But MOST of the time a lifestyle change is not forthcoming.

I don't have the answer. A lot of people think incorrigible people should be left to die off, they are natural born losers who will contribute nothing. Let fat people die, let the mentally ill die, let the junkies die. Perhaps even assist them in dying. Gas the severely mentally and physically handicapped. This is what Hitler did for a while, but it didn't fly with the German population and he reversed the policies.
Should ADHD children ever be medicated or should we accept that they are still within the spectrum of naturally occurring human variations and perhaps only help them find a place in society where they can somehow fit, but no drugs? In Switzerland and Holland etc they help people living in various types of irreversible states of pain to kill themselves. The ethics of this is constantly debated.

Anyway, these issues ARE discussed a lot but in my mind there's no easy solutions.
Agree with much of this especially the part about no easy solution.

I'd compare it to aas usage. If someone who never lifts or eats right asks for advice on a cycle people will tell them to eat right, train hard first, then look into aas. Aas comes last.

But when it comes to high bp, cholesterol, "depression" often people are quick to suggest a medication over talking about weight loss, cardio, diet.

And another thing to consider, how many people now days say they have been depressed? If it's most people, is this "depressed" feeling statically abnormal or is this just how people feel when they are stressed or not motivated? If the majority of people have this feeling, should it be medicated?
The moment you start AAS you're getting into a new dimension in terms of physical and mental health. If you have been using these drugs for many years, you should leave them almost completely to see what that new reality is like. Maybe you'll be surprised.
Agree with much of this especially the part about no easy solution.

I'd compare it to aas usage. If someone who never lifts or eats right asks for advice on a cycle people will tell them to eat right, train hard first, then look into aas. Aas comes last.

But when it comes to high bp, cholesterol, "depression" often people are quick to suggest a medication over talking about weight loss, cardio, diet.

And another thing to consider, how many people now days say they have been depressed? If it's most people, is this "depressed" feeling statically abnormal or is this just how people feel when they are stressed or not motivated? If the majority of people have this feeling, should it be medicated?

"depression" often people are quick to suggest a medication over talking about weight loss, cardio, diet."

I agree with you're statement but im in a very very bad place rn and been dieting and lifting going on 5 weeks now. Ive added muscle and lost 20 pounds of fat but unfortunately it has not helped my mental state one bit. Im still lifeless/emotionless.

I think i need meds at this point but im scared to death of them and/or dont wanna take them
"depression" often people are quick to suggest a medication over talking about weight loss, cardio, diet."

I agree with you're statement but im in a very very bad place rn and been dieting and lifting going on 5 weeks now. Ive added muscle and lost 20 pounds of fat but unfortunately it has not helped my mental state one bit. Im still lifeless/emotionless.

I think i need meds at this point but im scared to death of them and/or dont wanna take them
This testing helps your doctor find the medication that is more likely to give you therapeutic results. Your doctor can order it.

This testing helps your doctor find the medication that is more likely to give you therapeutic results. Your doctor can order it.

Nothing personal, but . . .

No knowledgeable, reputable, phycologist would order this test.

Genesight is a scam.

Just like tests for chemical imbalances in the brain,
neurotransmitters, etc. Legitimate tests do not exist.

I feel awful for all the people who fall prey to these

Unfortunately, for all those sufferings from mental health
problems, it comes to trial and error, the doctors experience
with other patients and the results relative to the medications.
The good ones that is. They don't fall prey to 'big pharma' and
the latest drug they are pushing. The doctors wish there was a
better way of sorting out mental health problems with meds
for those who suffer. I really do. But these isn't.
I do believe these "cool" labels - depression, anxiety, ocd, etc, are a way to prescribe meds to mask an underlying issue. Face the pain, learn to use it to your advantage and move on. Emotions make us stronger and life isn't easy. You find happiness when you learn from them.
Nothing personal, but . . .

No knowledgeable, reputable, phycologist would order this test.

Genesight is a scam.

Just like tests for chemical imbalances in the brain,
neurotransmitters, etc. Legitimate tests do not exist.

I feel awful for all the people who fall prey to these

Unfortunately, for all those sufferings from mental health
problems, it comes to trial and error, the doctors experience
with other patients and the results relative to the medications.
The good ones that is. They don't fall prey to 'big pharma' and
the latest drug they are pushing. The doctors wish there was a
better way of sorting out mental health problems with meds
for those who suffer. I really do. But these isn't.
None taken. You right that there are studies that show both success and failures. However, it does provide an opportunity for a chance for a more successful outcome. Even if that chance is limited.
Hi guys, so much great input and words in this thread I appreciate all of it a lot.

I think the DHB definitely played a role, I dropped it and everything else other than my usual winter TRT, I feel better but there is more to it than just that I’m still off. I’m about to start some ashawagnda or however you spell it, I don’t expect to find the solution in a bottle of pills but it’s something to try at least. I really want to avoid the pharmaceutical route if possible, not saying there is anything specifically wrong with it but I’m looking at it as a last resort but I may go that way eventually if I can’t shake this.

I’ve been making an effort to spend time with my friends and relatives more, when I’m done with work and gym instead of laying around at home waiting for sleep I’ve been trying to be out and about. I also picked up an old landcruiser and it’s going to be my next project. I know that’s silly stuff but it’s something better than nothing.

Thank you again fellas, I think I’m going to be referring back to this thread often….
Hi guys, so much great input and words in this thread I appreciate all of it a lot.

I think the DHB definitely played a role, I dropped it and everything else other than my usual winter TRT, I feel better but there is more to it than just that I’m still off. I’m about to start some ashawagnda or however you spell it, I don’t expect to find the solution in a bottle of pills but it’s something to try at least. I really want to avoid the pharmaceutical route if possible, not saying there is anything specifically wrong with it but I’m looking at it as a last resort but I may go that way eventually if I can’t shake this.

I’ve been making an effort to spend time with my friends and relatives more, when I’m done with work and gym instead of laying around at home waiting for sleep I’ve been trying to be out and about. I also picked up an old landcruiser and it’s going to be my next project. I know that’s silly stuff but it’s something better than nothing.

Thank you again fellas, I think I’m going to be referring back to this thread often….

Great to you for changing and taking the steps to make yourself gain happiness. Remember , though, always pray! This life may be hard and difficult sometimes, but just looking at the trees, seeing people walk around, looking at the sky, the emotions you feel, etc, you realize how amazing it really is and that there is a creator. This life isn't the end and only setting the stage for the next.
Hi guys, so much great input and words in this thread I appreciate all of it a lot.

I think the DHB definitely played a role, I dropped it and everything else other than my usual winter TRT, I feel better but there is more to it than just that I’m still off. I’m about to start some ashawagnda or however you spell it, I don’t expect to find the solution in a bottle of pills but it’s something to try at least. I really want to avoid the pharmaceutical route if possible, not saying there is anything specifically wrong with it but I’m looking at it as a last resort but I may go that way eventually if I can’t shake this.

I’ve been making an effort to spend time with my friends and relatives more, when I’m done with work and gym instead of laying around at home waiting for sleep I’ve been trying to be out and about. I also picked up an old landcruiser and it’s going to be my next project. I know that’s silly stuff but it’s something better than nothing.

Thank you again fellas, I think I’m going to be referring back to this thread often….
Sounds like you are on the right track. Well done for taking the steps

Another month you will feel like a whole new person! Chantix will take a while to clear out of the fog too.
Sounds like your just bored and need to get out and try new things, try new hobbies and set goals. Im the opposite I have to many goals, projects ect and dont have enough time for everything but as I go it brings satisfaction
Maybe you aren’t passionate about what you do for work? Or maybe you just want something else out of life but don’t know exactly what is it? I feel like this sometimes too and I always seem to go back to thinking that I’m on the wrong path and this isn’t what I want out of life. But I continue just to live this way because I simply don’t know what to do that would make me enjoy life more and be excited for the day. Could be years of steroid use but on the other hand I don’t think that’s what it is. Have you ever used rec drugs? Weed? Maybe you need to do some soul searching and ask yourself what would make you happy? If it’s not what you currently have and are currently doing then maybe that’s why you feel this way. I can relate to you 100% and I know the frustration of having no reason at all to feel dull about life. Good luck brother maybe when you really sit back and ask yourself, what would make you happy? Maybe you can start there.

Sure GEAR and rec drugs can affect how the brain perceives reality, but if it were a chemical problem, it would be as easy as taking that drug again.

But if you, if your consciousness is moving elsewhere, no drug will make you feel good because you are aware that that is not the problem.
I literally said that any medication should be a last resort.

Anywjays, if the diabetic reference is easy to dismiss, how about my asthma medication? Should I suck it up when having an attack? Maybe if I eat more vegetables?

The point is people like to jump on the big pharma is evil and people are just lazy bandwagon. It's like bashing the Matrix online in 1999.

I acknowledge there are imperfections in the deployment of medications, but I'll not cast aside the vast majority of instances where medication improves if not saves lives and cynically dismiss these benefits with a nirvana fallacy.

Why does the US consume more prescription drugs than any other country in the world, and with a big difference?

Is it because it is a tremendously sick society (which is true) or is it because Big Pharma has trained citizens through thousands of advertisements?

And I don't understand how some can say that taking a drug for asthma or for a muscle injury can be compared to drugs for the brain.

The brain is a complex machine that no one has a clue of how it works, and it will take decades and decades to get accurate and reliable information. So by using mental drugs you are playing random. The proof is that many patients commit suicide, murder, or become addicted to other drugs.

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